Food Addiction

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Food Addiction

Postby Landylue » March 27th, 2004, 6:54 pm

The first three weeks of my fast, I sincerely felt like I was going through withdrawal from drugs. Even though I knew in my head that I was not physically hungry, I was obsessed--OBSESSED--with thoughts of eating. The very smell of food would be enough to almost bring tears to my eyes. I realise now I was, indeed, going through a type of withdrawal.

I found some information on the Internet that I thought I would share with anyone who cares to read it. While food addiction is not everyone's problem, if you see yourself within the following paragraphs and are still trying to decide whether to give Medifast a try, please, don't wait, just do it. You won't find a more loving, caring supportive group of people who are here to help you heal, as we, ourselves, are healing.

What is Food Addiction?

Food addiction is a disorder characterized by preoccupation with food, the availability of food and the anticipation of pleasure from the ingestion of food.

Food addiction involves the repetitive consumption of food against the individual’s better judgment resulting in loss of control and preoccupation or the restriction of food and preoccupation with body weight and image.

One Type of Food Addiction - Compulsive Overeating

Compulsive Overeaters use food inappropriately and eventually become addicted to it and lose control over the amount of food they eat. Overeaters demonstrate binge eating without extreme weight control and see that behavior as normal. Overeaters are usually moderately to severely obese, with an average binge eater being 60% overweight. Bingeing episodes usually consist of carbohydrates and junk food.

Do you have a food addiction?

1. Has anyone ever told you that you have a problem with food?
2. Do you think food is a problem for you?
3. Do you eat large amounts of high calorie food in a short period of time?
4. Do you find yourself fearful of gaining weight?
5. Do you eat when you are disappointed, tense or anxious?
6. Can you stop eating without a struggle after one or two sweets?
7. Do find yourself preoccupied with gaining weight?
8. Has being overweight ever affected any part of your life?
9. Do you weigh yourself once or twice (or more) a day?
10. Do you eat more than you planned to eat?
11. Have you hidden food so that you would have it just for yourself?
12. Have you ever felt angry when someone ate food you saved for yourself?
13. Do you worry that you can’t control how much you eat?
14. Have you felt frantic about your size, shape or weight?
15. How many methods of weight loss have you tried in the past? (i.e., self induced vomiting, laxatives, diuretics, fasting, amphetamines, weight loss programs, etc.)
16. Have you ever felt so ashamed of the amount you eat that you hide your eating?
17. Have you been so upset about the way you eat that you wished you would die?
18. Do you overeat more than twice a week?
19. Do you invent plans in order to be alone to eat?
20. Do you seek out companions who eat the way you do?

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Postby HD » March 28th, 2004, 6:04 am

Thank God I'm on the medifast! I think that article was written on me :lol: It was an eye opener! Thank you for sharing and reminding me of a life that I hope to overcome (I will overcome). I'll have to print that out to make sure I read it at the beginning of every week, Heck...i need to read it every morning :D
Thanks for looking out after us.
Jackie (HD)

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Postby Jeanette » March 28th, 2004, 6:49 am

VERY good post! It reconfirmed what I already knew--that I was/am/always will be a food addict!
Jeanette :star:
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staying on track

Postby maddie » March 28th, 2004, 7:35 am

I am struggling with this. I went off last nigh because of some feelings I didn't want to aknowledge :( I want this to work and I know it can. Some sugestions about how to keep mtself out of the way would help.
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Postby pinkgeek » March 29th, 2004, 8:25 am

You nailed it Landylue! I now, like you were, am currently obsessed with thoughts of cheese (Steve Urkel over here) since I have started this diet. I cry frequently in private after going to dinner with my husband or sitting next to him while he eats his good-smelling, yummy "delights." He's not trying to torture me, though. When he's sees I'm really down, he asks if he should go have his meal in the other room :) For me, I would "console" myself with bad carbs, sugar, and cheesy stuff. I guess we have to figure out different ways to cope with our stress and feelings. For whatever reason, food has a drug-like effect on us, where it apparently doesn't for the average bear. Medifast is going to save us though! Thank you for the info.

Start date: 3/21/04
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Re: Food Addiction

Postby explorthis » March 29th, 2004, 8:32 am

Landylue wrote:What is Food Addiction?

Food addiction is a disorder characterized by preoccupation with food, the availability of food and the anticipation of pleasure from the ingestion of food.

Food addiction involves the repetitive consumption of food against the individual’s better judgment

Do you have a food addiction?

WOW. I have never read these points before, knowing actual items that make you addicted. Of the 20 items above, I can easily say yes to 14 of them, with another 5 right on the border of saying yes. What a mysterious thing we have – the brain - that allows this type of behavior. “I AM A FOOD AHOLIC”!! I admit it. However, addicted or not, now is the time for me (and all of us) to take FULL control, to never allow these temptations, or additions to take place again. We must change our thinking, or actions, the way we allow ourselves into these situations that got us into this thinking in the first place. I am not magically cured; I am still an addicted person. I still see food as a crutch. I still see myself wanting to eat for the wrong reasons. I know this will not be an easy battle, but I do know this – being thinner, and the reasons we want to be thinner, make it all the easier to maintain what we have lost, and help us to stay away from these thoughts, and addictive behaviors. I cannot ever let my guard down. I WILL NOT ever allow this type of behavior again. I know in a nano-second I could return to my old ways. No one will help us. It has to be us. The results of the loss are euphoric and amazing as we have seen, or will see. There are no little angels sitting on our shoulders to help aid us in keeping on the straight and narrow. There are still corners to hide in, places we can be alone, and situations we can create to eat. WE must be strong. WE must not allow this type of behavior to enter our lives again. This is the last stop. OUR STOP.

I do this with all the strength I can muster. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that being thinner is better than being overweight. I know you will ALL experience this euphoria, and you all deserve it.

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