striving for perfection

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striving for perfection

Postby coco » November 30th, 2004, 3:28 pm

Hey all, I thought it would be better to write in here than to give in to my HUUGE cravings for food...i dont know what but anything, really. Unfortunately, giving in to these cravings are probably what has made ME huge! I just ate a fruit and nut bar, which was really really good (my first one) so it's not as if I'm actually hungry. It's more that this is my third day of being really strictly on plan after some instances of cheating, and subsequent redidication. Whenever I tell myself im going to be "perfect," I somehow can stay on program really well for anywhere from three to five days before I give in to SOME kind of something i definitely SHOULDNT have :x ...and then of course im really mad at myself and vow to start again right away...How do you stay soooo perfect for soooo long? (ie all of yall who just went straight through, never cheating, etc. or did 100-day challenges and the likes) It's amazing, and im really looking for ways to stay strong...actually i think i'm going to make some fast soup as long as im obviosuly still thinking about shoving food into my face...AAHHH! I would LOVE to set a fabulous new record for myself of staying ON...for the LONG HAUL! I know losing weight so quickly is obviosuly the big motivator here, but form hour to hour, in the midst of a craving, it's still ahrd to be rational about that.
Thanks for listening/reading,
~Coco :puter:
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Postby explorthis » November 30th, 2004, 3:52 pm

better to write in here than to give in to my HUUGE cravings for food

Coco, glad you wrote… Ya know, it’s a fine line from thinking your hungry, and actually being hungry. If you think your hungry, what is the trigger? Is it years of eating whatever you wanted whenever you wanted? These HUGE cravings are probably not as huge as you think, but more mental – and habitual!!!

I know for me (43 years old – ALWAYS overweight) I see myself in your post – good for 1-2-3, even maybe 4 days, screw up, oh well, I will start over, again and again, with no end in sight.

I think this has to be a TRUE mental decision first. There is no magic pill that is going to make it easy. Once you actually get into that mild Ketosis state, the hunger truly goes away for the most part. Trust a 3-Big-Mac a day lunch pro, that had it his way forever, then cold turkey switched the key to Medifast. It is a challenge, but once you begin to create a habit of Medifast, and you actually SEE some weight come off, and FEEL the difference, it begins to come together. It gets easier I promise.

It is mental first, then your brain starts to work with your stomach, and you realize in fact you are not really hungry, but are just used to habitual eating. Soon the weight will begin to come off, and you will desire to stay on the program more than ever.

Then there is the TV, oh those endless commercials, the cupboards with (Nancy’s word) foodies, treats for the kids, heck even the dog food starts taking shape (kidding of course). It is mental. Give it time.

Get up and leave the food area when you feel it coming on. Be no where around the food. The craving will pass, and you will thank yourself.

Be strong, there is no other way – IT WORKS, trust a former fat guy!!!

Was 337/223 is goal (about 40 to go)
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Postby shineface » November 30th, 2004, 5:09 pm


Listen to the man - he knows of what he speaks.

I see me all over your post too - ah, I can always start again ----NO - once you get it - don't let it go - it's too much of a struggle to get the groove back again - listen to me - I know of what I speak - see my posts!

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Postby coco » November 30th, 2004, 10:18 pm

thanx got me through this evening! Still on plan and ready for a great MF day tomorrow!!
Let's go! :D
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Postby Nancy » November 30th, 2004, 10:58 pm

Coco ~

You survived the call of the cupboards!

See? You really are stronger than your old former foody habits and you are creating new things to do with your time.

Mike gave you some great ideas. Read some of my newsletters from the archives.

Here's one for you

Hour by hour, shake by shake is how you get there - when your reason WHY is bigger than your reason WHY NOT, you'll make it to Thinsville!
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
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