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PostPosted: September 17th, 2007, 10:16 pm
by Charity
hulagirlfromhawaii wrote:Thank you lauradr! I appreciate your support!!! :D

I ordered the two MF books on my last order. They are both great to have. They really spell it out for us on how to be successful in our quest for weightloss. All of the questions about the MF foods, L&G's, exercise, etc. are all answered.


Wow, I really want the books now. What are the titles? Can I amazon them I wonder....

PostPosted: September 17th, 2007, 11:45 pm
by Charity
Geez! She hasn't mentioned your huge weight loss at all? Geez, even if you see eachother every day she is bound to notice some change!

I told Steph, my bestfriend, that if she lost a ton a weight and weighed less than me I would be sooooo happy for her, truely happy, but I would cry inside for not being as motivated and thinking I was a looser :tears: . She laughed at my silliness :-P .

Maybe you should let her know about MF and she can loose the weight that's bumming her out.


PostPosted: September 18th, 2007, 11:57 am
by hulagirlfromhawaii
Charity wrote:
hulagirlfromhawaii wrote:Thank you lauradr! I appreciate your support!!! :D

I ordered the two MF books on my last order. They are both great to have. They really spell it out for us on how to be successful in our quest for weightloss. All of the questions about the MF foods, L&G's, exercise, etc. are all answered.


Wow, I really want the books now. What are the titles? Can I amazon them I wonder....

The book is called, "The Secret is out: Medifast, What Physicians Have Always Known About Weightloss."

I think you can Amazon it, but if not, you can order it when you order your MF supps. It's under Shop and program materials. It's an awesome book that keeps you motivated and spells out exactly how and why MF works. :mrgreen:

PostPosted: September 18th, 2007, 12:01 pm
by hulagirlfromhawaii
Charity wrote:Geez! She hasn't mentioned your huge weight loss at all? Geez, even if you see eachother every day she is bound to notice some change!

I told Steph, my bestfriend, that if she lost a ton a weight and weighed less than me I would be sooooo happy for her, truely happy, but I would cry inside for not being as motivated and thinking I was a looser :tears: . She laughed at my silliness :-P .

Maybe you should let her know about MF and she can loose the weight that's bumming her out.


Yeah you're right! Since that post, I did let her know what I was doing and she actually got on the MF plan and lost some weight herself, even if she only needed to lose like 10 pounds! :roll: She's this tall, beautiful flight attendant that works for Hawaiian Air. She's one of those gals who is super gorgeous but doesn't really know how beautiful she is. Very down-to-earth and humble. I never shared with her because I didn't think she neede to lose any weight until she told me that her work uniforms were getting so tight that she couldn't button them and had to order bigger ones. She's like 5'10" so if she gains weight, you can't really see it! I'm 5'2". If I gain one pound, it's very noticeable! :|

PostPosted: September 20th, 2007, 8:07 pm
by hulagirlfromhawaii
I'm finally feeling about 80% better. I've re-gained my voice, much to the chagrin of my kids 'cause now they can hear my nagging again :mrgreen: Still stuffed up and coughing a little, but at least I can function without wanting to lie down and take a nap. Still downing the soups and hot chocolate. I'll probably have a shake tomorrow to change things up.

PostPosted: September 20th, 2007, 8:11 pm
by Sojourner
Hiya, Kanani!

Ooooh, I'm sorry to hear you're feelin' puny,
but it sounds as though you are on the mend.

Here's some Sojo's Mojo to help you along...

(((((((((((((((( :hug: ))))))))))))))))

PostPosted: September 22nd, 2007, 12:48 pm
by hulagirlfromhawaii
Ooooh that Mojo helped alot Sojo! :pet: Thank you my friend!

I got to sleep in today.. Something that I haven't done in 3 weeks! Wow that was great! I wasn't able to get all my meals in yesterday. Stepped on the scale and I'm 2 pounds heavier! What the :x ! Maybe it's water weight, I don't know. But I'm still plugging away. :roll:

PostPosted: September 22nd, 2007, 1:31 pm
by Charity
hulagirlfromhawaii wrote:Ooooh that Mojo helped alot Sojo! :pet: Thank you my friend!

I got to sleep in today.. Something that I haven't done in 3 weeks! Wow that was great! I wasn't able to get all my meals in yesterday. Stepped on the scale and I'm 2 pounds heavier! What the :x ! Maybe it's water weight, I don't know. But I'm still plugging away. :roll:

So, you have been pretty compliant but those last 5 or so lbs aren't coming off? What's up with that? I find that is the case for several ladies. What is the answer? Cardio? But then what? Do we do the extra cardio forever to maintain? Hummmm.....

PostPosted: September 22nd, 2007, 3:22 pm
by bikipatra
Charity wrote:
hulagirlfromhawaii wrote:Ooooh that Mojo helped alot Sojo! :pet: Thank you my friend!

