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PostPosted: August 1st, 2006, 11:05 am
by loriannk
Here is my stats for Week 22

Week 22 7/25 - 8/1 +3 WT: 164 BMI: 28.1

I was off plan 1/2 of Friday, Sat & Sun. Weighed in Yesterday at 168 lbs then today at 164 lbs. I know it is probably water weight plus food I ate weight and by tomorrow I will be where I was to begin with at 161. I did not eat enough food to gain that much weight. At most I would say 1 lbs but I don't even think that. Anyway I knew the scale would be like this the first few days but wow when you see a 7 lbs gain when you didn't even have a "pig out" weekend it was a bit surprising.

So it is day 2 of being compliant again. I am happy that I don't get the first few day problems anymore when I restart the program. Maybe because I only go off plan a day or two and dont eat like a pig. I know the more I go off plan the longer it is going to take me to get to my goal and I am ok with that. It is so hard during the summer now. So many BBQ's, family get togethers, fairs, etc. But I know I will get to my goal, maybe not by the end of summer but once school starts it will be much easier I think. The main thing is if I have a "planned" cheat I get right back on the plan Monday morning. Now I say planned because I choose before hand that I am not going to be MF compliant. Not because I cave in during the week and eat a whole box of cookies. To me that is cheating. I don't consider what I do as cheating. The word Cheating makes me feel like I am sneaking around and eating tons of food I know I shouldnt where a planned cheat is me choosing the food I will eat and so far I have done well with that by choosing food healthy for me.

I guess I am rambling on a bit. Just typing my thoughts today. So anyway we will see what the scale says tomorrow. My ticker will stay the same. I am not changing it right now.

PostPosted: August 2nd, 2006, 7:01 am
by loriannk
Down to 162 this morning. I expect to be back to my 161 by tomorrow. I have been drinking tons of water and it has paid off. The 7 lbs the stupid scale said I gained this weekend was not fat weight, just water and food weight.

So I am happy again with the scale. :D

PostPosted: August 2nd, 2006, 12:31 pm
by smartipantz
Good for you Lori. I know when I took a cruise in April, I was gone for 11 days, was off plan for these days and gained 10 pounds (isn't that typical of a cruise). Well I came back, jumped back on the program and lost these 10 pounds in 4 days. It says alot about water weight!!

You are looking fantastic! You will be joining the rest of us in transition really soon! Wow! Can't believe how many of us are close to goal.

I actually reduced my goal weight from 145 to 140 pounds..... I can't wait!!!!! It's so close!

Good luck,


PostPosted: August 9th, 2006, 11:07 am
by loriannk
Its been awhile since I posted in my journal. I guess I am a bit disappointed at myself. I was on a roll, doing swell with the weight loss. Then August hit. Daughters birthday, fairs, fairs and more fairs. So I have been off plan most weekends.

On Monday I just couldn't get my butt back on program so I just ate everything I wanted (that included me going to the store to get junk stuff I wanted to eat) :oops:

I really wasn't mad at myself for doing it just a bit disappointed that I didn't want to get back on the MF wagon to lose the rest of the weight.

Well Tuesday morning came and I was up to 165.9. Gained almost 4 lbs with my weekend & Monday off plan eating. I guess it could have been worse and I expected it to be worse. I also expect most of that to come off in the next day or so. I got up before my kids and did a Tae Bo workout (first time) and stayed 100% compliant. WOO HOO for me.

Today Wed. I skipped the exercise but have been 100% on plan. The scale this morning said 163.8. Only 1. something up from before my pig out. So I guess I didn't do too much damage.

I have to admit I am very comfortable at the weight I am right now. I still want to lose more and plan on sticking to the plan. It does make it harder though. It would be easier if I wasn't so comfortable with myself. People I see think I look fine and don't need to lose anymore. I know I do and know I will look fabulous if I can lose the last 13 ish pounds. Now that most of the fairs are over with it should be easier for me to stay onplan on the weekends.

I can do it, right?

PostPosted: August 9th, 2006, 11:35 am
by Lizabette

All the information we know says that the last 10 pounds is the hardest to lose.
You explained it. You feel good and comfortable about yourself and that is wonderful.
However, think about how fabulous and gorgeous, you will look with those last few pounds gone!
Just takes a little more determination and commitment to finish the job!
Yay for you for being accountable and posting!

