The prodigal returns.....

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The prodigal returns.....

Postby Lois » February 7th, 2004, 5:52 pm

Hello, my friends...remember me? Some of you know me (and have probably been wondering if I was abducted by aliens!!!) and to others of you, I will be "new"......

Wow, so MUCH has happened while I was "away".....

Mike reached his goal :D

Jeanette has lost a whopping 50 pounds :D

And I'm sure many others have had wonderful success....CONGRATULATIONS and BIG HUGS to all !!!!!!!!!

As for's "true confessions" time :oops:

As some of you remember, I began Medifast in mid November, and did the "full fast" for three weeks, lost eighteen pounds, and was planning to go the distance.....and then the holidays hit.

I fell off the wagon and then the wagon ran over me :cry:

There are no excuses...just lessons to be learned. I have gained back what I lost, and was just too mad at myself to face you, my loving Medifast family. Also, frankly, I was in rebellion and "not ready" to get a grip and begin again....

But now I'm back, and back FOR GOOD. I am weighing in first thing in the morning and posting it here. After that, I'm determined to go all the way to my regrets, no looking back.

So...that's the story, my friends. Thanks for listening...and thanks, especially, for UNDERSTANDING. I know you've been in my shoes in the past, with other blowouts and diet "failures"....but as the saying goes, whatever doesn't kill you will make you stronger.....and I hope to be stronger for what I've learned.

See you in the morning ;)


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Postby elle4nelly » February 7th, 2004, 7:07 pm

Hi Lois!

Don't look back! We all fall off the path sometimes. The imprtant thing here is to really take a stand and decide to stick to it. We owe it to ourselves to keep our eyes on the prize and persevere. To me the choice is basic. Remain overweight and unhealthy or fight the battle of the bulge to the end. And I will not not surrender!! There will be no white flag above my doors. I've been dieting fo the better part of 15 years. Tried everything out there, and failed all but 2 times. And then I hit that point of no return, you know...That Fed up point where you get up and say: " Enough is enough". For most people until they reach that point..the determination may not be there or may be weak. So welcome back. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!! YES you can!! This is all about YOU loving yourself and doing something healthy and great! It won't be easy, some days will be better than others and guess what? Such is life. Shall you fall off one day, Just get up! Dust yourself up and get back on. Don't even give it a second thought. Just keep your eyes on the prize! It 's the end result that matters most.

Keep shakin'

Nelly :toast:
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Postby Jeanette » February 7th, 2004, 9:29 pm

Welcome home!

So glad you are back here...where you belong!
Jeanette :star:
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Postby HD » February 8th, 2004, 7:08 am

Welcome Back Lois,
I'm just a newbie here but I do believe Nelly has said it all and Jeanette finished off with "Back where you belong"
I call this place the "Happy Zone" because I always feel better when I log out for the day (This forum can be quite addicting). You hang in there and know that we will all get to our wonderful goals.
Jackie (HD)

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Postby Jims Chick » February 8th, 2004, 10:25 am

Welcome back!! I was recently run over by a schwanns truck so I can relate. Glad you're back
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Postby Maggie » February 8th, 2004, 3:09 pm

Hi Lois........I do remember you. When I signed on, there was only Mike, Jeanette, Susan, Ellen and you as regular posters. There may have been others but I don't remember them. I signed on about the middle of November but didn't start Medifast until November 28, the day after Thanksgiving. I am still here but have had a few days when I just wanted to throw in the towel. My loss has been good every week but when my mind starts telling me one thing and I know I should do something else, trouble follows. I have been on every and I mean every weight loss program there is, including diet pills, Fastin, Tenuate, Meridia. They worked for a while, then I let my "other brain" take over. I felt deprived. I couldn't eat what the others were eating, I couldn't have pizza, I wanted birthday cake....The list goes on and on. I began Medifast weighing 380 lbs. The highest I have ever weighed. (I am even embarrassed to type that number but I know everyone here understands and will not ridicule)I have knee problems which have been progressively worsening over the last 10 years. They are so bad now that I have to use a walker when I get up during the night. The pain is almost unbearable. After I am up for a while the pain is less intense and I can go without the walker. The only reason I am telling this now is that I had my moment of final desparation one night after I had made a trip to the bathroom. By the time I got back to my bed the pain was so bad and I was so out of breathe that I had to rest before I could even lay down. I lay there awake that night wondering just how much worse it could get. I asked myself. "Where will I be and what condition will I be in next year, if I don't do something now?" When I got up the next morning I told my husband that I had decided during the night to go on a fast. I felt it would be easier to do without food, that to have to choose day in and day out what I was going to eat which would satisfy me and also allow me to lose this weight as fast as I can. Medifast was the answer. When I am tempted to forsake it all for the momentary taste of a certain food, I think back to that night. I've lost almost 50 lbs. and although I am still having problems with my knees, so many other areas of my life have improved. For the first time I am starting to plan things that I will do when I get skinny. For the first time I can even visualize what I will look like when I lose 200 lbs. For the first time I have hope that I can be active again and not spend my time sitting in a chair. I may eventually have to have knee replacement surgery. If so, then I will do it. But it would be pointless to even visit a surgeon at this point because the first thing he would say would be. "Lose 200 lbs, then come back to see me." When I am tempted to give up, I remember that I really don't have a choice in this matter. I've tried all the other diets and I know that I can't stay on one long enough to get this weight off. I'm pinning my future on my success with Medifast. It will work if we just stay with the program.
Welcome back and know that when you have problems, there is someone who understands and is here for you. This forum is addictive as some have already said. You're not behind. Just begin where you are and don't look back. Maggie
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Postby Lois » February 8th, 2004, 3:34 pm

Hello, sisters! :D :D :D :D :D

Thank you so much for your wonderful words of welcome and support.

Hearing your stories encourages me so much...and is a reminder to me of why I was so excited to find this forum in the first place: the support and understanding here is REAL.

Thank you again, each one of you, for your words....I KNOW that I am not alone on this journey!


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Postby sher » February 8th, 2004, 4:46 pm

Hi Lois,
SOOOO glad you are back, there is power in numbers, and that helps a lot here...we are so proud of you to come back, I am a newbie, and like everyone here, gone on every diet in existenence...but this IS the answer...and Maggie, you are doing sooooo dang good... :lol: :lol: :lol: you knees will be feeling good again....we are all here for each other...just wish we could do a GROUP hug once a week :hug: but this will have to do....this forum is the BEST...I have been to some, but most of the people seemed fake to me...not here...we all tell it like it is...I love it....MIKE, is such a power isn't us heck when we need it... :lol: imagine Lois, you get your picture and post it here...that me.....and you come HERE when you are blue or tempted...sometimes I spend way too much time posting, but ya know what...I am WORTH it...and its part of my therapy.....having this addiction to food....I better cut this short, when I post I tend to go on and for now, we are here girl, don't be emabarassed, be are BACK !!!
starting again at 196
going for white pants
goal - when I LOOK and FEEL good

God bless us all
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