My thoughts, trials and tribulations 4 weeks into full fast

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My thoughts, trials and tribulations 4 weeks into full fast

Postby LongWay2go » September 5th, 2004, 6:50 am

I've completed my first 4 weeks on the full fast and here are my thoughts:

This has been much easier than I anticipated it being. I did a modified fast on the OptiFast program a couple of years ago and altough I did lose weight, I found that my one meal a day kept me constantly thinking about food. What I would eat that night - meal planning. Buying food. Weighing food. It made me think about food all day every day and that made it very difficult for me.

Starting MF, I was determined to go full fast this time. I didn't think I would be able to "give up food" on OF and that was why I went on a modified program. Now I know that the modified plan is BAD for food addicts, because it forces you to think about food all day and that makes you hungry all day and more prone to eat. On a full fast I don't have to think about food at all and very seldom (two or three times per week at most) do I find myself feeling "hungry".

I DO find myself wanting to eat solid food on occasion. When I do, I grab a celery stick or a cup of hot bouillon. That seems to help. At least it's temporarily filling and that gets me through.

I'm not bored with it yet, but I do find that I am missing that ability to eat something on occasion, so this time I ordered some meal replacement bars and chili. I may eat them; I may not. When and if I do, it won't be a daily thing. Just a way of getting me though that occasional craving for solid food.

All in all, I'm very pleased with my progress so far and see no circumstance that would prevent me from sticking with it until I reach my ultimate goal. One thing that has been very difficult for me is getting in the habit of drinking my water. I never was much of a "drinker", as I suppose most of my hydration came from the 6000 calories or so I was eating every day. I had my pot of coffee every morning and the rest of the day (on a normal day) my only other fluid intake would be a few ounces of water to take pills at pill time. I sit here now almost finished with my first bottle of water for the day. I drink (usually) 6 bottles of water per day now. Sometimes 5, but almost always 6. That is an amazing change for me in itself!

So I'm doing well and happy with both my progress and resolve to stick with the program. 4 weeks in and still going strong...

on hiatus until "Vic the Vac" goes away!

WARNING: Don't try this at home, kids...
Euphoria may result!
Is this fun, or WHAT?!?
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Postby need2succeed » September 5th, 2004, 12:02 pm

You're doing awesome! I agree with you about the full fast being easier than the modified. I too went on the plan gung ho about only doing shakes... of course, the next month I added soups and it turned out to be a great addition. The bars--- let's just say that I wouldn't be able to handle that right now LOL.... Keep up the great work!
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Postby Lois » September 5th, 2004, 12:23 pm

GREAT JOB, GERALD!!!!!!!1 Keep up the AWESOME work! 8)


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Postby hawaiiwhatnot » September 5th, 2004, 9:37 pm


Yes, I did the same thing - shakes only the first month, then went onto the other MF supplements starting my second month. It's so nice to have a variety - AND the fact that you can 'customize' the soups, chili and oatmeal to your taste within the guidelines mostly repeated in Lean Cuisine section. You ENJOY your first month's success! You deserve it for being good and following the program. Hope you have more time for play and less work. I thought you were stuck again looking at your new toy since we didn't see you one day here. (Just kidding ya). Don't work too hard Gerald and THANKS so very much for your inspirational posts.

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