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Postby MISSANNE » April 18th, 2006, 9:47 am

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Postby Signladytf » October 1st, 2006, 1:22 am


I don't know how I missed that last posting of yours! I'm doing great, my due date has been moved up to 11/26 (via sonogram) and I'll get confirmation of that at my next Dr. appointment on Wednesday. I have missed being on program so much, it actually hurts to see my hubby drinking a shake! And, of all things, my pregnancy cravings have been for chocolate milkshakes!!

I'm going to go shake-shake-shake tomorrow afternoon when that craving hits!

Just as an aside, the baby is a boy, and he's going to be a big-'un! Between 10-11 lbs, expected birth weight. I don't have gestational diabetes or high blood pressure, etc. I attribute that to the healthy lifestyle I was leading with Medifast just prior to getting pregnant. Now, I certainly haven't been perfect, as with pregnancy, one is prone to giving in to one's indulgences, but I have to say, I did not crave the same things that I did the first time around...this time, chicken, salads and the milkshakes have been the biggest things for me...

Take care, and I will be posting baby pictures as soon as I'm able in late November, early December.
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Postby Nancy » October 1st, 2006, 11:07 am

Dear SignLadySF ~

Oh, I am so pleased to hear from you and congratulations! :cheers:

I see you are beginning the count down - you must be anxious to hold your son in your arms. Babies certainly change one's lifestyle - I can attest to that because we have spent a month with our grandson. He has a bib that says, "It's all about me" and it is...

What a good report you gave to all of us - healthy foods are good things to crave, Sign. When your desire for a Chocolate shake hits, have a great-tasting Medifast Chocolate shake - it s healthy, it is fast = healthy fast food!

Our daughter is preggers with # 2 and she is doing the things she learned on our weight loss program - she eats every two hours, she eats a balance of protein and carbs. She has a bar a day and an oatmeal or pudding.

We can't wait to see the pictures of your son and we'll be praying for a healthy baby and a swift delivery for you! :angel:
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