What are your goals?

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What are your goals?

Postby stelar » January 22nd, 2006, 5:48 pm

Hi All,
I've read some incredible success stories & goals. I just thought it would be fun to put them in one place. Some where we could cheer each other on.

My goal ... well, I'd like to be a good example to our girls, I want to be able to chase my grandkids without being winded. My husband loves me, I have no doubts of this but, I want to see him look at me like I'm a hottie not just the woman he loves, I want to give him me feeling good about myself. I'd like to be smaller, where smaller clothes, nothing from the plus sizes but from the juniors. I want to wear jeans again not stretchies! Shorts, skirts, a bathing suit! I want AND need to be healthy!

How about you?
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Postby Zinkette99 » January 22nd, 2006, 5:56 pm

Stelar I am with you. I want my husband to fall in love with me all over again. I cannot wait! I want to be hot, frankly. That seems so vapid, but its true. I want to be able to wear cute clothes of course. I want to be able to wear anything and still look wonderful. I want to be finally content with myself. I want to be active. I really have become quiet and reserved, I don't like drawing attention to "the fat girl." I want to not be afraid of any one, any thing. Any more.
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Postby lameteorologa » January 22nd, 2006, 6:17 pm

Okay, here are mine....

I want to be a beautiful bride! Most of my family and friends won't see me until our August wedding (I am out-of-state in grad school), and I want them to be shocked when they see me walk down the aisle!! I want to feel beautiful on that day and be excited to see the pics from it (instead of dreading it)! Then, I want to pack a bikini and go on our honeymoon!!!

I want to lose weight for my health. My mom and grandmas all had breast cancer. I need to lose weight to lower my odds and increase the chance of detection.

I am starting a new job and will finally have some $$ to go shopping. I want to go clothes shopping and love every second of it!!! :D

I want to be more active. I always wished I could run farther, and if I am carrying less weight around, I think I'll be able to!

Most of all, I want to feel pretty again. It's been awhile since I felt truly pretty.

I have so much faith that I CAN and WILL do it this time!!
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Postby abak57 » January 22nd, 2006, 6:38 pm

In May my husband of ten years is taking me to Florida, I would like to be able to ride on all the rides at Universal and not be self conscious and wonder what people are thinking of me. I want to be able to fit into the aiplane seat with a little room to move and to actually have to pull the slack on the seatbelt buckle instead of trying to suck it in and be uncomfortable for 2 1/2 hours on the flight.

Most of all I would like to make sure I lead a healthy life so I can be here for my 3 wonderful little boys. I want to run and play with them and not sit on the sidelines. I want to have my picture taken with them (and actually display these pics in my house and not keep them hidden away in shame).

Oh yeah - and of course I would loooovvve to buy clothes that don't have an XXX after the size.
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My Goals

Postby LovenElvis » January 22nd, 2006, 7:03 pm

Like most of you, I want my husband see the real me again! :shock:

I'm going to be 30 in April and I spent my 20's going through the Army and then having two children. My first child, I gained 80lbs because of preclamsia (spell?) and my other was 40lbs. So, I would like at least show that I could have been in the Army :) You can't keep using the excuse "I've had two babies" when the youngest is going to 8 years old :oops:

I'm also in my cousin's wedding Sept 2 and this is her second. When I look back at her first :shock: , I don't want these to look the same.

Also and most importantly, my children. I want to enjoy them before they are too old to "play" with mom. My husband is very active and active with the kids and I'm the one who finds some excuse to "sit this one out".

But all in all, it's for me! Yeah, it's for my family, but it's for me. I don't want to always be thinking that people are judging me or looking at the fat rolls that I'm hiding behind my purse when I'm sitting down. I want to know that I look good and that I'm healthy at the same time.

Laura :)
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Postby chinadoll1965 » January 23rd, 2006, 6:59 am

I am doing this for me. I turned 40 last Sept and I have realized that I have spent 1/2 my life overweight and I want it to end.

My dh has type 2 diabetes and he is not controlling it well. I'm afraid if I dont' do something I will develop it and our children will be without parents at an early age.

Also, I want to surprise my field managers. I see them once a year at our annual conference - how cool would it be for them to see me a lot thinner than last year!
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Postby falisamarie » January 23rd, 2006, 7:26 am


It is so cool that you are excited to see you 30th b day :woohoo: I can remember the months and weeks and days leading up to my 30th were horrible I was sooooo dreading it!! :no: Now this year I am due to hit 35 and happy to say I am handling it much better.

Anyway...my motivation for doing this is to see what it is like to be thin. I was always overweight and after having my children I ballooned to 270lbs!! :oops: I also want my hubby to have a wife he can show off to his family and friends. I know he loves me the way that I am but I want him to have a beautiful thin wife!!! Most of all I am doing this for my children, some of them are already developing weight problems and I try to help them but feel like such a hypocrite talking to them about their weight when I am 130lbs over weight :aarggh:

Keep it up guys one day we will all be thin

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Postby SueInSLO » January 23rd, 2006, 7:59 am

My goals....

