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I made it!!


I made it through day 1 without cheating and the scale was soo nice to me this morning. I know that if I just stay positive and keep thinking about my 20 lb baby goal, I would be fine.

Yesterday morning I was 239 and this morning I was 236.5. I know is mainly water weight but heck- who cares as long as Im lighter, take all the water you want from me. ...
Read more : I made it!! | Views : 682 | Replies : 2

I'm back!

After a year and some odd days, I have decided its time to rejoin the forum and jump back on the medifast program again. Today is day one and I weighed in at 239. Im pleased with myself considering when I moved back home to Hawaii in September 08 I was 268.

I know that medifast works. I know that if Im compliant I will lose weight fast... BUT the problem is.............. BEING COMPLIANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I ...
Read more : I'm back! | Views : 717 | Replies : 4


Week 1
* Down 16lbs in the first week. Obviously that's not sustainable - I would more expect 2-3lbs a week
* The first day and a half, I was pissing like a racehorse. Medifast must really reduce the water a body retains. That's probably responsible for the big change above. A gallon of water is 8lbs.
* Medifast is best eaten as a paste. This next part is gross, but hopefully useful to someone: ...
Read more : scatter | Views : 2481 | Replies : 40

My Complete 180

Hey All,

So this is my journal huh? Well let me put down some of my goals. I have decided a complete redo, or 180 degree turn is needed. I am 43, will be 44 way to soon, I weigh 250 lbs, have not been as financially sound as I should be. For those who do not know Dave Ramsey, check out his site or radio programs. The premise, is debt free. So debt free, ...
Read more : My Complete 180 | Views : 6956 | Replies : 149


Starting my journal today - though I'm not starting MF until Monday.

I'm trying to figure out how to get my mother on board to support this (I'm married with 3 kids, but my mother lives with us) and not bring home cakes and ice cream on a regular basis. Maybe I'll just have to learn to live with it.

I'm going to start cutting down the caffeine today. This AM I had three mini ...
Read more : Brandy820 | Views : 693 | Replies : 10

oksoonergirl 26's journey to a better a life

This is day 3 of my Medifast journey. It has not been as difficult as I anticipated, but I am having a hard time coming to terms with no bread, no pasta, and no alcohol for the next four months. Pizza is my second favorite food (after steak, which thankfully I can still have) and bread is my third. I have been overweight for the last 13 years-guess how old my son is? In the ...
Read more : oksoonergirl 26's journey to a better a life | Views : 12262 | Replies : 374


Hi all. I am a restarting college male.

Long story short - I started, lost weight, got busy, got off plan, and gained my weight back (I hadn't lost everything I wanted - only about 30 pounds). Once my busyness was over, I tried to restart.

But for whatever reason, I kept putting off restarting - oh, I'll just start after Thanksgiving. Oh, I'll just start after Christmas. After New Years. Once school starts. Etc. ...
Read more : Stihl | Views : 3928 | Replies : 78


I don't really know where to start. Today is my second day, and it seems harder than the first! Yesterday, I ate every 2.5 hours, and I didn't get hungry until dinner. Unfortunately, it seems like I was hungry most of today. :cry: I even had to eat a snack of two pickles.

My husband and I went to a movie, and it was ...
Read more : Newbie40 | Views : 845 | Replies : 14

Susie Q

I just completed Week 1 but this isn't my first ride. I did MF previously and did it well! I got close to goal, life happened and I didn't take the time to transition. I, thankfully, didn't put 100% of the weight back on but I did put some back on. So, I'm back on plan to REACH GOAL this year!! I'll admit, it took me a few months to get back on plan ...
Read more : Susie Q | Views : 6228 | Replies : 140


I'm Shari, married 4 years to Phil (also a Medifaster) and we are parents to two daughters, ages 2 and 3 months. We live in Henderson, NV, just outside of Vegas. I work full time from home (promotional products operations and sales) and keep my little ones home with me - it's hard but I love it! I am 34, Phil is 38. He isn't on here much.

I started to struggle with weight issues ...
Read more : VegasMedifast | Views : 2098 | Replies : 33


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