Medifast scales

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Medifast scales

Postby tnanock » June 29th, 2005, 12:59 pm

Does anyone have the Medifast scales? I just got mine today and I can't get the same reading on them more than once. They have been calibrated but when I step on them, I get one reading....then step on them again and get another reading. They are off by 1 to 3 lbs either direction!! :x

Any suggestions???


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Postby want2Bthin » June 29th, 2005, 1:38 pm

I have the MF digital scale & mine works great. Not sure why yours is doing that. Mine will read exactly the same if I get off & get back on.

Hope you get it to work.

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Postby fatBgone » June 29th, 2005, 8:16 pm

Hi Kim,
I have the scales from Medifast & it sounds like yours might have something wrong. Mine always reads EXACTLY the same if I get on and off. I test it all the time just to be sure. You would think I would have stopped by now, but I am so used to my other scale reading different weights within the same 2 minutes, that it's just a habit. But this scale is SOOO awesome, it amazes me. I think I would call and exchange it if I were you.
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Postby tnanock » June 29th, 2005, 9:37 pm

Thanks. It is doing better now. I think it might have been the heat. The FedEx truck was apparently fairly hot because my lemon bars were melted. :D I don't know why, it was only 102 today!!! LOL :lol:

But anyway now it is giving me the same readings.

Thanks again.


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Postby fatBgone » June 29th, 2005, 9:40 pm

Oh Kim - that's good! Now you don't have to mess with a return and all! Hey, was your weight the same on your new scale? I had to adjust my start and current weight by about 1.5 pounds because my old scale wasn't quite as accurate. It bummed me a tiny bit, but I quickly realized that I had still LOST the same amount...hehe!
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Postby tnanock » June 30th, 2005, 6:11 am

Lisa, the new scale is off by .08 lbs. It weighs LESS than my old ones. So I guess technically I should adjust my starting weights too. ;)


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Postby fatBgone » June 30th, 2005, 7:55 am

Ooh, how fun - now you weigh almost a pound less than you thought you did!!! YEAH!!
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