Positive Results

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Positive Results

Postby bear45 » November 15th, 2004, 6:00 pm

Hello and welcome all you newbies!!! This is a VERY exciting place to be and I want to share GREAT news with you. I have been doing the modified plan since May 28th. My goal is to lose 136 pounds. I have now lost 42 pounds and was OFF my blood pressure meds at 25 pounds!! Last month I had to run a blood test because I have been diagnosed as being prediabetic because my fasting blood sugar continued to rise each year. I ran a test last month to see how my pancreas produces insulin and handles that glucose...it was NORMAL...in the high range, but still normal.
Today, I ran my blood tests as I see my doc this Wednesday...FOR THE FIRST TIME IN 7 YEARS, MY FASTING BLOOD SUGAR WAS IN THE NORMAL RANGE!! normal is about 65-110 and I have run 120-130 for years...Today it was 105...I just wanted to share that with you...I needed that today to help my perseverance as I face my food demons :twisted: And I wanted to encourage you each as you begin your plan...blessings to all...Lisa
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Great news!!!

Postby gr8views » November 15th, 2004, 7:10 pm

Lisa, that's great news! You are already saving your own life. How cool is that!!!

I have good news, too. Today I visited my doctor for a checkup after starting MF. According to her scale, I've lost 9 pounds! More importantly, my blood pressure has gone down. It wasn't that high, but it's now much better. I was at 133/84 on October 19th or so. Today I am at 108/64. I've always had low blood pressure - inherited that from my Dad - so was appalled last month at how high my BP was! (Was under a lot of stress so I'm sure that didn't help...)

So here's to shakin' and losing weight! :toast:

Keep up the good work!
Start Date: November 6, 2004


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Postby Nancy » November 15th, 2004, 10:42 pm

Lisa ~

That is excellent news! :cool: I am so happy for you. I understand the jubilee about this as my uncle, my auntie and my Daddy all have diabetes. I feel so blessed to have escaped so far...it's a real incentive to stick to the weight loss and mainenane plans, eh?

Woo Hoo! Keep up the great work! :thumbig:
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Postby Karen » November 16th, 2004, 3:09 pm

This program works!! I had been soooo out of control, with blood pressure, blood sugar, weight, moodiness, you name it. I was on a path of self destruction and I was miserable. I am a registered nurse and I KNOW better, I know how to "diet" and how to exercise, I teach these to patients everyday. I just couldn't do it for myself. I was so angry at my doctor for blaming everything from back aches and sniffles to headaches and broken fingernails on being "obese". He just wouldn't listen to any symptoms, ergo, I would not listen to him. I finally found a primary care physician who is a bariatric specialist. (deals only with the overweight) She not only recomends MF, but did it herself and lost 79 pounds and has kept it off several years. In one week, my b/p is down 10 points, my fasting blood sugar has gone from 300 to 130 and I have lost 7 pounds. Moreover, I FEEL good and am NOT hungry. Best of all, I like myself again. I CAN do this!
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Postby Nancy » November 16th, 2004, 3:16 pm


We are confident that you can do it, too. It is really rewarding to me to know that you are feeling so much better about yourself and about your ability to reach a healthy weight. This seems like a miracle product to me and I am still in love with the Medifast plans.
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