I'll know I'm a loser when ........

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I'll know I'm a loser when ........

Postby Carrie » February 27th, 2004, 1:20 pm

Ok, I'm a newbie, matter of fact I haven't even gotten my first order yet. But I've been hanging out in the forum waiting for the fedex guy, and I'm getting excited and hopeful about starting the program. :D

I've started a list of "Things I'll Be Able To Do" and "Things I Won't Have To Do Anymore" and I thought we could all share a few ....... I bet some of 'em are on everybody's list. Here's a sampling of mine:

Things I'll Be Able To Do
1. Say "I'm hungry" out loud. I won't dare do it now.
2. Wear a tank top TUCKED INTO A PAIR OF SHORTS even!
3. Cross my legs (haven't been able to do that in years)
4. Fit in an airplane seat AND the seatbelt. (I once went through an entire flight pretending that my seatbelt was fastened. I had it pulled tightly across my stomach with my tshirt bloused over it. I was too mortified to ask for an extension.) :oops:
5. Dance without feeling like a fool.
6. Grocery shop without shame.
7. Shop for clothes in the regular section.
8. Not worry about running into old friends (or meeting new people for that matter)

Things I Won't Have To Do Anymore
1. Order from Lane Bryant or Roamans or Just my Size EVER AGAIN, I HATE THEM! :x Matter of fact I think I will have a bonfire and BURN all those ugly clothes.
2. Heave myself out of the bathtub.
3. Wonder if a chair is gonna break.
4. Cut the labels out of my clothes. (Duh, like people can't tell they're plus size!)
5. Wonder how many people around me are thinking about how fat I am (Like they don't have anything better to do, LOL)
6. Cringe in shame every time I hear someone use the word "fat".

So gang, your turn to dish..... what's on your list?

I read mine and they motivate me to get there. It's almost like a list of presents we're in the process of giving ourselves. Hopefully yours do the same for you.

Hope everybody has a great weekend,

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Postby Jeanette » February 27th, 2004, 1:50 pm

Jeanette's List

Things I Couldn't Do Before Medifast that I Can Do Now
1. Cross my legs (ask me about the story in my boss' office!)
2. See my collar bones
3. See my FEET!
4. Fit into an airplane seat without feeling like I was put in it with a shoehorn! (I ALMOST got the seatbelt around me without the extender! BUT I DID get the tray to come all the way down :lol: )
5. Find my waistline
6. Find clothes in a regular store
7. Walk up a flight of stairs without feeling like my heart was pounding out of my chest
8. Dance without feeling like a fool (nah, I have NEVER felt foolish dancing, even at 340 pounds! In fact, I was in the musical NUNSENSE which was singing and dancing through the whole thing!!)

Things I Still Want to Do

1. Wear a pair of size 12 Levi's
2. Feel confident in a swimsuit
3. Ride the rides at an amusement park and not worry about whether I will fit or not.
4. Ride my bicycle for long distances
5. Do lots of athletic things I haven't done since junior high (play tennis, softball and volleyball)
6. Have people who have known me for years NOT recognize me (this has happened once already--pretty cool!)
7. Look absolutely hot in an evening gown
8. Buy clothes from a REGULAR department store! (I don't think I have EVER done that!)

I'm sure there are tons of other things I could put on here, but this is what I could think of right now!

You'll be amazed at how quickly some of your list will come to pass, Carrie! I sure was!
Jeanette :star:
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Postby Carrie » February 27th, 2004, 2:00 pm

OMG!!!!! I forgot all about the *dern* airplane tray! I usually just nonchalantly kept pressing it down so that it was horizontal, and that was in between making sure the arm of the chair wasn't rising up and my seatbelt still looked fastened. Sheesh, no wonder I hate flying!
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Postby explorthis » February 27th, 2004, 2:28 pm

I like these. I had to search back to find this post. These were things I posted quite awhile back, and it made me happy to read them again. None of these items below bother me at all anymore - though they were a part of my everyday life in the past!!!

Non thinking, non hurtful comments from my friend: Hey BIG guy!, or “Hey Your Large-ness” They are no more, now its "hey skinny"

Fear of going into a restaurant, and not having a table available, will I fit behind a booth? YES I DO !!! And I look to make sure I am placed in a booth!

Will the waitress at the restaurant think I am ordering too much? Will she secretly laugh when I order my standard diet coke with my meal? Not anymore, I have even been asked now, is that all? Like that is not enough in her eyes!

Sitting in a metal foldable chair (broke one once) wondering if it will hold me? YES.

Going to dinner at relatives, will their Victorian era valuable chairs hold me? YES.

Going to dinner at relatives, will they assume I am eating too much? NO

Do my friends and relatives think I will break their chair or seat in their car? No, and this is not even a question anymore!

Going to Amusement park, on a confined ride, with my kids. Will the seat and/or harness be big enough to go over me? Don't know yet, but I look forward to the oppertunity soon.

Are my kids embarrassed if a weight comment is made while I am with them in a public setting? Not anymore, I will never know, and I don't care.

Will I be asked (again) how much I weigh at the parachute ride @ Knott’s Berry Farm, and be denied access to this ride w/my kid “because of a weight limit on this ride” in front of 1000 people? NONONONO!

Swimming at the in-laws, why must I be afraid to take off my shirt? hmmm.. maybe, I dunno yet.

Swimming at the in-laws, I am looking at them, are they looking at me? hope not, but if they do, oh well

Going shopping at a normal, non “large guy” store, will they have my size? Will the larger size cost more? Will the checker look at the XXXL size and secretly giggle? Not anymore. I wear regular size clothes right off the Walmart rack.

