AllAboutMe& is it possible to "prime" b4 day1?

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AllAboutMe& is it possible to "prime" b4 day1?

Postby StrivingSister » February 15th, 2006, 10:53 pm

:o Hello Everyone! I would like to like to say that even though I haven't yet begun my program, I have really been inspired - I also feel myself gaining more confidence (honestly :oops: :arrow: 8) ). I can relate to a lot of the stories/ feelings, so I am truly happy about the victories i've read about!

(Sorry if that sounds bizarre; I've have also never posted a comment on a forum before!)

The decision to just go for it with Medifast is actually just one part of an "it's all about me" regimen that I have just recently allowed myself to establish. I am trying to adopt a new attitude of eliminating negativity, finishing tasks that are benefical for me, and treating myself better overall.

Okay, my question: I should receive my Medifast in a day or so (woohoo). Is there anything I should do to prepare myself? Should I be downsizing my meals starting now? Should I just eat veges and drink water these days? I guess I am trying to battle the anticipated 3-day hunger before it strikes? Any suggestions would be helpful.

Thank you very much!
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Days before

Postby Jan » February 15th, 2006, 11:02 pm

Hi There,
I'd use these days to read as many posts as possible and plan plan plan. Look thru the cupboards and fridge and if possible get rid of everything that will be tempting to you that's not on program. Then plan out some delicious lean and green meals. Look at the "lean cuisine" section of the forum and find some delicious ways to "spice up" the meal replacements. Next I'd write down a list of reasons why you want to part with the pounds. This will help you get thru the first 3 days or so. The day before your product arrives is a good day to head to the grocery to purchase the ingredients for your lean and green. That way you'll have a few days before you have to return and be tempted by old favorites And next don't even give yourself the option to fail. Just tell yourself you'll do it and follow the program exactly.
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Postby Serendipity » February 16th, 2006, 5:13 am

Hi and welcome to our forum. (BTW, you didn't sound bizarre at all!)

I didn't do this, so I can't say whether it works or not, but it does make sense. Some people get rid of the carbs - cut out bread, pasta, taters, etc. - during the days they're waiting for their package. I think the theory behind this is that it would help you get into ketosis faster. Ketosis = no hunger.
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Postby falisamarie » February 16th, 2006, 5:29 am

HI!!!! Welcome to our great team :goteam: Like Jo I did not prepare in advance but do know of some who did and I think it is a great idea to plan ahead. You will love the program and will see right away that if you work the program the program will work for you!!!

I look forward to seeing your progress!!

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Postby lauradr » February 16th, 2006, 7:39 am

Welcome!!!! Welcome!!! Great place for help :D :D
I'm not where I wanna be but, thank God I'm not where I use to be!


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Postby suzyq » February 16th, 2006, 8:04 am

I agree with Jan 100% - make a plan and clean out those cabinets! You can even plan your calendar - where you have to go, where you might be tempted, & how you will avoid cheating in those situations! If you don't drink water you can beef up your water intake too!


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Postby 2BHealthy » February 16th, 2006, 8:07 am

Welcome :wave:

I just started yesterday so we are both new! Personally, I read everything I could on the forum, I got lactaid pills which I thought I might need, got some pickles and sugar free jello just in case. I did not get rid of the carbs beforehand and did have a headache all day yesterday. I don't know that it would have helped though. I do feel hungry but better today than yesterday. I'm sure you will do great. Good luck and keep posting, the more people post the more we all learn! :D
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Postby Kido » February 16th, 2006, 8:22 am

Welcome. You aren't bizarre, you sound very organized, and ready to take this probram seriously.

I love Jan's advice. Too bad I didn't find this site until after I ordered the Medifast. I would have been stocked for lean and greens meal ideas.

I am only 3 days ahead of you, and I love this program and forum.
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Postby StrivingSister » February 16th, 2006, 7:38 pm

Thank you all sooooo much the the great advice! Now I know that I shouldn't just "plunge" right in without making some serious preparations.

Now that I've heard your suggestions, I think that I will wait until Tues or Wed to begin. Thanks Again!!
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