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Postby DogMa » October 28th, 2006, 1:59 pm

Kim, if I can make it to goal, ANYone can. Honest. And at this point, I consider myself at goal. My original goal size is too big on me, so as far as I'm concerned I'm there and have been there for a couple of months now.

I was one of the slowest losers on here, even when I was fully compliant. And I still managed to make it, so I'm sure you can do it. The mini goals are a great way to start. And if a full day of compliance is too much, go for three hours at a time - or even an hour at a time. Before you know it, a week and then a month will have gone by.

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Almost Famous

Postby KimKim » October 29th, 2006, 9:57 am

Well, I'll consider yesterday a roaring success ;-) Not 100% compliant but so close it was nearly flawless. I stayed up so late the night before that I missed breakfast and lunchtime, so my breakfast was chai latte at about 2pm.

By my bedtime, I had four Medi meals and my LG was chicken breast with Emeril essence seasoning and broccoli.

And that's with NO cheating, no nuts, no cheese no extra anything, no rationalization, no nothing.

That's a major victory for me. Getting up earlier and having breakfast would have been absolute perfection.

So, I'm moving on to day two of full compliance and I've already had my chai for breakfast. I love chai latte. I so love Medifast. <<sigh>>

You can do this, Kim. You can actually reach your weight loss and fitness goals.

Positive thinking Mantras work,

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Postby Jan » October 29th, 2006, 10:02 am

Whoooo Hooo are you doing great or what??? Each day of total compliance makes the next day easier. Soon no "forbidden" food will be pasing your palate. Gooood for you
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Postby DogMa » October 29th, 2006, 10:22 am

You're doing great, Kim. All you need is one more meal and you'll be right on plan! Maybe you can sneak in something light, like a fruit punch or an RTD or something.

Great job!!

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Postby casma500 » October 29th, 2006, 12:36 pm

:thumbig: I am SO proud of you!! That is an accomplishment!! Don't you feel great? Now Day 2 should be even easier :)

And DogMa always has great ideas!

I haven't tried any of the cold drinks yet, as they don't send you any in the trial pack, but that sounds quick and easy!

Keep it up! I look forward to see what your weigh in is in a week ~
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90% and counting . . .

Postby KimKim » October 31st, 2006, 1:03 am

Ahhh, the baby steps to believing . . .

Two days of 90% compliance (really late nights, sleeping in, hopefully breaking cycle tonight) produced a 1.4 lb weight loss.

I found myself very, very happy to see this because I am just under 4 pounds away from being at my lowest weight in quite some time and the lowest on Medifast, which means once I get there, I will continue and, hopefully, have "erased" the damage I caused by taking a break and stopping my productive weight loss regime.

I really love Chai. It's been one of my favorite MF products ever since I tried my first one. I noticed that I cannot be sustained too long on cold shakes, so I figured that drinks would not be enough for me. But with the hot Chai, I'm so satisfied and I really appreciate it.

When I want something sweeter, I've been drinking the hot cocoa, yet another warm yummy. And I've also started using the bars as my "dessert", so I can shake my fix on Atkins caramel nut chew bars. True, these have kept me in ketosis when I was on a cheating rampage but I am trying to stay away from slippery slope stuff.

No cheese this week at all. Wow.

I forgot that one of the great aspects of having to be on such a strict (though tasty) regimen is that you get to see weight loss along the way. I know it sounds silly for me to say this but I had really forgotten. LOL

Medifast is forgiving,

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Just Steps Away!

Postby KimKim » October 31st, 2006, 8:06 pm

Oooh, thank you all so much! I didn't really expect anyone to comment because you've all helped me out so much already ;-) It's sooo hard to get back on track. Whew. Thanks, I appreciate the cheers, congrats and thumbs up. I'm *almost* "there".

I was only 80% compliant yesterday because while there was no cheating, I only had 3 MF. I'm really not one that usually skips meals. This period has truly been the exception. I don't really remember what happened but I know that I woke up late (again) and was heavily preoccupied. I have never had to set my alarm to eat like some of the folks on here. It was usually a good three hours and my stomach would demand an input of a Medimeal. Did I take a nap? I just don't remember. And if I did, that would be horrible. Hmmm . . . anyway, I had a snack around 9pm or so, thought I was going to bed a couple of hours later, ended up reading alot and then shocked myself by the fact that I was still awake at 4am. So, I went downstairs and got some peach oatmeal.

