My miraculous Medifast month...

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My miraculous Medifast month...

Postby Marseilles » December 3rd, 2004, 6:52 am

As there are quite a few with an active interest in my results for the month I decided to start a string and keep everyone updated on my progress. I started again yesterday after receiving my order on Wednesday and I am very pleased as slipping back into the routine of medifast is going well, so far; although the water intake is a tad bit daunting as we all know! :) I did drink plenty yesterday, which is great. My water bottle that I pack around is a 36 oz'er and I managed to consume three of them so no worries there! LOL
Now begins the commode races! Were you aware that your back teeth can float whilst your tonsils serenade them to "Anchors Away?" :roflmao:

As I have the medifast vanilla shakes and they are not my most favorite I decided what I would do is mix up regular Koolaid, sans sugar, slightly stronger than they recommend (as yuck as -that- would be on it's own, Im sure..nothing like the taste of citric acid!!) and mix the shakes in it instead of good old H2O. Thus far I have tried green apple and pineapple..both of which are VERY yummy and quite a nice change. Kinda neat to be able to add all kinds of different flavors for just 'pennies a glass' and there is certainly an abundance of flavors available!!! My favorite method of shaking has always been to fill my shaker cup up to the 6oz line and then pack the jar full of ice cubes and walk away from it for a minute, swig a gallon or so of water and then remove ice cubes, add powder, shake and slurp. My shakes are SUPER cold that way and I dont end up with popsicle head from crushed ice. :redhead:

Since I started on Thursday I have decided to wait until a week from Sunday to have my first official weigh-in as I would like to see the results from at least a full week. I will, however, post daily on my progress much like Lois did. My own challenge, so to speak.

Here is hoping you all have a very wonderful day and continued success on your journey to Thindom.

Great to be here and HAPPY FRIDAY!!!
-M. the content
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Postby hawaiiwhatnot » December 3rd, 2004, 11:08 am


Thanks for the giggles this morning reading your post. Commode races and anchors away! That's really good stuff - you may have a career in stand up. Your attitude and joy is absolutely infectious.

Thanks for sharing and inspiring us,
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Postby Nancy » December 4th, 2004, 3:14 am

Mars ~

You are outta this world!

THREE 36 ouncers? :water:

You are a serious water slurper!

Oh, yeah - the path is now being worn in the carpet as Marseille heads to the sandbox every fifteen minutes.

That's how early Medifasters get their exercise, ya know.
We must limit OTHER exercise the first three weeks of the program because folks are worn out running to the terlet!


There she goes, The STREAK!

Shake on, Flab off!
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Postby LongWay2go » December 4th, 2004, 4:43 am


Welcome back to the peace and tranquility of the MediFast lifestyle!

I'm sure you are reading this from the serenity of your commode via laptop, as that is most likely where you are spending your days once again! :roflmao:

on hiatus until "Vic the Vac" goes away!

WARNING: Don't try this at home, kids...
Euphoria may result!
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Postby Marseilles » December 4th, 2004, 6:48 am

Well, Breezed through day two and now; off to the loo! :roflmao:

Hah! I kill me!

All kidding aside, day two went well. Of course, I felt the grumblies much more than on day one but there isnt -too- much grumbling a tummy drowning in 96oz of water can do. Im teaching it to swim! As well, I had the beginning headache that I think most get after starting and just toughed it out.

Onto day three, more wee-in for me!!

Such poetry! LOL!

Happy Saturday, all!!
-M. the amused.
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Postby Marseilles » December 5th, 2004, 6:54 am

Well, day three has now come and gone. Yaaay!!

Gone as well are the feelings of hunger. Let the real fun begin! :) Yesterday's water was much like a punishment but I got through it just fine. I can sure tell first thing in the morning whether or not I have had enough water the previous day! If not, I wake with swollen fingers and joint pain. When my water intake is where it should be, nada! My wedding rings are loose the mornings when I have been faithful to my H2O.

I am waiting until next Sunday to weigh in so I can see a full weeks results, but I hope the rest of you have had a GREAT week and see lots of difference in the scales.

