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Postby sprgrammy » August 13th, 2005, 8:07 am

Well I am stuck in a rut at 12# lost and have not lost a single ounce this week. I am not looking forward to Roll Call tomorrow. Should I be in a plateau at this stage? Oh well not losing hope just frustrated. I have stayed on plan and not deviated. Well I'm off for another water. See you all tomorrow. Blessings, Carol
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Postby 24KaratGold » August 13th, 2005, 8:19 am

Most people seem to lose little or nothing at week 3, as their bodies adjust to what is usually quite a significant loss the first two weeks. For me it was weeks 4 and 5, which each showed a loss of only half a pound. After that, each of the next several weeks showed 3-4 pound losses. Hang in there. I really recommend not weighing every day when this sort of thing is happening, because it can get discouraging. Better to weigh once a week and be discouraged just once than to weigh seven times a week and be discouraged seven times.

Hang in there. I and many others are living proof that this program DOES work.

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Postby Daisey » August 13th, 2005, 9:29 am

i have heard of plateus happening to different people at various points during their weight loss. however, personally for me, i had to throw my scale in the dumpster :byebye: !!!!! i stayed home on like three different occasions when first starting medifast. i weighed myself like every hour because i wanted to see the progress i was making so i could see evidence of results. well, that plan backfired. the numbers on the scale helped define my mood and self-worth. plus, i want to tell you that throughout constantly weighing myself, my weight would varied a few pounds throughout the day. sometimes had i taken my morning weight as my weight for the day i would have gone nuts. for example, one day i weighed myself first thing in the morning and the scale said #159. later that day the scale said #156.5. again, later that same day it said #158, then it said #157. at the end of that night it said #155.5. so i wouldn't give much stock in what the numbers of a scale say. it does not totally define your weight loss. i know i have to be loosing because i am doing the medifast program and not cheating. therefore, i know i MUST be loosing weight. only thing is, i don't know how much i have lost and besides, it doesn't matter. what matters is that if i stick with it one day at a time, i will do down in pants size..and that will be my evidence of weight loss...not what some scales says.

i also remind myself that i got overweight because i am a food addict. being a food addict, i go for instant gratification. the same with my weight loss, i wanted to see those numbers drops because i needed my instant gratification. however, i am choosing to just hang in there and trust the weight loss process of medifast.

i wouldn't trip over the numbers on the scale because they do not define your weight loss program.

i think you are a wonderful person and i want to thank you for all the wonderful support you have taken the time to offer to me! :-P
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Postby sprgrammy » August 13th, 2005, 10:45 am

Thanks Ladies, I love this place. Blessings, Carol
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Postby martha » August 13th, 2005, 10:47 am


Yes some people do hit a plateau around that time but like 24Kt says --"just hang in there and it will start up again" :x the body is a strange and mysterious(sp) thing.. It puts on brakes when we think it shouldn't and doesn't when we think it should :mrgreen: It knows what it is doing and with you being compliant and all you are okay..You are more than likely losing inches at this time and that's a good thing.. Just keep up the good work and soon you will be melting away the pounds once again..Martha
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