Skip a meal or eat 2 at once?

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Skip a meal or eat 2 at once?

Postby LisaNewYorkCity » October 7th, 2005, 9:38 am

Is it better to skip a meal or eat 2 at once? I know it is best to eat the meals every 2-4 hours apart, but I was running around yesterday and didn't get a chance to eat all my meals, so I had 2 meals left at 11 p.m. I knew I was going to fall asleep and I didn't know what to do so I had a Chai Latte with a bar. I'm thinking now that it was too many carbs. How do you best handle that situation if it happens again. Thanks!
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Postby LeeannNH » October 7th, 2005, 11:57 am

hi lisa

i have had this happen a couple of times and i went ahead and had 2 at once-i also made the 2 at once things 2 shakes. i would definitely speak to your health advisor if your schedule makes it hard for you to fit all of your meals in.

when i get really busy i have to force myself to get my meal in! i have learned from this site that skipping meals is bad---but definitely speak to a health advisor for their input

goodluck :mrgreen:
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Postby Lisa Renee » October 7th, 2005, 1:07 pm

I would try to avoid having two at once if you can. Even if you had to space them an hour apart that would be better. This plan is designed to keep your blood sugar level so that you don't start having cravings. Eating too much at once could throw that off. It is very important you get all of your MF in everyday, even if you have to make it up by spacing 2 or 3 of them only an hour a apart.

I am sure there will be others with input here, just letting you know my experience.

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Shakes two at a time

Postby Jan » October 7th, 2005, 2:24 pm

Hi there,
Lisa R. alias Strawberry is right. It is better to space the shakes/ meal replacements evenly thru the day. But in your case it was probably ok to have two together this time. Two shakes or a chai and a shake may have been a better choice than the bar. The bars are kind of "carby" to have right before you go to bed ( or first thing in the am) We want you to get in the recommended amount of calories/carbs/fats and proteins each day and keep your sugar levels even. This is the way your body is most efficient at parting with the pounds.
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Postby Nancy » October 8th, 2005, 1:21 pm

:shock: Uh, oh! The old not enough day and too many packets left over kind of a day, eh?

Yup, you've already gotten great advice. :hmmm: I would suggest a couple of shakes or a shake and packet of Chicken Noodle Soup.

The Medifast 55 shakes and the Chicken Noodle soup both have 90 calories and the protein:carb:fat balance is ideal.

It is always preferred to have packets separated by a couple of hours but :x life sometimes gets in our way! When it does, then we just need to be flexible and I'd say it is better to have a double packet than to skip one. When we don't get enough food that can result in a :redhead: low energy day, weight loss will slow down and :twisted: cravings can return.

The bars all have 10 grams of protein and range in carbs from 20-24. The Granola bars have the highest carbs and the lowest sugars. The calories are 160 for all the bars except for the Caramel Nut - it has 170 calories per bar. The sugars range from 10g for both of the Granola Bars to 16 grams - Oatmeal Raisin and the Chocolate Divine.

It is always better to opt for a MF 55 shake or Chicken Noodle soup rather than to grab another bar. The shakes have more soy which is a natural appetite suppressant. :cheers: Here’s to a rockin’ day!
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