Struggling to continue...

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Struggling to continue...

Postby MomJackieLee » July 4th, 2004, 2:31 am

Even though I have had a fairly good month (14lbs down) I am struggling to continue and need some words of encouragement. I have had no loss this week and only one pound the previous week. I have had two instances of not so lean & green meals with a bite of carb or extra vegetables this week, but NOTHING like I have eaten in the past when going "off plan" ie CARBOLOAD. I have done very well with working out, as in every day for the past week and 5 times the week before, so I wonder if I need to increase shakes since I am working out more. I have noticed a big increase in my energy level since working out, so I don't want to cut back there... I have also seen a difference in the way that my clothes fit, and that is encouraging, but I want the scale to MOVE...

I have a friend at work who had the gastric bypass surgery done and she said she had a few spots where she would be faithful to her plan and go a month without the scale moving :shock: and her Dr. told her this was normal. She said this would then pass and she would start losing again. I also have PCOS and insulin resistance which is a horomone/metabolic problem that makes my body more resistant to losing weight... :table: and this may be a factor as my body tries to stabilize. As I have just hit the 32lb total overall, I wonder if I have hit the dreaded plateau...

Just ranting and probably PMS'ing too... But could use some pointers or encouragement from anyone who has made it through a similar hard spot/plateau...
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Postby Nancy » July 4th, 2004, 11:04 am

Jackie ~

Oh, NO! Hate those dreaded plateaus. They visit all of us now and then. They are merely temporary visitors if you DO NOT PERMIT them to getcha down.

My daughter is on a slow losing boat right now, too. Just keep pushing through those murky waters - there is clear blue sailing ahead.

It is a holiday.

People all around our Land of the Free are freely stuffing their faces with sweet abandonment - freely filling up their flapping jowls with fattening food right now, clogging their arteries, setting themselves up for disease and aches and pains as they grind away at their joints with excess tonnage but YOU, my precious Medifast Friend are choosing to eat and drink that which is healthy and good for you! You care enough to drink the Very Best!

The scales are one measuring device. Your pants are quite another. ;)

Repeat after moi,

"Nothing tastes as good as thin feels."

The train to Thinville is leaving the depot and Medifast is now being served.

Repeat this one, too..."I am a slenderizing awesome lady and I am in control of what I stuff into my cheeks...."

Jackie, you will soon be able to stuff your cheeks into a smaller size if you choose wisely what you eat and drink today...
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
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Postby MomJackieLee » July 5th, 2004, 10:48 am

Well I must have ranted and raved off enough, as one pound did go away today. Can I consider ranting and raving exercise, I wonder???

Thanks Nancy for the words of encouragement and Echo for the lovely PM. I guess I may just need to face the fact with my health problems that my weight may come off a bit slower than others. I need to focus on me and not compare myself to others, as weight loss is so individual.

I also need to focus on 33 TOTAL POUNDS DOWN since January 04, which is a 13.4% decrease in weight. I think I have been looking at the"medifast only" pounds and getting discouraged...(the 10 lb club vs the 30 lb club)...

Just gonna keep on exercising :jumprope:
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Postby Nancy » July 5th, 2004, 10:40 pm

Jackie ~

There ya go, Girl! You've got your head on straight, this is a NEW week, soon you will be outta the "Teens" and on your way to those lower digits!

You have come a long way, Baby - no turnin' back now. We'll see you evaporating before our very eyes. Day by day, doin' the right thing is the way to reach your goal. Some of us are slower losers than others but just remember the story of the tortoise and the hare.

The Tortoise said, "I may be slow, but I am sure."

I'm SURE you will make it to your goal!
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
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Postby Lois » July 6th, 2004, 6:04 pm

Hi Jackie!

I'm here to send a little love and encouragement your way :heart: :heart:

You are ALWAYS such a blessing when you post...full of sweet words and support. DON'T GIVE UP!!!!! We simply won't let you!

Maybe your getting on the scale too often? I only weigh in once a month, so as not to get discouraged...especially when it's THAT time of the month :shock:

Anyway....HANG IN THERE!!!! You ARE going to make it! Look how far you've come already :D :D :D Do something sweet and kind for yourself today, and keep on keepin' on!!!!!! YOU'RE WORTH IT!!!!!!!

BIG hugs.....

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Postby Ria » July 6th, 2004, 7:42 pm

Hi MomJackieLee,

It seems that we both have the dreaded PCOS thing going on. I know that for us PMS last longer and is more painful. I have had the most painful three weeks in a long time...what I refuse to do is get on the dang scale. I figure that will only make me feel worse. Hang in there! We will get through it! Take the Glocophage and the Midol and lots of baths.

Lots of Hugs,
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Postby Landylue » July 7th, 2004, 7:52 am

JackieLee, I read your post days ago, and it really touched my heart. I have sincerely wrestled with what encouragment I could possibly provide, being as how I am also overwhelmingly struggling with keeping up my morale due to my body's stubborn refusal to let go of any weight.

I remember on my very first fast years ago having an experience more like Nancy's or Mike's. Smooth sailing the entire time in the area of weight loss! Never was there a plateau, so there was never a desire to throw in the towel. In fact, when I dropped down to the 2 lbs a week point, they took me off the fast and put me on transition. This time, though, it is so much harder. Maybe because I'm so much older and less active??? Who knows.

Anyway, I couldn't go another day without telling you that I know what you are going through, and my heart is with you.

Don't give in. Don't give up! We are both going to make it, JackieLee. It's just going to take us a bit longer.

Failure is NOT an option!
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Postby Nancy » July 7th, 2004, 10:22 pm

LandyLue ~

We are hangin' on to your by-line: Failure is Not an option!

What a kind thing to write to our Friend JackieLee! We all need some encouragement once in a while! O.K., we ALL need it and we need it ALL the time!

BTW, Little Darlin' it was NOT all smooth sailing for moi. I had my fair share of plateaus. Hated it then and I hate it for all of you, too. Unfortunately, it is a part of most people's weight loss experience.

When we face a plateau there are a few things to examine-

1. How much sleep are you getting? Our body is working hard to burn the stored fat, to keep the fluid levels balanced, etc. When we are not getting enough rest and sleep, our weight loss will slow down.

2. Are you drinking all of your water? How much pop, coffee, sugar-free gum and mints are you eating? We need a minimum of 64 ounces of water per day. Caffeine, extra sodium and sorbitol can affect our weight loss.

3. Are ya more stressed than usual? Stress is a plateau factor...

4. Has your exercise routine been more intensive lately? If so, perhaps you need another shake if you have been doing strenuous physical workouts or if your work day is longer than usual.

5. Have you been nibbling, having little lickies and bites here and there? The calories involved in those bites, licks and tastes ALL add up and stick to your buns and thighs! What are you putting in your coffee? Are you having caramel lattes? Come on, come clean! Write down everything, I mean everything that ya put into your mouth.

6. Remember, there will be "days like that" when for some gnarly reason, the flab is stubborn and it sticks around longer than we want it to but if we are program-compliant, it WILL come off. Stick close to your Forum friends and we'll letcha just dump and be here to pat your back and wait it out with you!

Sometimes our body needs to settle down for a while before it begins to dump the fat again, sometimes it seems to remember a particular weight and it camps there for a while, just feeling all comfy and happy before it
begins to shed again.

Distract yourself - focus on the great accomplishment that you have already attained, clean out a closet or a drawer, look at the latest catalogs and see what the new fall fashions are going to be like - pick out something awesome that you will be able to wear this year because you are trimmer and healthier.

Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
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