Valentine's Day is apon us.

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Valentine's Day is apon us.

Postby muffin » February 12th, 2004, 6:00 pm

Now we all know that this day spells TROUBLE. What is a girl to do ? Romance and Love is in the air as you're greeted by pretty flowers, expensive boxes of chocolates,maybe a nice bottle of wine, then you're wisked away to a fancy dinner. Oh, what a shame it just happens to be lobster fest at Red Lobster too. Now I've already told my man NO!- on the chocolates that is; But what about that dinner ? Sure....the fish isn't going to be the problem, I could never keep my mitts off those darned cheddar bisquits,the excellant Pina Coloda, or the salad with regular ranch dressing. So who's going to CAVE on Saturday, who is going to stay STRONG, and who is gonna SAY they will, BUT you know full well that you are not. What a decision. I have a bad feeling about this. I mean it's just one day, right ? - Muffin
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Postby finalstraw » February 13th, 2004, 7:07 am

I discussed this also with my hubby, I decided to skip the meal in lieu of going to the movies. Was very tempted though.

When you go to red lobster, (I had to eat there once for a work thing), I ate the blackened Talipia and steamed veggies (there steamed veggies are wonderful). I had a salad with Fat free Ranch (because I knew I would not be tempted to eat the whole thing) and I was able to avoid the Cheddar Biscuits. If you can't stay away from the Cheddar Biscuits, take one and pinch off small pieces throughout dinner. At least then you will have only eaten 1 biscuit.

Red Lobster Cheddar Bay Biscuits #47417
Calories 162
Total Fat 11.3g 17%
Saturated Fat 5.9g 29%
Sodium 340mg 14%
Potassium 56mg 1%
Total Carbohydrate 13.3g 4%
Dietary Fiber 0.4g 1%
Protein 2.1g 4%

I don't know how accurate this is, but I use and they list a lot of stuff. These were listed as Red Lobster Cheddar Bay Biscuits.

Hope this helps and Have Fun! :D

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Postby shineface » February 13th, 2004, 7:21 am

Hi Muffin--

Hi Stephanie - some good suggestions

Here's MY OPINION -yes, it's just one day but think about how we got here - one day, one meal, one bite at a time -- it all adds up. Ok, so it's Valentine's Day, then St. Patty's Day then a baby shower then Easter then a birthday then a vacation ---- then a WEDDING ... speaking of weddings, Muffin aren't you getting married in November ---- would you like to be eating dinner at that wedding weighing 105 or 195? Just wondering because you make your goal very clear to me in your profile. Just some FOOD for thought - Valentine's Day is only ONE DAY -- but the patter of "only one day" is what got me here. I'm trying to change that thinking --- like Nancy says "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels" and from what I can see - she oughta know...

Today is the dreaded Friday the 13th (personnally just another Friday to me) ---- BUT there are those some that say it is a day marked for disaster - it would be a disaster to make a decision that takes away the good feelings MF is giving me for -- just one biscuit or drink or pizza or chocolate ----

I love you all and I know that Together we will do this!!!!!!!!!
Pam -"I AM the ME in MEdifast"
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"Darned Cheddar Bisquits" !!!

Postby explorthis » February 13th, 2004, 7:38 am

muffin wrote:Now we all know that this day spells TROUBLE.




Red Lobster



Darned Cheddar Bisquits

Pina Coloda


Ranch Dressing.

So who's going to CAVE on Saturday


A voice of reason here. Last time I was at Red Lobster was about 20 years ago, that I can remember. My Buddy here at work won a Valentines raffle the other day, which included a $25 gift-card for R/L. In the lunch room yesterday, where I was eating my apple, banana, slimfast bar, 2 rice cakes, and large water the group was talking about those "Darned Cheddar Bisquits" Now - what is a "Darned Cheddar Bisquit?" I have never heard of these, nor have I previously had any desires to go to Red Lobster till now. All this talk, look at Muffin's post above (nothing personal Muffin) - all the above words were listed in her post. 10 different times all food items. All taboo items for us Medifasters. All sin's in themselves at their worst. No wonder R/L and other famous food establishments are rich. Its called Marketing, and it works, even here on a weight loss board. Exactly the same items that got us here on this board in the first place. I now want Red Lobster "Darned Cheddar Bisquits" though I have never had one, or even seen one for that matter.