Why don’t the clothing manufacturer’s realize I like nice designer type clothes, and have them at my retail store like everyone else’s? I don't care anymore, I shop for non-large clothing now.

Will Southwest airlines (I fly semi frequently) charge me for 2 seats because of my size? WHEW - never a fear again!

Will I fit behind the wheel of the small sports car I am looking at buying for my soon to drive teen? Will the salesman allow me to even attempt this? Yes, and he will gladly accept my hard earned dollar. She is getting a 67 volkswagen now, I am spending my $ on clothes!

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Postby Jeanette » February 27th, 2004, 2:45 pm

Awesome...positively AWESOME!

Jeanette :star:
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Postby shineface » February 27th, 2004, 6:08 pm

OK my turn --let me take a shot---

Painful and embarassing:

Having my brand new aluminum beach chair buckle under me at the beach.

Going out to dinner and saying I'd prefer not to eat in a booth and having everyone else vote to --dinner is so enjoyable with a table cutting your body in half while you "hang" over it.

Climbing the stairs and trying to pretend I can still carry on the conversation - while suffocating and deaf from my heart pounding.

Leaning over and having the seam split IN THE BUTT of my pants.

Walking around with a split seam and people noticing and commentingand chuckling, no laughing.

Walking with and trying to keep up with "long-quick-steppers" - knees buckling, chest heaving and head exploding.

"I'll only have the salad" - yeah, like with the looks, anyone believed that normally I wouldn't be ordering the ITALIAN SUPER PLATTER.

Having my picture taken - and enough said - the result, the few times it happened was too shocking a reality.

Having a kid ask his Mom in the checkout line of a store - Loudly "WHY IS THAT LADY SO FAT?"

Walking across the parking lot at the Mall and have a car full of skinny "youngsters?" YELL---"WHY DON'T YOU LOSE SOME WEIGHT YOU FAT B--CH!"

Spilling food and always having it land on my "shelf".

Worrying that my furniture will wear out quicker because of my weight.

People sitting next to me on an airplane - sighing and rolling their eyes and shifting around - even though I am making every possible effort to take as little room as I can - right down to holding my breath through most of the flight, never going to the bathroom and not eating.

Dreams of the Future

Shopping for sexy clothes - BECAUSE I CAN WEAR THEM IF I WANT TO!

Sitting anywhere - anytime -BECAUSE I CAN!



Being able to get into a Spa or Hot Tub and not worrying that the water will overflow the sides.

Being just one of the crowd - on the street, in a restaurant, in a store, ANYWHERE!

Wearing short and tank tops!

Wearing shoes with heels and not worrying about them breaking under my weight.

Being able to look at my reflection in a mirror, or window or anywhere.

Walking around in a swim suit without worrying about thigh-rub-rash.

Being able to fit in a regular sized bath tub.

Walking around naked when I get outta the shower.

Wearing matching lingerie ---

AHEM - well I think that's all for now .... you all get the idea!

Thanks for this excercise - didn't realize I had this much in my mind!

WE WILL do this together!!! :stroll:
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Postby Indigo » February 27th, 2004, 6:46 pm

And my favorite future goal:
Going into Victoria's Secret looking like I belong there, and buying a little silky something :D
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Postby Jeanette » February 27th, 2004, 8:24 pm

Dang! I totally forgot about shopping at Vicky's!!

I'll take something in red, please! ;)
Jeanette :star:
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Postby ErikaEastwood » February 27th, 2004, 9:54 pm

I want to be able to wear a bathing suit this summer and play basketball with my 10 year old without getting wore out so quickly. I just want to be more athletic.
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Thanks Carrie

Postby TamiL » February 28th, 2004, 4:37 am

Carrie..thank you for posting your AWESOME and inspiring list...It sure got all uf us thinking..and REMINDED how great its going to be to do all the things we wish for when we get to goal!! I hope your package arrives soon....I almost KISSED my fedex Man when he came!! it was like Christmas for me that day!!! :-P

Heres a few from my list


1. Wearing a jacket at work to cover my big ass and legs, even when I am sweating and uncomfortable

2. Being imbarrased about getting out of my car (you know when you pull up someplace..and youve got an audience looking and smiling at you..untill they see the rest of your body!!) everyone will see my face and look...but as soon as I get out of the car...its look away time!!!

3. looking down at ugly fat when I get out of the shower...and not being able to share by body with anyone...I dont even like seeing it..so how can I let anyone else see?

4. my legs rubbing together and the flab on the inside of my arms flapping in the wind

5. being isolated....feeling like IM trapped in this body...sreaming to get out!!


1. Wear my GREEN PANTS again with a cute little tshirt...and look GREAT

2. Cross my legs..and even wrap the top leg around the other!!!

3. Get out of my car ANYWHERE..and feel CONFIDENT!! walking into a room....feeling GREAT!

4. go back to the gym and be able to WATCH myself work out in the mirrors...and be fit and confident..and enjoy working out again!!

5. No jacket at work..just my OLD work pants that WILL fit again..and my Rescue T shirt...with NO JACKET!!

6. go to Victoria secret and buy something to wear....and feel sexy again...then perhaps find a man to view the new me!! hahahaha!

I could go on and on....the the biggest thing I cant WAIT for is my self esteem to come back...for some confidence...to feel FIT and FABULOUS!!

we will all get there....well shake our way there!!

Thanks Carrie..for the inspiring post...this is one of my favorites!!


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