A little something for restarters, and never enders

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A little something for restarters, and never enders

Postby Mike » February 20th, 2008, 7:29 pm

I just listened to Dr. Andersen on the Doctors Support Call and one of the folks talked about their problems getting restarted.

He addressed her issue with a great thing that I need to remember myself. He used an analogy about becoming a world class pianist. If we wanted to become a world class pianist, we would practice... no matter how tired we are or what distractions come up. We make the primary choice and we then make secondary choices to get to that goal.

As a multiple restarter, I know this, but need to remind myself of these things alot. My primary goal is to get to optimal health. I need to make the correct secondary choices to reach that goal NO MATTER WHAT!
If we need help or support, lean on those that we get that from. If we are sabotaged, avoid those people/places that we know the sabotage comes from (or just remember or primary goal).

Anyhow, if you would like to hear the recording, 1-212-461-8671. It was a great call, and really reminded me of something I know, but need to remind myself of daily.

Pre WLS 460
Low after WLS 300
Start of MF 350
Previous MF low 280
Restart MF 330

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Postby rodeomom » February 21st, 2008, 10:47 am

Thanks, Mike. It is always nice to know when you are not the only one. If "restarting" is something Dr A felt was worth the time in the Dr's call then apparently, it isn't just me. :oops:
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