Confessions of a cheater !!!

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Confessions of a cheater !!!

Postby explorthis » November 10th, 2003, 9:13 am

They say (I think) first step towards redemption is confession (or throwing up)

Saturday night I was invited to a home-buddy-Poker game, socializing, drinking, eating etc. When I arrived they were all eating fresh cooked meals, sandwiches, and goodies. I had not seen but one of them in about 2 months, almost since I began the program. I was dressed pretty "svelte". Black jeans (sort of fit) nice shirt tucked in, I was looking pretty dapper, if you ask me. I was the center of attention for the first 1/2 hour (great ego booster) after I showed up, tons of compliments etc.. Was on top of the world. Luckily I had told them all about NOT EATING... so this was an easy out for me. I did not eat!!!

What happened? There were some light beers, I decided to indulge, and hey I was loosing a ton of weight, on top of the world, looking good!! What are a few beers (light ones even)? I have had about 6 light beers since I began the program, mostly social ones, one here, one there, I was still loosing on the fast track. I had decided that a beer here or there would not hurt....


At the game, I had 3 light beers, no problem. Started to feel just a nice buzz (if any of you drink you will understand) Then the hostess comes out with a "tequila" shooter.. She brought one for me... No I say, ahh common she says.. We go back and forth.. What the hey, its just one shooter I think to myself. WOW it was good... One shooter turns into 2... After 2, I was comfortably NUMB..... I decide I was done, no more (3 beers and 2 shooters) this all occurred from about 8:00-9:30pm.

All of a sudden the poison hit! I started to sweat, I felt SICK. Sicker than I have ever felt. Tying to keep composure, and not run to the bathroom I sat there silent (I am always loud - as you can tell from my posts) sweating up a storm, in a warm long sleeved shirt, constantly trying to wipe my brow without being seen or noticed. Some start asking if I am OK... Of course I mumble, just buzzed.. (Oh I was lying, was I ever lying) I sat there for about 20 mins, again trying to remain composed, and not HURLING all over the carpet.

About 10:30 I muster enough strength to stand up and say I gotta get some air. I LUCKILY am able to walk outside (thank god I did not fall over, or throw up) I get to the car, and plop in the seat, sicker than I can ever remember...... WOW, I was sick. I felt the need to throw up sooo bad, but, there was no food in my stomach I could not. I hunched over the steering wheel for about 2 hours, they continued to play. My buddy occasionally came outside to see if I was ok - fine I bellow (oh I lied) he went back in. I finally fell asleep, woke up about 1:00am. All the cars were still there, luckily, only my one friend had seen me like this.

Oddly when I woke up, I felt about 95% better, the buzz was gone. Being a very large guy, I can generally drink anyone under the table, and gleefully do this at anytime. Not this time. Luckily I was able to drive (I did so slowly, and cautiously) and got home successfully.

Next morning, I felt about 98% fine, a slight headache but was OK. I opted not to tell anyone (especially my wife) about my manly drinking escapade.

I learned a VALUABLE-VALUABLE lesson. Drinking and Medifast do not mix. The thought of ever having another drink at this point just turns my stomach.

Thought I would share this with you all, since you have become my "dieting-Family"

WOW - a VALUABLE lesson learned.

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Postby Donna501 » November 10th, 2003, 4:06 pm

Well I should not laugh at you, but I can just see you in your car for ours praying to god to get you through this. That is how I felt when I ate too much dinner one night. I will never never never do that again. It was just terrible. I guess we need to go through the little lessons to keep us on track. We know what it does to our bodies so we wont stray again. I know what did it. It was the shots. They are really Ta-Kill-ya shots. I am glad you are better now. :D
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Postby Ellen » November 10th, 2003, 9:19 pm

Glad you survived it. I had my days of worship-ing the porcelain god during college and there-abouts. NO FUN.

You gotta remember, you're not such a big guy anymore! You've lost about a third of a person already, plus no food in there to absorb anything.

Another big thing to remember is that we're working our livers mighty hard to metabolize all that fat. The liver may not be able to handle the extra stress of alcohol. My liver functions have been running high since starting the program. I'm told it should go down as the weight loss evens out to a slower loss. Personally (and this is my personal opinion ONLY) I wouldn't drink or even take any acetaminophen (Tylenol) while on the plan. I'm baby-ing my liver since it is being my friend and eating up all this fat for me. I've taken a few Ibuprofen (Advil) here and there, but that's it.

Hope you're feeling better!
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Postby Nancy » November 11th, 2003, 12:25 am

Hey, Tequilla Man ~

Well, first lemme say, I am glad that you are so candid about your experiences with alcohol this past weekend and hope that if there are others on the full fast that are contemplating getting buzzed, that they read your post and take notes. :guzzle:

It was el-tu-pee-doh of you to do that, right? :shock:

Remember those dippy little boxes we used to draw on the bottom of notes we’d pass in school? They’d say, “Do you like me? Then there would be two crudely drawn boxes and the message line written below the boxes said, “check one: Yes or No. Check here:” :shades:

Well, Mikey, I’d be writing this on the note that I’d pass to you:
Was it a smart thing to have several beers PLUS a shooter with virtually no grub in your belly? Check one: Yeah, and I will do it again as soon as I can. Nope, I was a Dope and I shall not do it again until after I go through transition. :buddies:

Just be aware of the fact that since you have been on the full fast, your metabolism has slowed down considerably. When one has alcohol, the alcohol is received by the body like a carb and is metabolized as such. It messes up the balance of nutrients that Medifast provides.

Your experience really demonstrates the fact that having alcohol can take a person to The Dark Side. You’re extremely lucky that your friend’s home and your car didn’t turn into a barfatorium. :tongue:

Take heed out there, Folks!
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Postby Lois » November 11th, 2003, 7:05 am

Hi Mike,


I'm so glad you're feeling better!

Your honesty is such a blessing to this board. Thanks for being SO candid.

Sometimes we learn the hard way, huh? :roll:

I'm so glad you're a part of this "big family" of ours ;) !!!!!!!!!!


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Learned my lesson!

Postby explorthis » November 11th, 2003, 8:12 am

Lois wrote: I'm so glad you're a part of this "big family" of ours ;) !!!!!!!!!!

Lois, thanks to you, Donna, Ellen for your support, and to Nancy, for her chastizing of my error (like I did not know I errored)

Yes I learned a very valuable lesson, that I will NEVER repeat again. I am a different person now, mentally and physically, and will not put my body through that again.

Keep up the support, it is a blessing to all (and Nancy = keep beating up the posters. We do not know where to turn next!!)

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Postby VK » November 11th, 2003, 8:15 am

I too appreciate that people are so honest on this board. I did make it through my first weekend of food temptation, but I could easily have given in to the greasy stuff all around me and ended up posting a message like yours. :oops: You've done very well so far, so just consider yourself the proud owner of pain-purchased experience and keep on shakin'! And think of the good you've done for some other newbie who might have been tempted to tie one on while on the plan!
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Postby Jeanette » November 11th, 2003, 8:51 am

You have confirmed what I have thought all along....

Tequilla is EVIL :twisted: It makes you do bad things!

Actually I can see why you did what you did. You were already high from all the compliments of you in your new(er) body, you became Superman and thought the alcohol wouldn't hurt ya.

Sorry you had to learn your lesson in such a horrible way...and thanks for sharing it so honestly. No long island teas for this gal for a loooong time!

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Postby susan » November 11th, 2003, 9:16 am

Mike. I have never drank because I have seen what it can do to people and I just never went there . I am glad you came thru it ok .and you are so honest that says so much about you. talk to you later Susan
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