Lizabette :heart:

PostPosted: August 9th, 2006, 1:44 pm
by Serendipity
loriannk wrote:I can do it, right?


Loriann, I understand. I am also feeling really good about my size right now......people tell me I don't need to lose any more.....they tell me I look great and that I should stop.......however, I have always had a warped view of my body....I've always thought I looked smaller than I actually am. So I take pictures regularly, look in the mirror, pinch my bulges, etc.....just so that I can stay focused and lose the remaining weight. I tell people that I know what the scale says and it says that I am still overweight so, I'm gonna get the extra stuff off.

We weigh about the same right feels great, doesn't it? Well, I want to be in single digit sizes and I will be by the time I lose my final 30 pounds.

Comeon girl, git yurself motivated. You can do it.....we can!

PostPosted: August 10th, 2006, 8:32 am
by loriannk
I am back down to 162 this morning. So I guess I did not put on any pounds during my pig out weekend and monday. I told my husband we are skipping the big state fair this weekend. Too many temptations for me. I just want to stay compliant, get to goal and start living normal.

So that is all I wanted to say today, just wanted to post my weight to the journal.

PostPosted: August 11th, 2006, 5:32 am
by Arklahoma
You're doing great & so close to goal ~ WOW!!!

PostPosted: August 11th, 2006, 5:47 am
by loriannk
Thank you Lizabette, Serendipity & Ark for your kind words.

I am over my funk I think. Been on program 100% 4 days and feel pretty good considering we all have summer colds in my house. I have a sore throat today so it will made eating the hot food hard. But I will get through it.

I am back to 161 lbs this morning. Finally back to where I was before all my off plan eating started. So thanks for the support everyone, I needed a push and got it.

PostPosted: August 11th, 2006, 6:35 am
by Serendipity
WHEW! :mrgreen:

PostPosted: August 12th, 2006, 6:21 am
by loriannk
Back in the Medizone weigh losing stage. Weighed in at 161.0. ARG so close to 160. Maybe I can squeak out 159 by tomorrows Sunday roll call. That would be exciting. I'll take 160 and be happy with it.

Still feel terrible. My throat is still killing me and I can barely breath out of my nose. Summer colds are the WORST! Doesn't help that my 14 month old is sick too so I was up more then 6 times with him. Hard to keep a nuk in when you can breath out of your nose.

Anyway I am glad my funk is done, I am happy again and recomitted to reaching my goal.

PostPosted: August 16th, 2006, 2:22 pm
by loriannk
I am completly off the wagon now. :(

I wrote how I was happy on Sat morning to be back in the zone and losing again and then what happens. Hubby comes home and we go out bumming and decide to go to a great pizza joint and I am ok with that. WHY!! I dont know. It was so so good to. Since then I have not had one shake or nothing. I have gained 3 lbs again. Back up to 164, blah. I have eatened everything from burgers to pizza to McFurries to crackers.

I really dont know what is up with me. I weigh less then I have in 14 years. I am in misses sizes. So why the he!! would I sabatoge my progress and eat like I did before MF. I dont know. I am hoping once the kids start back at school and my nerves calm down I can recommit to loosing the rest.

Anyway just writing my thoughts and confessions. I hope tomorrow is a better day and I decide to finish what I started over 5 months ago.

hang in there!

PostPosted: August 16th, 2006, 3:21 pm
by dibbida
I just finished your whole log...hang in there girl!
I cannot believe how good your doing...It is quite amazing that the scale will jump that fast... :x
I know you can get back into the swing of things.
I just finished week 2. Your an inspiration to keep going!

PostPosted: August 16th, 2006, 3:37 pm
by Serendipity

Have you considered reading one of the books that I've seen recommended? "Fatitudes" and "Reprogramming the Overweight Mind" are 2 that I've heard good things about.

Could you be afraid of succeeding? I know that sounds like psychobabble, but I had that problem the last time I lost alot of weight.

PostPosted: August 17th, 2006, 2:04 am
by Sojourner
Lori, maybe you should look at your before and after pictures in the Studio, too--I know they inspire the heck out of me! Could boost your motivation a little, too.

Sending good vibes your way girlie! :pet: