Why no brussel sprouts?

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Why no brussel sprouts?

Postby mommaof3boys » June 6th, 2006, 12:49 pm

Anyone know why we can't eat them? They have 8 g carbs a serving but 3 is non-digestible fiber - 5 g total. Are they too caloric?

I love love love roasted any veggie but brussels are great that way . . .
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Re: Why no brussel sprouts?

Postby ascicles » June 6th, 2006, 1:29 pm

mommaof3boys wrote:Anyone know why we can't eat them? They have 8 g carbs a serving but 3 is non-digestible fiber - 5 g total. Are they too caloric?

I love love love roasted any veggie but brussels are great that way . . .

Most servings of veggies are 1/2 cup, that would mean 24 grams of carbs (15). Way too much, when our lean and green is only supposed to have 10 total.
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Postby mommaof3boys » June 6th, 2006, 3:44 pm

Just a question - where are all these "rules" about number of calories/carbs/etc. in lean and green?

Are they written down somewhere?

My Quick Start guide had none of this information.

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Postby ascicles » June 6th, 2006, 4:11 pm

mommaof3boys wrote:Just a question - where are all these "rules" about number of calories/carbs/etc. in lean and green?

Are they written down somewhere?

My Quick Start guide had none of this information.


I'm just going by what's always posted in here. Just looking at it objectively though, 24 grams of carbs are quite a bit.
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Postby Ketann » June 6th, 2006, 4:19 pm

I don't know why, but my Dr. once told me brussel spouts slowed down your metabolism. No clue why.

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Postby Aerie » June 6th, 2006, 4:47 pm

I have also heard somewhere that brussel sprouts can lower thyroid function and this is how they can slow metabolism. They are excellent veggies though (I love them) and I think would be perfectly acceptible for someone not trying to lose weight.

Please correct me if I'm wrong here.
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Postby emarooster » June 6th, 2006, 7:33 pm

This comes from Andrew Weil, M.D.,

"It is true that cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, kale, Brussels sprouts, broccoli and cauliflower contain natural chemicals called goitrogens (goiter producers) that can interfere with thyroid hormone synthesis. Other foods that contain these chemicals include corn, sweet potatoes, lima beans, turnips, peanuts, cassava (YUCA), canola oil and soybeans. Fortunately, the goitrogens in these foods are inactivated by cooking, even by light steaming, so there is no need to forego the valuable antioxidant and cancer- protective effects cruciferous vegetables afford.

However, if you habitually eat a lot of cruciferous vegetables raw, you should let your physician know. A simple blood test can reveal whether or not the dose of the thyroid hormone replacement drug you are taking is adequate. You should have a blood test once a year in any event. Your dose may need to be adjusted if you gain or lose weight, if you are pregnant, and, sometimes, if you start or stop birth control pills. Some medications, including antacids containing aluminum, can also interfere with thyroid hormone absorption and require an adjustment in dosage."

I'm in the midst of thyroid issues myself and have done a little research into the matter. Hope this helps.
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Postby mommaof3boys » June 7th, 2006, 5:18 am

Thanks! That was my recollection too - that if you cooked them they were fine.

I had the carb count off - looked brussel sprouts up on calorie-count (good website - lets you find calories in one almond, one brussel sprout, etc.) - not as high as the package said (which were fresh frozen by a local grower so probably off a bit) but still skating at the limit with 1.5 cups . . .
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Postby Sarya » June 7th, 2006, 5:35 am

The nutritionist on the main MF site has covered brussel sprouts a couple times. I used to think I was the only person who liked them, but clearly I was wrong :D

Anyway here is what was said:

Here is the list of approved vegetables:
Greens (collard, turnip)
Mushrooms (use in moderation on top of salad)
Alfalfa Sprouts
Summer Squash
Beans (Italian, Green, Waxed)
Lettuce (romaine, iceberg, bib)

Vegetables like corn, carrots, peas, lima beans, brussel sprouts, other types of squash rather than summer squash, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and artichokes are all not recommended on the program due to carbohydrate content. They are too high in carbs. The lean and green meal usually provides about 10-12 carbs. When you are doing the program you are trying to consume between 80-85 grams of carbohydrates.
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Postby mommaof3boys » June 7th, 2006, 6:44 am

Sarya -

Very helpful.

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