I got to sleep in today.. Something that I haven't done in 3 weeks! Wow that was great! I wasn't able to get all my meals in yesterday. Stepped on the scale and I'm 2 pounds heavier! What the :x ! Maybe it's water weight, I don't know. But I'm still plugging away. :roll:

So, you have been pretty compliant but those last 5 or so lbs aren't coming off? What's up with that? I find that is the case for several ladies. What is the answer? Cardio? But then what? Do we do the extra cardio forever to maintain? Hummmm.....

That really depends on what "pretty" compliant means. A little non compliance is catching. We're pretty honest around here and when you are close to goal and you know one little off plan snack isn't going to send you back into size 22's it doesn't seem like that big a deal. But in reality whether you are 80 pounds from goal or 8, you are still kicking yourself out of ketosis and the fat burning stage. That's not the way to reach goal. I am not saying everyone is doing that but some have admitted it and so will I. I plan to make cardio a part of my maintenance plan just like it is a part of my plan now, in fact more so, because I will be able to eat more calories and hopefuly have those damned bras that will stop this chest from bouncing.

PostPosted: September 22nd, 2007, 5:21 pm
by hulagirlfromhawaii
bikipatra wrote:
Charity wrote:
hulagirlfromhawaii wrote:Ooooh that Mojo helped alot Sojo! :pet: Thank you my friend!

I got to sleep in today.. Something that I haven't done in 3 weeks! Wow that was great! I wasn't able to get all my meals in yesterday. Stepped on the scale and I'm 2 pounds heavier! What the :x ! Maybe it's water weight, I don't know. But I'm still plugging away. :roll:

So, you have been pretty compliant but those last 5 or so lbs aren't coming off? What's up with that? I find that is the case for several ladies. What is the answer? Cardio? But then what? Do we do the extra cardio forever to maintain? Hummmm.....

That really depends on what "pretty" compliant means. A little non compliance is catching. We're pretty honest around here and when you are close to goal and you know one little off plan snack isn't going to send you back into size 22's it doesn't seem like that big a deal. But in reality whether you are 80 pounds from goal or 8, you are still kicking yourself out of ketosis and the fat burning stage. That's not the way to reach goal. I am not saying everyone is doing that but some have admitted it and so will I. I plan to make cardio a part of my maintenance plan just like it is a part of my plan now, in fact more so, because I will be able to eat more calories and hopefuly have those damned bras that will stop this chest from bouncing.

Yes, Biki is exactly right. My compliancy has been on the straight and narrow for about about a week and a half with not cheating at all. Back in July I had a very big backslide and went totally off track. So I have lost and gained about 7-10 pounds over ticker since July. I haven't changed the ticker because I have been hovering near there since my backslide.
Even if I have a little more L&G than I should or one more Soy Crisps as a cheat, I don't lose. I've always had very long stalls since I started. My last one was back in October of last year. I didn't lose anything for a month and a half, so I had to up the cardio a little and go on 6 supplements for a little while until I broke through.

I've also been dealing with a big health issue (which started before MF which is still looming) ,( see my journal about a month ago) but getting better, thus, very slow progress right now.

PostPosted: September 24th, 2007, 4:33 pm
by hulagirlfromhawaii
Ended up in the ER last night. I felt myself getting lightheaded and blacked out. Hubby just wanted to make sure it wasn't anything serious.

I was dehydrated and my body just gave into exhaustion. Doc said I am doing too much and not letting myself rest and recover from the cold/flu.
Jeez....I thought I was feeling much better, but I guess my body was rebelling :roll: . I got alot of rest today, and I'm tanking the water by the gallons.

PostPosted: September 24th, 2007, 5:25 pm
by Tawanda
hulagirlfromhawaii wrote:Ended up in the ER last night. I felt myself getting lightheaded and blacked out. Hubby just wanted to make sure it wasn't anything serious.

I was dehydrated and my body just gave into exhaustion. Doc said I am doing too much and not letting myself rest and recover from the cold/flu.
Jeez....I thought I was feeling much better, but I guess my body was rebelling :roll: . I got alot of rest today, and I'm tanking the water by the gallons.

:hug: hope you feel 100% soon!

PostPosted: September 24th, 2007, 6:44 pm
by katieb920
I hope you feel better soon. <img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src="">

PostPosted: September 24th, 2007, 8:40 pm
by oubelqasse
Wishing you a fast a speedy recovery. Let you hubby pamper you for the next few days... :lol:

PostPosted: September 25th, 2007, 12:23 am
by Sojourner

Sounds like you need more Mojo!
You poor thing...I hope you feel better soon!!

(((((((((((((((( :hug: ))))))))))))))))

When I read that first line about the ER, I thought that you had
to be hospitalized over not getting your crack ~ er ~ mint bars
from the Swap n' Shop forum!! Well, they say that laughter is the
best medicine, so maybe this will help speed your recovery:

Mike wrote:The song "Going back to rehab" echoes in the background..... ;)

Hula, you don’t need no “crack” bars
Just say no, no, no
Yes you’ll be sad, but they’ll make you bad
And you’ll grow, grow, grow

You ain’t got the time
And we all think you’re fine
They’re tryin’ t’ make you go to restart
Don’t you go, go, go

<img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src="">