I understand the prior orgasm needs for these delicacies, but this (IN MY OPINION) is the time to talk Medifast, to talk diet, to think thin.

Red Lobster and all the other wonderfully sinful places will be there once we are at our goal. Nancy said more than once: "FOOD IS FUEL" for our body's, nothing more. I agree and disagree... My wife drives a hotrod, that requires premium fuel, (make the Home-Improvement - Tim Allen more power - grunt with me - MORE POWER) costs more than regular. I like premiem fuel (food) as much as the next person. Since we have the option of regular or premium, why not use some premium on ocassion? Food is fuel YES. But food is also the hatchet that cut our wrist and caused us to profusely bleed in the first place, thus we are here.

I came here for support, and I could not have found a better bunch of people to share my feelings with, my success, my failure.

We need to be strong. Let's post not about those "Darned Cheddar Bisquits" but about the benefits of Medifast, and the fact that once we are through Medifasting, we can once again in proper perspective have those "Darned Cheddar Bisquits"

I am not chastizing anyone here for posting anything, but reading over and over about a glass of wine, chocolate, or "Darned Cheddar Bisquits" makes me want them. If it makes me want them, it makes YOU want them. How do I know this? Cause we ALL are one and the same when it comes to food (or fuel).

The time will come for "Darned Cheddar Bisquits" eventually. Now is the time to think "Darned Dutch Chocolate Medifast" I know its not as appealing, but soon, SOON, SOON we will be able to have a "Darned Cheddar Bisquit"

-Voice of reason.
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Postby moutoncove » February 13th, 2004, 7:43 am

Pam I agree with you. There's always a reason to celebrate something or other if we really want to. As for me I'm not budging. I'm sticking to the full fast and if my husband trys to sabotage me with chocolates I have a big trash can and that's where its going. I'm the type that has to do is all or nothing. That one little bite will send me into a binge so I'm not taking that first bite of anything sinful.

Just my opinion. I wish everyone a Happy Valentines Day. There are other ways to celebrate Valentines besides food. Notice how we celebrate everything with food, food, food, food. That's why I'm carrying around 100# of extra fat. Enough!

Next year when I'm at my goal weight I'll be able to splurge a little IF I CHOOSE TO DO SO. Right now I can't and don't want to.

Happy Valentines Day! Good luck everyone. Temptation is out there.

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Postby finalstraw » February 13th, 2004, 7:57 am


I agree and disagree:
I am not chastizing anyone here for posting anything, but reading over and over about a glass of wine, chocolate, or "Darned Cheddar Bisquits" makes me want them. If it makes me want them, it makes YOU want them.

We come here to get help through these situations. This is not just about Muffin, this is also about her significant other. I know when I first starting dieting, I cared enough about my husband to still go with him when HE wanted to go out, I chose my food carefully and sometimes just ordered unsweet tea, but I was with him.

I don't agree that we should not talk of things other than Medifast. We are all here because of the foods other than Medifast. We need to come here if no where else to find out to handle these situations. We can't put our lives on hold until we lose the weight.

I do agree that it makes all of us want the Darned Cheddar Bisquits , but that is ok also, we will all learn TOGETHER how to handle those Darned Cheddar Bisquits , being - limiting ourselves to one rather than a whole basket.

Mike, I am going to send you a gift certificate to Red Lobster so you can experience those Darned Cheddar Bisquits . But, you have to promise to stop at ONE!


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Postby explorthis » February 13th, 2004, 8:26 am

finalstraw wrote:Mike,

I agree and disagree:

We come here to get help through these situations. This is not just about Muffin, this is also about her significant other. I know when I first starting dieting, I cared enough about my husband to still go with him when HE wanted to go out.

