Has anyone ever considerd a chat room?

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Has anyone ever considerd a chat room?

Postby Marseilles » May 11th, 2004, 12:21 pm

Hello losers, one and all! :)

My question goes out to our gracious hosts and I welcome the thoughts and opinions of all!

Has consideration ever been given to a live chat, in addition to this great forum? Maybe Im just obsessive compulsive by nature but I find myself reading the boards...ALOT throughout the day and evening ...oooh twenty or thirty times, minimum..and Im curious..would anyone else be interested in a live chat? This seems to me to be the kind of community where a chat would thrive, be an ideal media for people to talk back and forth throughout the day and maybe find answers to questions live. Perhaps find strength in a moment of weakness, that sort of thing..

Perhaps some of the forum members could act as moderatores of a chat? I know I am a stay at hom Mom and would be more than willing to commit my time and energy to something of the sort!

Just lobbing the idea out there...cant wait to hear how people would feel about it..there are some great chat clients that would be ideal, if the interest was there.

Hope you are all having a GREAT day and even better week!

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Postby explorthis » May 11th, 2004, 12:43 pm


2 reasons:

1. I have a full time job (luckily very flexible). I am already too addicted to looking here for post's. I can not exert anymore time.

2. I would be afraid I would miss out on something good, if I were not "at chat"

I was one of the first ones here on this board, I get a little say!! (begging)

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Postby Marseilles » May 11th, 2004, 1:30 pm


I sympathize Mike, truly..but we could keep LOGS of the chats and you wouldnt miss -anything- LOL

I do understand though...I just think that it would be fun..wouldnt have to be a compulsion..but it'd be a blast...wouldnt it?? Oh..and itd be a blast!!!

Did I mention that i think it'd be a blast to have real live contact with other people facing the same angst and going through the same trials and tribulations in REALTIME??

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Postby explorthis » May 11th, 2004, 2:29 pm


I sympathize Mike, truly..but we could keep LOGS of the chats and you wouldnt miss -anything- LOL

Uh, you have no idea!

I do understand though...I just think that it would be fun..wouldnt have to be a compulsion..but it'd be a blast...wouldnt it?? Oh..and itd be a blast!!!

You know nothing about compulsion (regarding Medifast) as of yet. You are just (as my 3 year old says) a bee-bee in the Medifast life. IT IS COMPULSIVE. I started on Medifast 9/8/03 247 days ago. I know within ¼ of a pound every morning and every evening before bed what my trusty fat-o-meter will reveal. Tell me I am not compulsive. I know virtually everyone on this board on almost a personal friendship basis. Tell me I am not compulsive. I come here on and off morning, noon, and even sometimes sneak on before bed (that’s if I ever get to bed – another subject) Tell me I am not compulsive. I scrutinize every morsel that passes my lips. Tell me I am not compulsive. See a pattern here? I am compulsive. I have to be compulsive. I cannot allow myself not to be. I worked too darn hard to finally get the weight off. I refuse to ever allow myself this displeasure again. This board helps me (believe it or not) to stay on the straight and narrow, just as it is helping you get to the straight and narrow. So are you, (compulsive) or so shall you be. I like this board. I am not really against a chat. If there were chat, and someone was not able to attend, for some reason, perhaps something of interest to that person might come up, might get resolved, and the needy individual might miss out. Chat is fun (or says my teen, as I beat her with a stick to use my OWN computer) but I like this board, and getting, and giving information. It helps!

Did I mention that i think it'd be a blast to have real live contact with other people facing the same angst and going through the same trials and tribulations in REALTIME??

We do have real – and most times live conversation as it is, most of us (or at least I do) cheat our jobs, and sneak on here anyway. Generally not a few minutes pass by, where some response or resolution is not posted…

I say no chat - Don't make me call Guido.

Mikes .25 cents.
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Postby Marseilles » May 11th, 2004, 3:59 pm

Okay...now I am flat out laughing. Very obviously, the intent and mood of my previous post was entirely lost in translation somewhere along the way.

Forgive me, for not giving you due props Mike. Since, as you have readily pointed out, you were one of the FIRST here..have lost ALL your weight, are a self-proclaimed compulsive type persona and I am just a mere bee-bee on the road to weightloss and achieving my goal and am regarded as 'clueless'...

(I see that be it 10lbs or 100lbs via MEDIFAST, that not yet reaching ones desired weight should discount ALL steps in between starting and achieving that goal...more than just a little deflating, but lord knows it isnt the first OR last time someone will knock the wind out of my sails regarding what minor goals I may have set and/or achieved regarding my OWN journey to 'thinsville'...)

Unfortunately I have only gone from 220lbs to 168lbs, so far. And only 28lbs or so of that has been via MEDIFAST. Im sure I dont have ANY idea how much effort you put into losing YOUR weight. One day, I hope to get there. Sometimes, its a lonely road..therefore, I asked if anyone had given consideration to the idea.

For the record: I was JOKING when I said it didnt have to be a compulsion, very tongue in cheek since uhmm...ALL of us are compulsive or we wouldnt NEED medifast OR this board...I do point out though, that I said the CHAT didnt have to be a compulsion..nowhere did I say it wouldnt be a compulsion for YOU. I was speaking solely about the CHAT, as I make no claims to having near real-life personal friendships with anyone on this forum, since apparently one has to qualify to belong to that cool-kids club...and I am obviously not in that standing. I would, however, point out that I make no claims about ANYONES compulsions, abilities, efforts or lack thereof. I have no right, nor would I be so presumptuous..I did though, have a desire to hopefully BUILD friendships with people and it seemed like a logical question regarding the chat, so I asked it.

