modification choices

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modification choices

Postby categilman » January 3rd, 2004, 4:01 pm

If I have to choose the modified plan from time to time, is Broccoli Beef, chinese food an acceptable meal substitute? I know to stay away from rice, etc. I don't need lectures on the obvious.

Please let me know

Thanks so much.
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Postby Jeanette » January 3rd, 2004, 6:22 pm

Hi Cate--no lectures here! :lol:

My first reaction is to be cautious. Usually the beef has been marinating in something (could be gravy, could be something else!)

Best bet is to stick with meat that you KNOW hasn't been doctored with anything but dried spices.
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Postby Unca_Tim » January 4th, 2004, 11:40 pm

Hi Cate,
You've got to be careful of "fudging", but if you're running around 4-500 calories with your Medifast products for the day, if you don't mind figuring calories of your beef and brocolli (probably corn syrup), you can go ahead with about 3-400 calories with your meal.

I would watch that it doesn't become a habit, but occasionally it's ok. Just be careful of too many carbs that can slide you out of ketosis and you'll be fighting hunger again and possibly plateau for a day or two.

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Re: modification choices LECTURE?????????

Postby explorthis » January 5th, 2004, 8:20 am

categilman wrote:If I have to choose the modified plan from time to time, is Broccoli Beef, chinese food an acceptable meal substitute? I know to stay away from rice, etc. I don't need lectures on the obvious.

Lectures on the obvious? I gotta toss in my 35 cents again. Remember this is one persons view, not the majority. I hope no one here views posts as lectures on obvious things.

Lest we forget, we are here, or on this program for one reason, and it is not support, it is to LOSE WEIGHT! This board only adds the support from views of folks in the same situations. I did not magically stumble onto this site, it was a choice, as it was for me to lose the 42 years worth of obese weight I have successfuly carried around. I could have used about 100 lectures while piling on the additional 100 pounds over the years.

I read comments and questions about, can I add this or add that, drink this, drink that... A dab here, a dribble there. Pickles, celery, meat etc... I (again this is my view) decided to lose weight for a reason. It took me 42 years to get this way, and I do (did) not want it to take 42 months for it to come off. Give Medifast a chance alone. It is a mind - life altering decision. It takes will power - something we all lack (or lacked) thus we would not be here. 1-2-3-4-5-6 days into the program, I see posts where some are asking if they can add this, or mix this into that. Again, give it a chance alone to work. Medifast is designed to put you into that mild state of Ketosis. This Ketosis thing really works. I am proof, I am the one that did not have will power. I am the one that started a new different diet every calendar day of every year with no success. I opted to go full force at this one, with no modifications and it works. I know the need for "munching", or "chewing" and the feeling of not having 4 Big Mac's in my stomach, but trust me, this feeling of "hunger" goes away after a very short time. I can understand an OCASSIONAL off kilter nibble, but I believe (my 100% testimony to Medifast) that if you TRULY give Medifast a chance, you will be pleased, and find that it is pretty damn easy!!!

Again, this is not a lecture, so please don't take it as this, it works.

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Postby categilman » January 5th, 2004, 9:33 am

Thank you everyone for all the feed back.
My experience (limited as it is) is the broccolli beef is fine. I have been sticking to the program. I am still really new, but I have lost 6 pounds in 3 days so I am hardly having a problem. Yes these days have been trying, but I have stuck to the Medifast system. I was under the assumption that a meal of protein and vegetables was an acceptable replacement for a shake and was even suggested for the first week. Yes sticking to the program is difficult, but I am totally motivated when I see results like this and it is getting easier. I guess I really don't need to be quite so neurotic but use common sense and just stay on the program.
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Postby Unca_Tim » January 6th, 2004, 8:32 pm

Hi Again Cate,
One of the most important things is regularity and portion control. This will apply later on too, when you start into transition. Remember not to miss a meal and if you have to do any substitution, watch your portion sizes.

While on the program you want your body to get into a regular regiment of being fed with nutritious meals. That way it will be satisfied physically and nutritiously and wont start storing your foods as fat and will keep hunger to a minimum. When you skip meals or only eat 2-3 large meals a day, your body starts worrying when the next meal is coming and begins storing fat.

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Postby categilman » January 6th, 2004, 9:05 pm

I'm not sure why you seem to think I am not following the program. I specifically stated i was so I'm not sure what you are trying to imply.
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Postby Jeanette » January 7th, 2004, 7:39 am


Woah. Chill out. Tim is not implying that you are not following the program. He is doing what any Health Advisor would do--give health advice, something to think about as you work the program.

I could tell from your first post that you are on the defensive. Relax, will ya? We're all in the same boat! And we are all here for the same purpose--encouragement and support.
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We are all in this together.

Postby star85 » January 7th, 2004, 8:34 am

At the top of these message boards you will see within the title, "The Medifast total SUPPORT weight loss program. Also you will see "certified health ADVISORS". That is what Tim is. People that are members of these boards are here for SUPPORT and ADVISE. We are all here to build each other up and keep each other going. I think I speak for everyone when I say we all appreciate the fact that we have concerned and well informed health advisors here at this forum that actually care enough to E-mail us back on a regular basis with good advice and info and keep up with our progress. I've checked out other Medifast forums where the advisors haven't returned E-mails or updated their boards in months. Well good luck with your wight loss efforts and we are all here for you whenever you need us.
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Postby Unca_Tim » January 7th, 2004, 9:27 am

sorry...wasn't trying to imply anything...:)
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