Sunday Morning Roll Call December 12, 2004

Join our weekly (Sunday) weigh in.

Postby LongWay2go » December 15th, 2004, 9:12 am

Thanks SRD, I agree, WOW is about all I can say!

on hiatus until "Vic the Vac" goes away!

WARNING: Don't try this at home, kids...
Euphoria may result!
Is this fun, or WHAT?!?
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Postby Nancy » December 16th, 2004, 9:15 pm

Wow! You have all had an amazing week and it tickles me! :bouncie:

HawaiiWhatNot - isn't it great to stay the same??

People that do not pile on the poundage have no idea what a good report that is...ahh sweet maintenance.

Losers, your turn at tranny and maintenance is coming!

Spidey, oh wow!!! I am thrilled!

:coach: Attention, 100 pound Club, get ready!

Carol should be entering this coming Sunday and Spidey very soon!

:shock: Sheesh! I won't be the Biggest Loser for long! :oops:
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
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