I stand corrected though! Let me retract my suggestion of a live, REALTIME chat since the one response I got regarding the idea was so entirely negative.

Please give Guido my regards!

-M. the clueless.
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Postby Marseilles » May 11th, 2004, 4:08 pm

Ohh..did I mention that I am an inventor and have just TODAY patented your direct-mainline-straight-into-the-vein capabilities of the forum????


And that you cant have none?

(Have your three year old translate, I bet she does it to a 'T'!!)
LOL :yippee:

-M. the BRILLIANT and slightly-psycho-yet-envied by ALL compulsive types EVERYWHERE!!!!
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Postby Marseilles » May 11th, 2004, 4:15 pm

I propose a re-BUTT as opposed to a re-but.

Lets keep it interesting..we can volley Butt's back and fro

awww..no 'moon' smiley!!
-M. the silly
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Postby explorthis » May 11th, 2004, 8:18 pm

(Have your three year old translate, I bet she does it to a 'T'!!)

Oh my GOD.. a true Mom.. Yes I have a re-BUTT, but later, I have to get back to American-Idol (Yipee!)

And..Niki my 3 (going on 12) year old actually say's:

Nanny-Nanny-Boo-Boo, then adds things like, you-canta-get-me etc..

Yes, you have it to a tee!!

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Postby Marseilles » May 11th, 2004, 8:26 pm

We have in fact gone off topic...

American Idol..much earlier here on the EAST coast..and, I might add, the RIGHT coast...but stand tall, hider of Guido, you no-chat participant!!

I LIKE the show..and I think them very talented..and since I see it earlier than you, I will hereafter threaten to tell the results prior to your having the abilty to see it!



Oh..and BuBye jasmine...she is SO gone :P
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Postby Guest » May 13th, 2004, 7:53 am

Marseilles wrote:We have in fact gone off topic...

American Idol..much earlier here on the EAST coast.

I LIKE the show

Oh..and BuBye jasmine...she is SO gone :P

Uh, how many calories in a serving of CROW? (Think that was another topic eariler) Shall I have a serving sent to your "east coast" address Mar.. ?

Say it with me: La Toya as you say... BuBye!


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Postby Marseilles » May 13th, 2004, 9:49 am

hahaha..I know, I know..but let me just point out...

We need more forums like this because ALL of America must be overweight..apparently ALL their taste is in their mouths.

LaToya...the girl can sing!!!


Not sure who you are G, but can I get my crow deepfried today? Second serving in one week and it tastes HORRIBLE :P

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Postby Landylue » May 13th, 2004, 10:33 am

My husband and I were so disgusted at what happened with the voting on American Idol last night that we turned the program off and won't be tuning in again. Until they can devise a one-phone/one-vote method to gather votes, American Idol has lost some very devoted fans.

We both love watching a spirited talent competition, in fact, we produce and direct one every year for a national fundraiser, but we have no desire to sit through the popularity contest that this program has become.

Just my thoughts. . .

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Postby explorthis » May 13th, 2004, 11:04 am

Not sure who you are G,

"G" is me.. Maybe its I that needs the serving! I NEVER N-E-V-E-R look at the boards w/o logging in........

Mental note: Slap self when finished here.

-Mike (Appearing a "G" Guido)
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Postby elle4nelly » May 13th, 2004, 12:39 pm

Silly Nuts!!!!!!!!

Keep me laughing! I need it Big Time!
No chat room, though. I turn everything into Obsessive-Compulsive disorder...and this forum is no exception! It's food, It's scales, It's forums...please don't allow me to add another addiction. I have a job to go to....
he he!

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Postby Marseilles » May 13th, 2004, 2:39 pm


See, you were so obviously shocked by the LAME voting and LaToya being voted off that you lost your senses..muahahaha.

Nelly, you know..when M. the ALMOST-always-right is wrong she doesnt have trouble admitting it..and the more I think about it the more I concede..a chat room isnt a good idea. I, afterall, am here ALL the dang time anyways..and well yeah...we are all over-the-brink-OCD-personas so we do need to exercise some control...isnt it amazing? I say exercise and control in the same sentence without so much as batting an eye these days..truly wonderous.

yeah, yeah, Guid-father..I'll eat the crow as long as you try not to choke on my admission there..ya big lug! ;)

True-nuff again, Landy mah friend..the one-call/one-vote does need to be incorporated..but look at it this way:

She has enough talent that she is probably fielding calls from recording companies as I type..

and about American Idol..is George Huff not the most adorable little-boy in a man you have ever laid eyes on?! The absolute bliss conveyed in his smile made me chuckle..some extremely talented people this year..dont shut it off too quickly! :)

A wonderous day to y'all, from the Sunny, Delightful, Perfect, Eastern Seaboard!!!

-M. the absolutely happy chick of the day...

Happy Thursday, guys...and M.'s quote 'o the day is.....

"A day without sunshine is like.......NIGHT!"
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