How many calories in a serving of crow?? LONG

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How many calories in a serving of crow?? LONG

Postby Marseilles » May 9th, 2004, 8:48 am

Well..I blew it. I went 41 days without cheating..without ANY variation from the medifast program. I managed, for 41 days, to cook meals for my husband and child without so much as nibbling on any part of them.

I did a complete fast for 39 of those days, ate 4oz of boneless, skinless chicken and 1.5c of steamed asparagus on the two remaning days.

Whoopeee..good for me. I lost 28lbs in 41 days...amazing results.

100oz of ice cold water each and every day...minimum.


Yesterday, I blew it..I cheated. It was a conscious decision..obviously, Im the one responsible. I decided that as yesterday was so trying me, I'd have another lean/green. Logical thing to do, keep me from eating what I -REALLY- wanted to..which was everything in sight...right?


By the time I had buried my head in the covers in hopes of forgetting the day..and forgive me, I intend to type every bit of what I ate out, as a means of holding myself accountable...

I had eaten:

-1/2 a chicken breast..blackened and grilled. Finished in the oven with diced onion and tomato..topped with 1oz of sharp cheddar cheese.
-1c of steamed asparagus.
-1/2 a slice of garlic bread..yup...WITH butter. the frozen variety.
-3 mixed drinks..not one or two, three. with crystal lite lemonade.
-M&M's..two small bags. TWO candybars. Not one, TWO
-That handful of potato chips I had been craving..15 chips, I counted.
-a banana...
-1tsp of peanut butter.

Thats all of it...ALL of it. I disgust me..know that?? It occured to me yesterday as I had finished gorging myself on a bunch of crap that I didnt need..nor at that point, did I even WANT as I was so full I was SICK. I lay in bed last night with my arms and legs SO very sore, absolutely aching..commited to starting anew today.

Part of that was this admission, of sorts. I intend to look back on this post anytime and everytime I feal tempted..Im sure I will feel tempted again, you see.

I have a problem...its why I need medifast...even after losing 28lbs. Even after losing ALL my weight, which, by the way..Im halfway there. Or was, until yesterday, I will have a problem. Its called a lack of self control.

Last Saturday I bought a pair of shorts..size 10. Amazing feeling. Today, I dare not look at them, let alone try them on.

Nor will I weigh myself till next week..but I'll know.

Feel free, by the give me a piece of your minds. Lecture me on the perils of giving whatever you feel might help..

I blew it, I chose to.


*I* know how bad I blew it. :cry:
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Postby TamiL » May 9th, 2004, 9:23 am

M- you overate made the decision to eat more than you should have...but we have all been there...the trick is now to realize that for those few minutes of the food"tasting good"..comes days of guilt and feeling discouraged...the trick is to pick yourself right back up again..dust off and start more..just start anew!! Try and not feel discouraged as hard as it is at times...
its amazing what control food has over some of us....its like a feeling of helplesness when you cant control what your putting in your mouth..and the feelings that come after overeating are the worse!!

I have been just where you are right now...more than once on my program...and let me tell WILL get back on track..and you may find yourself wanting to overeat again...we all have that urge in us from time to time...but what do you want more? to wear those size 10 shorts you just bought? its all a matter of asking yourself those questions in the time that your head is at war about what your putting in your mouth!!

food for me has always been hard to control...but when I am in control of it...I can DO ANYTHING...I feel great and I am on a roll...we all fall off our wagons from time to time...dont beat yourself up too badly over it..just get right back up.....

you will loose this weight..and you will wear those shorts!! you can do it..dont give up..just drive on..
forgive yourself..forget..and start again!

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Postby Marseilles » May 9th, 2004, 12:29 pm


Thank you..nice to hear from/about at least ONE other person who is human and makes mistakes..I appreciate the well wishes. If nothing else, I hope the others who have read this post stop and consider before making my same mistakes. Maybe my error will keep someone else from binging on mothers Day..maybe not. Hopefully it is motivational to someone.

Sure wish I had happened across this forum and this means of getting medifast -before- I spent 500.00 joining a weightloss program in order to get medifast..and without a support system. Live and learn, I suppose. Of course I will not bother posting any name or anything else, I know it would be removed..but trust me when I tell you I am bitter about

Can you guess where my medifast orders will be placed from now on? It would be nice to feel a part of a community..Im sure Im not alone when I stress how alone this sometimes feels, this battle we are all fighting.