Happy Sunday everyone, a medifantastic day to you!!
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Postby Nancy » December 5th, 2004, 9:46 am

G' Morning, Marseilles ~

It is interesting, indeed about the affect that water has on our bodies. Extra weight places pressure on all of our body systems. Additional fluid does seem to affect our joints significantly.

Soy protein is good for our heart, for our joints and also for a woman's hormonal balance. When we are a bit water pudgy, the extra pressure makes our joints suffer. When we skip our Medimeals and have a lower soy intake than 20 or so grams, our bod notices it and lets us know by crabbing and groaning a loud, "FEED ME!"

:coach: My point here is to not skip Medimeals and not skip water. Pass the :toast: shaker jar and the :water: water bottle, please and thank you very much!
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Postby Marseilles » December 6th, 2004, 7:01 am

Nancy, that is so true. I know I sure feel better when I am program compliant and have all my water!

Day four passed very painlessly and now onto day 5. I am looking forward to weighing in on'll be fun to see how successful my week is but regardless, I already feel SOOO much better.

I love the burst of energy that I get when I am on body is just raring to go. Excellent!

I hope everyone has a great day today, enjoy!
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Postby Marseilles » December 6th, 2004, 7:06 am

There..stats now in my signature.

That is something I have never been brave enough to do, for some reason. Seeing that 184 is painful..dont know how I ever managed 222!!! Cant wait to see the weight melt off, wish me luck! I do wish I had been able to maintain the 167 I had gotten to before I had to go off medifast for a time! Oh well, wont be long and I will be back there and lighter, mark my words!!!

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Postby Carrie » December 6th, 2004, 7:46 am

My Dear Ms. M -

I'll bet you'll be pleased with your weigh-in this Sunday. You'll be right back on track and in full swing.

I have to tell you that your attitude is an inspiration to me, in my present grumpiness, LOL. I'm going to make a concerted effort to be more positive and thankful for what I have, the blessings in my life. Thanks Chica.

Now: 2/5/07: 233.6/220.0/145
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Postby Marseilles » December 7th, 2004, 7:48 am

Well, here I am at day Almost a week! Yesterday I was REALLY hungry for some reason but I resisted and medifast prevailed! I ended up drinking more water than I can even calculate but that can only be a good thing!

I woke up this morning feeling triumphant and raring to tear into day six, so here I am! :yes:

Yaaaay, this program ROCKS and bye-bye go the rolls! :yay:

I cant wait to weigh myself on Sunday and see where I am but I will resist the call of the scale till then.

I hope you all have a WONDERFUL day!!!
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Postby Marseilles » December 8th, 2004, 9:22 am

Im here pretty late today to check in but I made it. It has so far been 'one of those days', starting from this morning; when, whilst making coffee, I didnt open my eyes wide enough and dumped the ground coffee into the water receptacle instead of the filter. Aaaargh...not a good sign as to how the day is going to progress! LOL

Any idea how challenging it is to get them out? Dont takes forever. It entirely defies the laws of physics! Oh well, could be worse! At least my beloved dog, Mulligan, didnt lock me out of the house again this morning! I swear, he did, one day last week. Needless to say he was called some pretty colorful things as I stood out on the front balcony in my Eeyore jammies looking befuddled!!! :x

Anyways, having made it past that little crisis first thing in the morning I am now here and all is well. Things are going splendidly with medifast and I am on a roll.

Welcome, Day 7!! :)

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Postby explorthis » December 8th, 2004, 9:27 am

dumped the ground coffee into the water receptacle
Eeyore jammies looking befuddled!

I AM WOMAN – hear me roar!


Was 337/223 is goal (about 40 to go)
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Postby Carrie » December 8th, 2004, 9:28 am

Dear Ms. M.-

LOLOL, I understand totally. I've gone to work in my SLIPPERS for cryin' out loud.

This is 'life' in it's purest form.

Maybe we can have a sleepover, I'll bring my snoopy pj's and you can bring the eeyore's. We're SO grown up!
Now: 2/5/07: 233.6/220.0/145
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Postby explorthis » December 8th, 2004, 9:29 am

I've gone to work in my SLIPPERS for cryin' out loud.


Was 337/223 is goal (about 40 to go)
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