I don't agree that we should not talk of things other than Medifast.

We can't put our lives on hold until we lose the weight.

Mike, I am going to send you a gift certificate to Red Lobster so you can experience those Darned Cheddar Bisquits . But, you have to promise to stop at ONE!

Alrighty then... a voice of reason. However you are MISREADING me.. I never (hold on I am re-reading my post tic-tock, tic-tock...) Nope nowhere did I say we should NOT talk about other things besides Medifast. My point is Graphically these Cheddar Biscuits might be just too strong a temptation for some. ME!

Thank god you support your Husband in his wanting to go out. When will he support your choice of not eating by opting to NOT go out?

Send my gift certificate on, does Red-Lobster have lemon water?

-anticipating a forthcoming beating...
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Postby Jeanette » February 13th, 2004, 8:30 am

explorthis wrote:[
Thank god you support your Husband in his wanting to go out. When will he support your choice of not eating by opting to NOT go out?

Send my gift certificate on, does Red-Lobster have lemon water?

-anticipating a forthcoming beating...

Mike, it could be that he supports her at home more than she supports him when going out. Unless we are actually sitting at their dinner table, we don't really know what goes on.

JMHO, as always.

PS: Your beating is on its way!! :x
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Postby explorthis » February 13th, 2004, 8:40 am

Jeanette wrote:Mike, it could be that he supports her at home more than she supports him when going out

Oh yeah, I misread her post.....

finalstraw wrote:I cared enough about my husband to still go with him when HE wanted to go out, I chose my food carefully and sometimes just ordered unsweet tea, but I was with him.

Oh no I didn't... she meant GOING OUT TO EAT!

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Postby Jeanette » February 13th, 2004, 8:46 am

Hey, you need to quit posting fat guys holding food--it makes me hungry!! :-P
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Postby finalstraw » February 13th, 2004, 8:47 am

I apologize if I misread the following:

Let's post not about those "Darned Cheddar Bisquits" but about the benefits of Medifast, and the fact that once we are through Medifasting

I interpereted it as 'let's quit talking about what we can't have all the time and just talk about Medifast products'.

I beleive we it is healthy to have a Non-Medifast meal every now and then so that we can learn along the way to adjust our eating habits. :D

P.S. I am editing this post to answer the 'my husband' thing. At first he did not really support me, but then he started to and now he doing the diet with me, but my choice to support him when I felt it was not 50/50 was just me being a GREAT WIFE! Isn't he lucky. Now that he is doing the diet with me, it is easier.

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Postby granolagirl » February 14th, 2004, 5:06 am

You guys are great!

I just want to add my solution to the mix. After walking down the aisle of temptation at the local drugstore and immersing myself in red and pink boxes of chocolate...I just had to ask myself: "What are you doing?" I let myself take one more look at the Dove chocolate and told myself to just walk away. Bought myself some flowers instead.

As far as hubby, we made a deal: no candy this year. We are going to get massages instead. And dinner...well, we decided to go AFTER Valentine's Day. many times have you celebrated your birthday on the weekend because it was "more convenient"? Well, celebrate Valentine's Day on Sunday--you'll beat the rush, you'll spend less money, you'll have a ritual Valentine's dinner with your sweetie, but there will also be less pressure to go crazy because it won't actually be THE DAY. Hope that makes sense!

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Postby susan » February 14th, 2004, 12:33 pm

hi everone , well I went to golden corral with hubby today for valentines day I had fish and cooked cabbage and a diet coke and he had a big dinner you know what it did not bother me because I had 2# down this morn so that was a great valentine day. you know the saying life is what you make it and i want to be skinny for a change and that is what keeps me climminng this hill and I am getting closer to the top all the time .
so hang in there we can do this together one day at a time and how ever long it takes we will make it .
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Postby finalstraw » February 15th, 2004, 12:39 pm



That is what is about, learning and changing while losing weight. We can all go out to eat and have lean & greens and NOT GAIN WEIGHT.

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