Soft Skin...

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Soft Skin...

Postby shineface » February 12th, 2004, 10:04 am

Hi All---

I just thought I'd bring this up because I really think it is yet one more benefit I am getting through MF. ;)

Has anyone else noticed a difference in how your skin feels? Last night I realized :idea: that my skin feels much softer and those dry red blotches are clearing up nicely ---- this has to be from all of the great vitamins and minerals that I am taking in through my shakes, extra water and supplements - I can't imagine anything else it could be from. I must say this is a nice added surprise I wasn't even thinking of as a result ....

Anyone else out there seeing benefits other than weight related?

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Postby finalstraw » February 12th, 2004, 10:11 am

:cry: Not Me

I am having the worst trouble I have ever had with dry skin and dry hair. I am post menapausal and I think that works against me.

I am using more conditioner on my hair than every before and it is not working. My hair is so dry I am going to have to get it cut because it is breaking off. My sister today (who had gastric bypass) had this problem and her doctor told her she was difficient in Vitamin B12 and gives her shots now. I am going to buy some and see if it helps.

I am happy for you, great skin, who could want more. :D

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Postby shineface » February 12th, 2004, 10:30 am

Stephanie --

I'm really sorry to hear about the skin and hair dryness.

These might be stupid questions but they are only suggestions --

--do you use one of those nylon scrubber thingies when you shower instead of a washcloth - it helped me

--do you use a aloe shower gel in the shower - has also helped

--do you have a pump bottle of heavy duty skin healer softener on the night stand - before bed I give the elbows and hands and whatever a once over --- and by the kitchen sink - for my hands

--I use moisturized makeup remover sheets (Walmart brand) and really give my face the once over before bed - these are on the nite table too.

--hair conditioner - I really give the ends a good dose 1st thing and leave on until I'm thru in the shower - last thing I rinse off and then when I get out I have a spray in & leave in conditioner that I use

Obviously, I have had problems with dryness for a long time -- all of these things have helped improve it over time and at least make it a little better. Since MF it is even better for me.

Maybe some of this will help --I'm glad you're seeking help from a professional - nothing more uncomfortable than itching and scaling!!! :x

Have a good one - thanks for being here!!!! ;)
Pam -"I AM the ME in MEdifast"
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Postby susan » February 12th, 2004, 12:47 pm

Hi finalstraw,
your post really struct a chord with me my skin has really dried out and my hair is terrible dried out and is coming out ever time i comb it .I talked to the nurse and she said I needed vitamin b and to put 2 Tablespoons of flaxseed oil on my salads .I was really getting worried about my hair because it was always so thick and healthy so I called and made a appointment with my Dr. for next wed. morning to have blood work done and get checked out to see if everthing is ok. the nurse said that after you are on medifast 3 months that you do lose some hair but she said after you get off medifast in about 2 months you will re grow it but I don;t want to lose anymore hair that is why I am seeing the Dr. this wed.
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