Attacked by "B's"

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Attacked by "B's"

Postby shineface » June 8th, 2004, 4:03 pm

Hi all --- I'm baaack..... from my cruise - first thing - awesome time - second thing - as soon as I got in on Sunday I went right back on my modified program ---- I still have a lot of weight to lose and I haven't forgotten that BUT..... whoa baby, did I have a great time on vacation for the first time in years --- there are even pictures of me AND I couldn't believe it was me and I looked so ALIVE!!!!!! None of the pics are digital but I will do something about getting at least one scanned for an updated photo -----OK NOW WHAT I NEED TO SAY AND MAYBE A FEW OF YOU NEED TO HEAR...........

Know what the "B's" are ---- Bahama Mama's, Bread, Beef, Bailey's, Bermuda night life, and Rum - sorry not a B-word... how about Booze?

Oh yes, and let's not forget burned and bloated ---- too much sun and not enough WATER!!!!!! BUT......NO HUGE WEIGHT GAIN and NO WEIGHT LOST. It felt so good to feel good about myself - I Kariokied(?) on the ship, I danced, I laughed, I talked to strangers and I tryed my hardest not to flush myself down the tubes. Remember, I never...NEVER cheated on my plan from the day I started and I was scared to death to deviate from my routine -- well, a couple of Island cocktails (my first deviation) and I got over it --- but you know what - I feel like I did OK. Really. I ate things I haven't eaten in months and drank and let my resistance down but I really am OK - could I be getting better ---oops, another B-word!!!!

I never ate Breakfast - had a shake - salad for lunch with something I haven't been eating on it - tryed bites of desserts and you know what I didn't die or explode or BETRAY (B-word) myself. Oh I am being very honest when I say there were days I could've/should've had the 3 shakes Nancy suggested and didn't or could've lived without the chocolate on my pillow and didn't or should've tried harder to get my water from something other than ice cubes - but I didn't ----BUT YOU KNOW WHAT??? I never lost focus on the fact that I was making choices to eat (not gorge) on things I have not been eating and that I could do that - what does Nancy say....because I can.... and I did ... and I am OK. For the first time in years and years and years FOOD was not the main focus of this vacation - what a place to test this out - a CRUISE... the food capital of the WORLD --- but it was OK. GOD do you know how good it feels to have this experience and know that I can begin to trust myself - that maybe this is what my future looks like --- more sanity around choices because I can have it if I want it - it's never going anywhere BUT I don't want it anymore - the power is gone ..... what an amazing feeling. Oh, don't think I'm settling into a sense of false security _ I've looked into the eyes of the DEVIL or should I say "DEVIL'S FOOD" and I know I am always one bite another B-word away from H-LL if I chose to be. I've learned so much these last few months from all of you sharing your experience and encouragement and threats and wisdom --- I also learned to trust my gut ... all along I knew that drinking would lower my resistance - BINGO...another B-word. I'm not a big drinker, but letting my hair down usually means I've let my guard down too ---- munching comes with the territory ---- I WAS SO AWARE OF THIS THAT I WAS PREPARED AND DIDN'T FALL INTO THE PIT ---- This trip was good for me - getting right back onto my program was good for me --- I have a healthier FEAR of my food addiction right now ---- I know I HAVE CHOICES AND I REALLY AM IN MY OWN CORNER - I will not only survive - I WILL SUCCEED!!!!!
Thank you all for always being here and listening - sorry for the ramble - but not really.... I needed it. After all, coming here makes me feel like I just got home!!!!
WE WILL do this together!!! :stroll:
Pam -"I AM the ME in MEdifast"
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Postby explorthis » June 8th, 2004, 7:42 pm

What an amazing feeling. Oh, don't think I'm settling into a sense of false security
I will not only survive - I WILL SUCCEED!!!!!
tried bites of…
I never lost focus on the fact that I was making choices to eat
First time in years and years and years FOOD was not the main focus
More sanity around choices because I can have it if I want it - it's never going anywhere BUT I don't want it anymore - the power is gone ..... what an amazing feeling.

Pam, welcome back…

I read your post about 3 times, (smiling the entire time) and quoted some key points, ones that I also learned. YOU are amazing! Amazing! YOU now have choices, food is not the priority, not the focus, words like sanity, if I want it, never going anywhere.

Listen to her folks. This is REASON. True REASON speaking to you! This is a person that realizes what she has achieved, and understands how food has – did and DOES NOT have power over you unless you let it!!

Glad you had a great time Pam, glad you back.

I could not have been more proud reading your post!!

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Postby Sylvia » June 9th, 2004, 8:02 am


I am also incredibly impressed by what you have accomplished. The important point I took away is that you actually moved farther forward by going on the cruise and eating than you ever would have by going on the cruise and staying entirely on the program. The fact that you've come back and moved right back into the program more energized rather than using your hiatus to resume old bad habits is further testiment to how far you've come.

Congrats! You've really motivated me today.

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Postby Guest » June 9th, 2004, 9:56 am

I'n happy you had a great time. One question, given that you were on the full fast, was the transition to eating a little food a problem. Digestively I mean. Did you feel sick at all? Stomach pains? I am going away soon and I've been wondering about this.
Thanks Alison
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Postby elle4nelly » June 9th, 2004, 12:34 pm

Hi Pam!

Sooo glad you're back. I am really proud of you. Welcome back to the train en route to Thinville.

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Postby Landylue » June 9th, 2004, 12:43 pm

Welcome back, Pam! It seems like you've been gone forever! I'm really glad you had a good time and proved to yourself how strong and stable you are now.

You did gooooooood!!!

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Postby LUVZHUZKYZ » June 10th, 2004, 6:15 am

Welcome back from what is the best vacations there is ( in my opinion)
My first cruise I gained 5 pounds. I was owe over the food. Two years later my second cruise. I ate, but was more active. I walked the decks and did alot of the island excursions. I stayed the same and was thrilled I got to eat what I wanted and even had those scrumious ship desserts.
Loved reading your post. :-P
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Postby LadyChamp » June 10th, 2004, 8:52 am

Awesome Pam!

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Postby TamiL » June 12th, 2004, 6:21 am glad to hear that you had a wonderful time and FEEL ALIVE!! you deserved every fun, happy moment!!
GREAT to know you are doing well...I havent been on the forum in so long...been so busy with school and work...the summer brings busy times!!
Keep up the great work!!


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