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PostPosted: February 20th, 2008, 12:21 pm
by queenielou
Hey Chynna,

Just dropping by to say hello and let you know that I'm thinking about you. Hope you're doing well :) :hug:

PostPosted: February 21st, 2008, 2:50 pm
by ChynnaDoll
HELLO guys!! thanks for coming over here to see me :-P Sorry i haven't been on here daily talking abou all my clumsiness and all, BUT i've managed to somehow to stay upright so far this! Plus, i don't know how often i will be able to be here in the next coming weeks due to massive rehearsals we're having in preperation for Easter Sunday services..i play 3 of them..matter of fact i'm off to rehearsal in about 2 hours from now..uggggggg, but don't get me wrong, i TOTALLY enjoy praisng God through my playing...wish y'all could hear me :-P So i just wanted to do a quick slide in here to let you all know, however, i WILL try to get here anytime i can ok?

You guys keep up he EXCELLENT work you're doing!!!!

Mike, i hate to say this, but i don't like those infusers...leaves a bad after taste :cry: ..guess i should've pm'd you with info, but others like, to each his!

Well, so long until i can see you again guys!


PS: Oh btw Ritzee, that name change may be JUST the one for me..LOL!...and Bren, i'm so sorry your return home was not as happy as it could've'll give you a ringie'ding ok?..and Di, please don't go upsetting your system smelling that darn perfume girl!...and OC i'm alright, BUT please answer me and Ritzee's email will'ya?...hope YOU'RE alright...and Pam, you are so sweet to say that..i try to be as supportive as i can:+) anddddddddddddddd HOL, i can't BELIEVE you forgot the SHARE contract we signed :roll: or is MY memory getting!
Awwww Queenie, you are toooo sweet my friend...thank you for keeping me in your toughts...hope you're doing alright too:+)

PostPosted: February 21st, 2008, 5:48 pm
by rodeomom
I remember when we used to do big productions for our former church. We had so much fun since we provided the animals for the plays. For Easter we always had a few baby lambs and Sayde the Donkey to carry in Jesus on Palm Sunday. For Christmas, one of our horses (Turbo the Wonder Pony) would always faithfully carry in one of the kings to the manger and we always had sheep for the shepherds too. While I do miss the joy I got from doing those productions, I don't miss all the incredibly HARD work it took to put them together.

Make sure you are taking care of YOU while you are working on those rehersals. Sometimes we can forget that if we are not at our best (which means rested, hydrated and fed) then we cannot do our best.

Blessings to ya.

PostPosted: February 21st, 2008, 9:51 pm
by queenielou
Sounds like great advice, Brenda! Good to see you checking in, Chy. Hope your rehearsals get a little more enjoyable - as guess as enjoyable as rehearsals can be :) I wish we could hear you play, too. Take care!

PostPosted: February 22nd, 2008, 6:55 am
by katieb920
Hi Mom

Snow day here, so I will probably be on the internet all day. Hope you are taking care of yourself. And not doing to much. We know how you like to help everyone. :D

It is snowing here in Jersey, and it is beautiful.


PostPosted: February 22nd, 2008, 7:57 am
by holberry
so I want to know if you are the singer in these pagents and can I get some of the royalties???sp???
must of been on some MF buzz when we signed. er you signed. Mybe ut would share part of his lotus with you, UT???

PostPosted: February 22nd, 2008, 8:26 pm
by lifelovinaries
dont have a lot of time here but you know i had to drop by lula's house to say :wave: Hopefully, i will be able to catch up on all the "goings on" tomorrow. Sorry i didn't get the chance to answer you guys. The only computer i was ever on was work (dont usually check my personal email from there). I'm still here tho. ;) Haven't you guys realized that you cant get rid of me THAT easily?

PostPosted: February 23rd, 2008, 6:42 pm
by rodeomom
Hey Chy - I hope you are wearing yourself out or anything. Even though you are busy, I hope you can make time to stop in and let us know how things are going.

PostPosted: February 24th, 2008, 9:58 am
by ChynnaDoll
HI GUYS!!!..just taking a breath to check in to let you all know i'm still ALIVE anddddd STANDING Bren...LOL! Well, the rehersals are going SO well, EXAUSTING but well, and i'm ENJOYING every minute! I'm managing to properly nourish myself and all, although sometimes i don't get my eight glsses of water in, and mainly at rehersals i try to minimize it because i can't get up from the keyboard right in the middle of singing "Praise the lord, Praise the lord, let the earth hear his voice, Praise the lord, Praise the lord, let the people rejoice" picture'it, me getting up in that most RIVETING refrain to go tinkle...LOL!

Thank you for coming over even while i'm not here..means SO much to me..sincerely!
I will try and get back later on tonight to post support and comments in my other fellow journals. Now i'm off to get in the shower!!..on the MOVE AGAIN!!


PostPosted: February 24th, 2008, 12:21 pm
by holberry
sounds like you are burning up the concert hall :D

PostPosted: February 25th, 2008, 1:45 pm
by ChynnaDoll

Oh my goodness i am sitting here watching Dr. Phil and sooooo saddened by this poor little anerexic girl :( I do hope he will be able to help her.

hey Hol, girl i GOT'A slow down..hope Easter gets here soon!! Happy day to'ya!


PostPosted: February 25th, 2008, 3:29 pm
by CGal67
Hey there,

I just wanted to thank you for checking up on me...hope all is well!


PostPosted: February 25th, 2008, 4:09 pm
by DogMa
ChynnaDoll wrote:i try to minimize it because i can't get up from the keyboard right in the middle of singing "Praise the lord, Praise the lord, let the earth hear his voice, Praise the lord, Praise the lord, let the people rejoice" picture'it, me getting up in that most RIVETING refrain to go tinkle...LOL!

I hope I don't offend anyone, but ... this is the kinda thing you might hear me singing once I finally DO get to the potty after a busy day on deadline!! The first part, anyway.

PostPosted: February 26th, 2008, 7:25 am
by BabyTrace
Just stopping by to say hi and thanks for stopping by my journal.

I love the way you sprinkle your positive inspiration all over this board.

So glad you are here!


PostPosted: February 26th, 2008, 8:11 am
by holberry
good morning ms sunshine 8)
I wish I had a singing voice, cant even whistle for that matter, maybe a should get a canary???
have a great day!