Medifast Crackers VS. Fat Free Saltines

Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.

Medifast Crackers VS. Fat Free Saltines

Postby Carbshateme » September 8th, 2005, 12:25 pm

OK, puh-leeeeeeeez don't spank me for asking this: But what is the diff. between the Medifast Crackers and Fat Free Saltines? Well, besides 5 calories, 1 gram of fiber and about $2 a box? I know the saltines have more sodium... I am just realllly curious. :)
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Postby Nancy » September 8th, 2005, 2:39 pm

Saltines are not multigrain...white flour versus the good stuff...there is a difference in the type of carbs - the MF multigrain crackers are lower on the glycemic index than regular saltines....if you are serious about losing weight, getting the job done in the fastest way possible, then if it doesn't have a Medifast label on it or come in a sealed packet....don't scarf it, Little Darlin's...
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Postby Carbshateme » September 9th, 2005, 7:42 am

ARGHHHHHH! I shoulda thought of that! Thanks Nancy! It's a good thing I left those crackers on the shelf at the grocery!

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Postby Jan » September 9th, 2005, 9:41 am

Nancy caught us again. Wandering in "no no land". She is always watching for her "little darlins" to stray off the path. Good!!
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