AH! Now I remember what happened! Robin sometimes says she has "sandbox" issues. I'm assuming that means constipation? Well, I certainly had it yesterday and my stomach felt a bit bloated. I think I kept waiting to feel a bit more comfy before having a Medimeal and then got sidetracked. Unfortunately, that peach oatmeal was the 3rd Medimeal. I probably should have had a Medimeal instead of a snack. I am approaching the Medizone, so now any little piece of food is filling and I'll have to go through the "force-feeding" stage before I hit my Medicruise. Fortunately, the peach oatmeal was just the fiber I needed in order for me to have a good morning and a good day ;-)

So, today is Halloween and I was working all day long and I realized that I was in (or almost in) two zones. I stayed up until 5am last night and then woke up at 10:30a.m. and went swiftly to breakfast. I had it by 11:30am, so I put it in the "Mid-Morning" slot with the intention of a vanilla shake for lunch. But while working, I looked up and it was 4:30pm. My goodness, I went four straight hours with no meal. I know this is "acceptable" but that's not really me. I usually eat every 2.5 - 3 hours and I know that is best for me because I have a slower metabolism and we are all trying to speed it up here at Medilife ;-)

I thought I would be off to a lecture, so I decided to go ahead and have my lean and green. The last piece of chicken and broccoli. This was a pretty victorious week already because I cooked that chicken on Friday or Saturday and have been eating off of the leftovers since that time. I will continue to bulk cook in this way. I cook for myself and my mother. She's not on Medifast but she's doing fantastic and actually looks better than me and she's in her 60's! She's sooo beautiful. Wow. She's a cheater/snacker, too but that has not stopped her weight loss. Why? She's a dedicated and consistent exerciser!

So anyway, I had the chocolate bar for the first time tonight for "dessert". I did not wait 2.5 - 3 hours to have it. I'm sure it was only 1.5 hours but it was tasty and I was ready.

Just a while ago I had the vanilla pudding and oh. my. goodness. Yum. Yum. Yum. First of all, the consistency is just like the banana pudding, which is fantastic. Second of all, I bought the vanilla pudding without a trial because I knew that I could just add some syrup and make any kind of pudding I wanted. But I tried it "naked" first and it was just great. It reminded me of having cheesecake or something and maybe it's just me but it seemed as though there was a light taste of lemon! I gobbled it down, it was great and yet another Medi-meal to full compliance.

The day isn't over yet. I will have hot cocoa in a little bit after Boston Legal (love that show) but the question is . . . will I go to bed with only 4 Medimeals on the tummy or will I stay up late again, get in the meal and make it to 5 for full compliance?

Either way, I know that I am THIS close (pinches thumb and index finger together) to the Medi-Zone!! Yes! Yes! Yes!

I really love the Medi-Zone! It just makes things sooo much easier, even for a cheater like me.

You can reach your weight loss goals entirely, Kim. You can do it!

Baby steps to compliance,

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Postby DogMa » October 31st, 2006, 8:29 pm

You're doing great, Kim! And if you need to have some meals two hours (or even a little less) apart, so be it. I think that's probably better than skipping a meal or going too long without one!

You might want to use a little timer or alarm or something to help you remember to eat, at least till you get in the habit.

(And funny, oatmeal's one of the first things I suggest when people are having a bit of potty trouble like that. Oatmeal, and sometimes a change in their L&G vegetable.)

Keep up the good work!!

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Postby DogMa » November 2nd, 2006, 11:47 am

Hey, Kim, I know the site was down and you couldn't post yesterday. But I just wanted to check in and see how you're doing.

So how are you doing?

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Postby KimKim » November 6th, 2006, 8:04 am

Thanks so much for the encouragement Robin, Jan, etc.

It's been so ridiculously busy that I haven't had time to update and then when I did go to log in, the system was down.

A few things:

1. I was mostly compliant but not 100% last week.

2. I let a friend convince me to go to Red Lobster for their "Endless Shrimp" special and considering that 7oz of shrimp for my lean and green would be acceptable, I took her up on the offer. Now, why did I do that? It was so tasty and my food issues are still so present that I ended up taking the "endless shrimp" part literally. On top of that, I had some friend shrimp as well. Then one biscuit. Then two.

I felt bad but not guilty because it was quite tasty but I felt bad because I should have been clear on my weaknesses and even more clear that I cannot keep going to buffets and endless "anything" if I plan on being compliant.

Before and after that, however, I was fully compliant, so Medifast rewarded me with a 3lb loss for the week. I haven't exercised formally but I did alot of hustling and walking around this week, so I'm sure it contributed to my loss and I'm grateful.

I think I'm in the zone. I've been eating pretty much on schedule, getting in my five and although I enjoy my bar after dinner, I know I have to eat the bar before I workout to have enough energy to get through it.

I had a one day *brief* low of 239 one day, just before attending a dinner party that I knew would break my compliance and I have 3 more pounds to go before I get there. But even right now, I am the lowest I've weighed in about six years and that's great.

But I have a long way to go, so three cheers for staying positive and compliant.

You can do it, Kim. You repeated a sabotaging pattern by eating at a restaurant with a friend, knowing your weakness is social eating. Stick with the plan. You have an inkling of a belief that you can actually reach your goals, now keep taking baby steps OF full compliance each day and get there!

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