Cant wait to begin to feel better about things than I do today...what a pleasant mothers day...NOT.

Hope all of you out there have a wonderful Mothers day and are able to spend it with someone you love.


Back on program and looking forward to brighter days...
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Postby Landylue » May 9th, 2004, 2:09 pm

DANG, girl! When you do something, you go all the way, don't you! But you know what I find so encouraging? You are here writing about what you did, instead of retreating into the shadows and throwing in the towel. I consider that fact a definite positive step forward! You are going to get to your goal, Marseilles, I have no doubt in the world.

Chalk this up as a 'Lesson Learned', and let's get on with the program.

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Postby marge » May 9th, 2004, 2:29 pm


Hey girl you have been fabulous in the past and this is just a minor setback but you are getting right back on the train to thinness with us bunch of supporters behind you.

None of us are perfect..we all fall one time or another..some of us a little and some a lot but the trick is to get back on track. You are doing it girl so you are back on the train again and we are right behind you helping you reach your goal.....This is a new day and forget but learn from the old.

I spent a few hours with my son and hubby and I had my first lean and green meal in 4 weeks having done the complete fast. I can tell you new that it was not worth it :cry: I feel sick to my stomach and bloated and wish I had not had the meal. I will tell you what I had..not too bad though :lol:

small shrimp cocktail
small mixed green salad with balsamic vinegar
free range chicken breast stuffed with goat cheese which I removed...the chicken melted in my mouth...should only have eaten half but I was finished before my husband and son :lol:

the desert was a masterpiece of chocolate heart box filled with creme mousse and fresh fruit...i did not even taste the desert because I new it would be over..I would have to have more chocolate so I gave it to my son and I finished my lunch with nonfat cappucino and that was my desert. But I do feel sick....I wonder how we introduce outselves to food..I guess very slowly...I must read the questions and answers.

M..please forgive yourself and move on..back to the grind of reaching that goal of yours.


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hey girl

Postby saira » May 9th, 2004, 3:39 pm

hay marsailles.

girl....u know what....u survived 41 days without any temptation..u know what kind of achievement that alone is?? i am going to start the fast this week and 41 days seems like such a long time to me...ur already a hero and are successful in my book. listen to landy and marge...they are the experienced ones...i havent even started yet...but i think you have done greeat...and a little slippin and no big deal...i know you will accomplish your goal!!!!

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Postby Marseilles » May 9th, 2004, 3:55 pm

You are all very sweet, thank you a GREAT BIG BUNCH!!

The good news is, I HAVE started anew today..and I havent slipped up.

Thanks all for your support, you guys are great.

Saira, I look forward to hearing lots from you :) welcome aboard. It really IS a great program and there are some GREAT people here.

This forum is a blessing, truly.

-M the humble

Happy Mothers Day everyone, I hope yours has been blessed!
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Postby explorthis » May 10th, 2004, 6:32 am

Did someone call for Guido?

Well, appears not. I could not have said it any better than Tami, Landy, Marge or our new girl Saira. All added the perfect points. We fell off the Medi-train, and we have committed to getting back on, and brushing the crumbs off of our lap.

Marseilles, your pretty lucky to have these girls to support you. Listen to them, they know what's going on.

Welcome BACK!

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Postby Marseilles » May 11th, 2004, 10:27 am


I went and weighed in today..fearful, but figured best to get it over with and hold myself accountable.

I gained 0.4

Or thats what I have left to lose after cheating..wonder how much my weightloss will be slowed down over the next week or'll be interesting to see.

I can tell I am back in ketosis today, feeling much better than I did the past couple of days, which is good news.


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Postby elle4nelly » May 11th, 2004, 11:18 am

Hi Marseille!

Don't worry about that. Consider it your " Paid in Full" price for a day of slipping up! Hey?? We all do soon or later fall of the Meditrain. Fact is we all have a problem. Be it lack of restraint, no discipline, emotional eating or compulsive and or obsessive behavior toward food, we all have a tricky relationship with food!! Otherwise, we'd all be resident of Thinville all along. Just get back on the meditrain and do your best! Trust me, the sooner you get back the better. And the less obsess you are with the small gain the better too. Otherwise you risk getting all blue about it and falling off again. Let go and keep going.
I went off a full day last week too, got back but not without needing some seriously hard self control. It's been a struggle the last 5 days or so. But I won't obsess with it. Each day I just strive for a good medifast day and when I fail ...I just try again until it sticks!'ll make it to goal!

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