I want to be healthier and feel good about myself. I want to be able to say I am Fit & 50, not Flabby & 50. :(

I want to be an attractive bride and shock my friends and family that haven't seen me in a few months when they arrive at the wedding.

I want to buy new clothes and look good in them.

I want to set a good example for my daughters who are now young women. (19 & 21) I don't want them to go through the struggles I have gone through.

I want my fiance to see the thinner and happier lady I know that's hiding inside.

I guess that's about it, but health is the #1 concern. It doesn't do us any good to look great if we're not healthy as well.

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Postby Jan » January 23rd, 2006, 11:19 am

You have all listed very very important reasons to part with the pounds. I personally think it would be great to copy this right off and keep it for yourself. That way when you've feeling a little weak :( you can read right in your own words why you want to do this. :D
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Postby MusicalMomma » January 23rd, 2006, 11:47 am

Chinadoll...I've been trying to figure out what the initials "DH" mean when you refer to "my dh"...could you fill me in? :)

OK...my goals...

-Disney, 3/12-19/06 - wanna lose 30 pounds (20 to go)
-Oldest Daughter's graduation 5/30/06 - 65 pounds
-Cruise, 2/11-18/07 - GOAL!!!!!!

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goals for spring

Postby shortstuff » January 24th, 2006, 9:19 am

Hi! I have been dieting all of my life and believe me, my main goal is

*to be done!!!

*to purge my closets of all the excess clothes that don't fit!!!

*to have the energy to keep up my grandchildren who are coming in 3 weeks!!!

*to have a chance to look normal this summer by the pool!!! Fay
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Postby chinadoll1965 » January 24th, 2006, 9:57 am

MusicalMomma wrote:Chinadoll...I've been trying to figure out what the initials "DH" mean when you refer to "my dh"...could you fill me in? :)

OK...my goals...

-Disney, 3/12-19/06 - wanna lose 30 pounds (20 to go)
-Oldest Daughter's graduation 5/30/06 - 65 pounds
-Cruise, 2/11-18/07 - GOAL!!!!!!

Failure is NOT an option!! :)

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Postby Ashes » January 24th, 2006, 11:11 am

My goals are:

#1 I want to be healthy, not just skinny, healthy. I was married in September 05, and even though I am only 21, my husband and I want to have kids (not super soon, but within a couple years or so) but I refuse to get pregnant until I have my weight under control. I know that I will gain some weight with the pregnancies, but if I am smaller before, I will have less to lose after the pregnancies. My main reason for wanting to lose weight for babies, is I want to be a healthy mom. I want to be able to run and play with my kids, I don't want to have to "sit this one out", I want to be a big ball of energy for them (and my husband! :tongue: )

I also want to be able to shop for "cool" clothes. I want to be able to buy clothes that I like, not just clothes that will simply fit. It has been so hard being the big girl, not able to shop with my friends for clothes, because I don't want them to know my size, or can't find my size in the stores that they want to go to.

I want to be an inspiration to others around me. If I lose weight, hopefully others around me will take notice, and ask... I can tell them how wonderful Medifast is, and how it really works! Maybe they'll try it too, and see the benefits as we all are.

I want to feel good about myself. I have low self esteem. Before when I lost some weight, I was so happy with myself, I want to get there again, and then some. I was feeling good about myself when I met my husband, and I want him to have the woman he met and fell in love with as his wife, not this depressed fat blob. (He is extremely supportive and loves me the way I am... but I want him to have more)

I could go on and on... so I think I'll stop there! ;)


1st goal: 30lbs. (245 by 3/28 - I really hope I can!)
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What's Your Goal?

Postby hotmomfromhawaii » January 27th, 2006, 5:25 pm

Hi everyone! This is my first post on this forum and replying to this thread seemed like a great way to introduce myself!

A few months ago, my 15 year old son told me that I look like Mrs. Shrek...You know, the green ogre!!! Holy Crap! :twisted: Do I look that bad!!!!!??? That was it!! I've been trying lose these same 35 pounds since 2 babies ago! (#2 boy is 11, #3 boy is 2 1/2)

I can't stand being 5'2" and 165 pounds! :x

My first goal is to lose 30 pounds by my 39th birthday on March 14th.
My ultimate goal is be be at 120 pounds and wear a size 4 jeans.

I have a hunky and handsome husband who deserves to have a hotty
for a wife! And I have three great kids who deserve to have "Princess Fiona" for a Mom! I will be a Hot Mom from Hawaii!!! I know that I can reach my goals with MF and this forum!!!

Thank God for helping me find this forum, and thank God for Nancy who is my inspiration!!

Keep on Shakin'

Aloha! Kanani :ukulele:
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Postby stelar » January 27th, 2006, 8:53 pm

:D Thank you all for replying! It is so awesome to see how much we all want to succeed! Now we just need to keep cheering our selves on :cheerleader: & each other :goteam:

I believe in EACH of you! Keep shakin'!
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