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PostPosted: April 14th, 2007, 9:28 am
by alpha femme
my life is so different now....

i owe part of it to me.
i owe part of it to mf.
i owe part of it to this board.

when i first started, everyone here was so much help; you were so encouraging.

i'm just sayin'.

PostPosted: April 14th, 2007, 10:08 am
by holberry
hi alpha!
being a newbie, I already see what a help this board is. your weight loss is phenom. congrats!

PostPosted: April 15th, 2007, 1:46 pm
by j0j0ruca
My hair appointment took 2 hours :)
The silver strands are gone :D

PostPosted: May 4th, 2007, 7:36 am
by DogMa
Where are you, Alex?? How are things going? And have you been watching the games?

PostPosted: May 10th, 2007, 2:44 pm
by j0j0ruca
Have I told you ltely how much I appreciate you?

ehehe yay I scored another starsmucks gift card (I think I'm up to $35 in cards that won't ever be used) and a Tarjay card from "the union".


PostPosted: May 10th, 2007, 7:16 pm
by dede4wd
Hi Alex!


PostPosted: May 10th, 2007, 7:52 pm
by Serendipity
After taking a gander at lilly's blog, I think alex is doing just fine!


PostPosted: May 10th, 2007, 8:01 pm
by dede4wd
Yup, I agree! Woo hoo Alex!


PostPosted: May 13th, 2007, 12:03 pm
by alpha femme
okay, this is the deal on me and my big ass:

i have lost a massive amount of weight. most of you know that i lost 100# prior to starting mf, so i total out around a 210# total loss. my big dunky wants to know what the hell i'm trying to do to it. because of this, my metabolism is very slow, and the low-calorie dieting did not help that-- but it helped me a huge amount.

i realized, as january and february passed by, that i would not be able to see the results i wanted on the scale because my bmr is all whacked-out and i really needed to add muscle to revv things up again-- and try to work against the ever-growing skin issues. part of the reason i wanted to lose weight was to look good naked-- and i won't even wear short sleeves anymore.

i've been very active during the last two months; i run/jog/walk 2-4 miles every day and i hit the gym for more cardio and serious weight work 3-4 times a week. mf just wasn't designed for that lifestyle, but it did help get me to the point that i can have this kind of activity level. my routine is to get up and jog 2 miles on the trail (walk another 2 if i'm not short on time), and then i head straight to the gym. there, i hit the stairmaster and knock out 28 floors in under 10 minutes-- just to say i can, because a year ago, this bucket o' manteca couldn't climb one flight without panting. after that, i do mat work, cable machines, and free weights to build muscle, strengthen my core, and improve agility.

my dates thank me....
especially about that agility part.

in the meantime, i still use the mf shakes as a way of making sure i get enough protein in while keeping my calories reasonable. i think i average 1300-1500 a day right now, but that's still pretty low, considering what i do with the fuel. my weight did fluctuate up when i went off plan (as expected), but that went back down fairly quickly; my weight also spikes when i increase my weight training, but i've lost another inch off my arms, 1.5 off my waist, and 2 off of each thigh.

it's my plan to continue to use mf as supplements while i get the muscle i want built up a little more, and then (once my bmr is closer to a normal adult's) i will go back on plan to help cut some of this tubbiness.

so, that's what up with me.


PostPosted: May 13th, 2007, 1:33 pm
by holberry
OMG, you are hot woman :goldstar:
Your workout is quite substantail eh?
How long did it take you to dump your flub?
See, I use you 100pounders as my inspiration, and you are :D
keep sweating,

PostPosted: May 13th, 2007, 2:23 pm
by kmr
You look great! I'm really glad to hear you're doing so well. You look and sound so healthy. You really seem to know what you're doing. All the best....................kmr :thumbup:

PostPosted: May 13th, 2007, 4:02 pm
by Tawanda
Alex, it is really good to read an update from you!! You are one active woman!!! I've not read Lilly's blog for awhile but was going to have to go look you up so I'd know how her human was doing! :)

PostPosted: May 13th, 2007, 5:20 pm
by nickieluv
I didn't know your history Alex but obviously you are continuing in the same vein - terrific success! I'm really glad for you - and you look fabulous, by the way. Lucky dates I'm sure. ;)

PostPosted: May 13th, 2007, 7:54 pm
by j0j0ruca
DUCKS win!
Love ya <3

PostPosted: May 14th, 2007, 9:58 am
by Sojourner
I miss you, Alex!!
P.S. Jo misses you too, and has been taking it out on me!! :roll: