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Postby Nancy » January 5th, 2006, 1:57 pm

Sue, most likely that BP medication will need adjusting and perhaps eliminated very soon so if you start feeling woozy and washed out after feeling good for a while, be sure to talk to your doc about a medication review. Many times the Rx for high BP is changed somewhere around the 20 -25 pound weight loss mark.

Wooziness and the groggy fog occurs during the first couple of days - it can be remedied easily with a good shot of bouillon but when that feeling returns after having lost weight and been feeling really fine for a considerable, it is usually a result of being overly medicated and your BP is too low.

Nope, no offense about OLD or comments about being such!

It happens to us all - every day we are older than the day before!

The women in my family have never revealed their age or their weight - it was considered to be a sensitive matter.

I just found out two years ago that my Mum is in her 80's! I am just so charged with life now that I am thinner and it didn't happen until the 50's.

For the first time in my life, I feel comfortable enough to show my driver's license when I cash a check and the weight on my DL is true!
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
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Postby SueInSLO » January 6th, 2006, 6:26 pm

Thanks for the info on the BP meds Nancy! I'll be sure to keep track of my BP and see how it changes. I appreciate the info. :) I've been reading some of the old posts and saving lots of good info. What a great resource you have here.

My starter kit didn't arrive today!!!! I am so bummed! :cry: I wanted to start tomorrow!!!!!!! I'm ready NOW!! It will SUCK if it doesn't come tomorrow cuz that means it won't arrive until Monday and that's tooooooooooooo long!

I did run to Kohl's today and bought the Magic Bullet I have heard so much about. On sale too!! WoooHooo!

Any suggestions on what to eat until the supplies arrive? Maybe make it easier when I start the MF???????

Oh well, TGIF!! Have a great weekend everyone! I'll be back when my goodies arrive!
Sue :-P
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Postby Nancy » January 6th, 2006, 7:38 pm

SueInSLO ~

I hate to burst your little Medibubble...but if you didn't get your stash today, it is unlikely it will come tomorrow.

Medifast got hammered this week with can well imagine the first of the New Year, every one is crazed with getting their weight under control and the Special January, 2006 issue of People Magazine with the featured articles about people who are half their size (which, by the way would be me, too...)..

Usually (and I say usually because sometimes Medifast switches shippers on us) orders of $200 or more are sent via FedEx and arrive 3rd business day, depending upon the time of the day the order was placed. The shipping department closes at 1 PM, Eastern Time.

Orders under $200 usually come UPS ground in 7+ business days.

Now consider that the USPS, UPS and FedEx, etc. still have some post-holiday package volume to deliver so that also enters the picture here.

UPS does not deliver on Saturdays. SOME FedEx drivers do - some FedExers own their own trucks and routes and if they are so inclined, they work it is POSSIBLE you'll get your order tomorrow but not likely.

Now...about what to do to get started.

Drink a swimming poolful of water.

Eat small meals every two - three hours.

In a pinch, if you are on the weight loss program and run out of food, you may have a glass of low fat milk. It is not recommended of course to do this for days and weeks on end as it does not have the nutritional contents to support your body for very long but I should think that if you can hack it, have a glass of milk spaced every two-three hours apart. You could use a dribble of Vanilla extract or if you have it, some of the DaVinci Gourmet sugar free syrup. Of course include the Lean and Green meal. If you get hungry, have another glass or two of milk and just push the milkies a little closer together.

During the beginning days of the weight loss program if a person is hungry, we suggest that you have another shake or two as needed. They add but 90-100 calories, depending upon if you have the Medifast 55 or the Medifast 70 formula.
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
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Postby SueInSLO » January 6th, 2006, 8:27 pm

Hi again Nancy! :wave:

Thanks for busting my Medibubble!! LOL *jk*

I checked on my order and it was shipped on Tuesday via FedEx. They say 4-5 days. Soooooooooo, keep your fingers crossed I get it tomorrow, but I'm not holding my breath.

I'll use your suggestions and go buy some low fat milk tomorrow just in case. I have the salad and chicken, etc. around from doing low carb for so long. I'm really good about drinking water already. I drink a minimum of 128 oz a day now. How much more do you recommend when I start?

Back to my corner to wait for the FedEx man!!!! :dunno:

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Postby Nancy » January 6th, 2006, 8:40 pm

Huh? :scratch:

You actually drink 128 ounces of wa-wa daily?


That's plenty. :shock:



That's enough. No more. :mrgreen:

You'll do fine.

You have a goal and you already know that this stuff works.

:secret: Now don'tcha be worried about how it tastes. It is good.

Right now I am having a cup of :eat: Creamy Broccoli Soup with Mrs. Dash™ :tomato: Tomato Basil and Old Bay™ Seasoning and a crunched up packet of MultiGrain crackers.

I am living for my Choc Puddin’ at 9:30 and Chai Latte at midnight under the covers when I read.
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
Nancy Pettit
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Postby SueInSLO » January 6th, 2006, 9:52 pm

Nancy wrote:Huh? :scratch:

You actually drink 128 ounces of wa-wa daily?


I drink 4 bottles a day. They're 1 liter each I think, or close. Maybe I did the math wrong...LOL I think they're close to a quart, right?? Or am I having a blonde moment!! :oops:

That's plenty. :shock:


Yeah, I'm afraid so. I hope I can still do that when I start drinking the MF too!! I love water.

That's enough. No more. :mrgreen:

You'll do fine.

You have a goal and you already know that this stuff works.

:secret: Now don'tcha be worried about how it tastes. It is good.

Right now I am having a cup of :eat: Creamy Broccoli Soup with Mrs. Dash™ :tomato: Tomato Basil and Old Bay™ Seasoning and a crunched up packet of MultiGrain crackers.

I am living for my Choc Puddin’ at 9:30 and Chai Latte at midnight under the covers when I read.

It all sounds great Nancy!! I am so excited to get started!
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Postby Nancy » January 6th, 2006, 11:22 pm

We'll be watching your progress and lovin' it right along with you!
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
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