No More Sweatin' with the Oldies...

Questions/Comments about Women's Health Products.

No More Sweatin' with the Oldies...

Postby Nancy » August 1st, 2003, 12:09 am

Hey, I am a member of Menopause Manor, if ya know what I mean...yep, I'm in my mid-fifties and for over ten years had experienced night sweats and daytime glows - okie dokie, I'll admit it - I did more than glow: I had a continual patent leather face - it was SHINY due to menopausal symptoms. I felt like I was had a nuclear reactor inside that periodically did meltdowns! :oops:

Since I started using Take Shape for Life's great featured product, Medifast, I no longer experience those personal saunas! Really! It's amazing - no crankiness either - which brings great pleasure to those that live within a three block vicinity of our cottage! :P

Our product, Medifast Plus for Women's Health contains soy protein (which recent clinical studies have shown to be a wonderful friend of women because it is a healthy source of protein and helps our body to adjust to those dreaded menopausal symptoms. It contains black cohosh, Echinacea purpurea and chaste tea berry. Together these natural herbs may reduce those embarrassing hot flashes and help to balance hormone levels.

The Women's health drink can be taken up to three times a day (often times, two per day is all that is needed) and it can be used as a snack or part of our weight reduction program, too. This can be used as a safe and effective alternative to HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy).
Now I stay cool and calm! No more sweatin’ with the oldies for mois!
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Nancy Pettit
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menopause symptoms

Postby betz » September 27th, 2005, 5:36 am

Hi Nancy,

I'm 45 but had a hysterectomy (leaving one lonely ol' ovary) 5 years ago. That lil' gal did her best but finally conked out on me early this summer. I was miserable! The sweating, awfully low moods and (oh thanks) weight gain!
I was already twenty pounds heavier than I needed to be when I went on a hormone replacement patch.

The patch helped my awful symptoms but added even more weight. I was feeling very out of control and just hopeless.

I started reading about soy being a big help to women who had the same symptoms as me and then stumbled on to a site about Medifast. Soy based...hmm, I thought, maybe I could kill two (miserable) birds with one stone.

I stopped the patch, started my Medifast meals and I've not had any returning symptoms. I've lost ten pounds in six weeks and I'm working on the next ten, now.

I know I'll stay with the MF shakes long after I reach my goal weight because I feel SO good. Healthier, energized and symptom free.

Right now I'm using the regular Medifast shakes and since they seem to be working I plan to continue using them. I may "weave in" some of the Women's health shakes down the road.

This program has been such a miracle for me. I only wish it had been around to save my mother who died about 30 years ago--at least partly due to being what the doctors called clinically obese. Like you, she was a beauty regardless of her weight, but she would have just soared to feel rid of that weight.

Thanks for all of the inspiration! :)
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Postby Nancy » September 27th, 2005, 8:35 am

betz ~

Thank you for your comments here. Many women find that they are able to manage menopausal symptoms very well with the regular line of soy shakes like you - :whoohoo: isn't it great? Nothing like :lightsword: fighting off those hot flashes with a Chocolate Shake, eh?

Congratulations on your weight loss, too. It amazes me that Medifast has been available for so long and I never knew about it until three years ago. There are a lot of imitations coming out now and none of them have our exact nutritional content. Our diabetic line is superb as well - imitation is supposed to be the highest form of flattery - we need no flattery do we, because we know we have found the best products to improe our health without drugs. Our body is amazing and it works properly when we give it the best nutrition; it seems to almost heal itself.

:cheers: Here's to you Betz ad for feeling cooler and happier! :cleader:
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
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