Nancy before weight loss on Medifast Diet and Take Shape for life at 258 pounds.
Nancy Before Medifast
258 Lbs

What is Medifast?

With Medifast and the help of her Take Shape for Life Health Advisors, Nancys' weight loss was 128 pounds in 28 weeks!
Nancy At 130 Lbs
28 Weeks Later!



Health Advisors

The Medifast Health Management Program. Lose weight safely.
Complete Support Provided to you by your Take Shape for Life Certified Personal Health Advisor
Laura Blake


Certified Personal Health Advisor
Laura Blake

Hello everyone and thanks for taking the time to read a little more about me.  To start off with, I’m a 30 year old mother of two and living in central Ohio.  Michelle, soon to be 10 years old is my red head that always speaks her mind and believes she is already 18!  Brandon, soon to be 8 years old is my typical boy who is always active and getting banged up!  My husband, Jeremiah and I have been married for 11 years and both currently work full time as Government Contractors.  After serving 5 years in the U.S. Army, the only thing that I found that Morse Code Operators could get as a job was another one with the government.

Laura before Medifast

Laura and Family

I started with Take Shape for Life – featuring Medifast, on January 19, 2006 after reading about it in the January 2006 People’s Magazine.  I wasn’t sure where this “new adventure” was going to take me but I was on my last “maybe this will work”.  I come from a fried chicken and cornbread at every meal type family where we were all heavy.  I was never “over” weight when I was growing up, but big boned.  I truly started struggling with my weight after the birth of my first child, Michelle; who I developed preeclampsia and gained over 80lbs during my pregnancy, not to mention both were c-sections as well.  During both of my pregnancies I continued in the U.S. Army and before my second child, I had pushed and pushed myself to start meeting my Army requirements for weight and physical tests.  By doing this, I didn’t eat, I was working evening shift one week and night shift another week.  On top of that I was getting up to run two miles, and then run another 2 miles during my lunch break and other 2 miles before I went to bed.  Needless to say, I collapsed at the end of my final test; but I was able to go onto my next tour of duty to Hawaii with my family.

After trying out all the “diets” that I believe would work and then failed, I finally decided that I was going to be heavy and that was the way it was going to be; even though I knew that my parents alone developed high pressure and diabetes, due to their weight. Until one day my husband told me that my daughter had talked to him about my weight.  Of course, like most husbands, he wanted to protect the way he told me, but there was no protecting – my daughter was old enough to realize, that she didn’t want to be heavy like me. As a parent I have always taken pride in being a role model but I was failing due to my poor eating habits. 

Then Medifast entered my life which has been the BEST answer for me!  Let me tell you, even those close to me knows that I’m the world’s pickiest eater!  I was so amazed on how GREAT the Medifast products tasted that I just got more and more excited about each meal.  Each day I am learning more and more about other foods that are good for my body to burn up and not muscle.  I have so much more energy that even now I’m beating my family up out of bed!  Everyone tells me that I’m always in a GREAT mood and happy

I was so excited about what Take Shape for Life has done for me that in March 2006, I became a Health Advisor for others and help them out on their life and mind changing event!  I have met the best people and love talking to each and every one of my clients.  I have developed even some relationships that I would consider my best friends.  I love seeing them get excited with every weigh in and how they feel each day.  Not only am I keeping them motivated, they are motivating me to keep going just as much! 

Not only am I loosing weight, I stopped having my acid reflux and constant heart burn.  Not to mention giving up on my biggest weakness – Mountain Dew. 

I can’t wait to get to know each of you and be apart of Medifast changing your life.

We're pleased to be able to introduce you to Laura. If you would like to choose her as your personal health advisor, use the links and information below. She is looking forward to helping you regain your health and reach your goal.
The MakeMeThinner Team.

Laura Blake
Certified Health Advisor No. 12093101
TSFL Website:
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         Medifast/Take Shape for Life are registered trade marks of Jason Enterprises, Inc.

Copyright 2003 Terry Pettit 
Certified Health Advisor No. 9232

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Medifast low calorie diets require physician monitoring to minimize the potential for health risks.
A regular or certified Health Advisor is not a substitute for a physician or a qualified medical practitioner for monitoring patients using Medifast low calorie products