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PostPosted: September 24th, 2007, 7:47 am
by queenielou
Hey Donna,

I stopped in a scrapbooking store yesterday and thought about you. I was a bit overwhelmed since I was only looking for stickers, but it looked like a great place to make some wonderful memory books.

Hope you had a nice trip :)

PostPosted: September 24th, 2007, 9:53 am
by DonnaS
I'm back and I had a great time. Thanks everyone for all the well wishes.

I walked 1.5 miles this morning and will be exercising this evening. I actually jogged part of each lap on the track but I'm slow because it still took me 30 minutes to walk 6 laps. Oh well, at least I'm finally out there doing something.

Looks like I'm subbing up at the elementary tomorrow so I need to be out at the track around 5:45 a.m. :roll: or maybe I'll go tomorrow night after the sun goes down. :lol:

I must say that it helps having walking buddies and knowing I need to report in. Thanks ladies!

PostPosted: September 24th, 2007, 10:08 am
by Tawanda
Glad you are back with us! You are doing so well in your walking and on the program!! :) Glad you are here.

PostPosted: September 24th, 2007, 10:48 am
by bikipatra
Congrats on the walking!!!

PostPosted: September 24th, 2007, 1:53 pm
by DonnaS
Mickeyz wrote:Hey Donna,

How was your trip?

It's a new week and you have inspired me! I have added one of The Firm tapes to my workout and I am going to increase my walk from 2.5 miles to 2.75. (I came back and edited this after my walk...3.5 miles, average speed 3.44 miles per hour. I am using a new pedometer!)

Hope your week is starting out great!

Wow Mickey! Your putting away the miles lady, and going a lot faster than I can right now. I have a new pedometer too but haven't taken the time to set it up. Guess I'll work on that this evening. I'll be doing my Firm tape in an hour and my husband wants me to walk with him this evening too. I'm getting the exercise in today but after my weekend I need to work off some calories.

I'm sort of dreading getting on the scales tomorrow and feel another gain coming on. :roll: I know I'm going to have a gain but I'm going to get past it and get myself back in ketosis. This month has been a hard one!

PostPosted: September 25th, 2007, 4:58 am
by DonnaS
queenielou wrote:Hey Donna,

I stopped in a scrapbooking store yesterday and thought about you. I was a bit overwhelmed since I was only looking for stickers, but it looked like a great place to make some wonderful memory books.

Hope you had a nice trip :)

I had a lot of fun, thanks!

Scrapbooking is a lot of fun Queenie; I'm going to Houston this weekend to scrapbook with a friend all weekend long. Hope to get a lot done.

PostPosted: September 25th, 2007, 5:02 am
by DonnaS
End of week 16, +2 lbs. :x

I was expecting it so no surprise.

Off to work. Everyone have a wonderful day.

Oh, I worked out last night to my tape and will work out this evening too. Probably will not get in the walking today.

PostPosted: September 25th, 2007, 5:22 am
by bikipatra
I walked 1.6 miles. Almost killed me after my jogging yesterday. Didn't realize how out of shape I was even after walking 3 miles several times a week for months.

PostPosted: September 25th, 2007, 5:57 am
by Tawanda
Donna, the 2# is probably all water retention either because of food or the exercise. Shrug it off, drink all your water (I cannot remember if you are good at getting in your water --- everyone but me seems to be good at drinking their water....but if you aren't, try hard to get it in--like I know anything about water drinking :roflmao:) and the lousy 2# will go away, taking some friends with it. ;)

Hope your day goes well.

PostPosted: September 25th, 2007, 6:07 pm
by Joy

I will check in with you on Sunday too see if you walked all week.


PostPosted: September 26th, 2007, 5:34 am
by DonnaS
Walked 2.0 miles this morning and did the tape yesterday evening. Didn't jog any today. It was nice watching the full moon go down and the sun come up. I'm going to try and be out at the track, each morning I can, at the same time. When does the daylight savings time go back to normal?

Biki, sorry your sore. I remember the first time I jogged and was sore for 2 or 3 days. What I liked about jogging was watching my legs (especially the ole saddle bags) shrink.

Have a great day!

PostPosted: September 26th, 2007, 8:53 am
by Mickeyz
Hi Donna, Your walk sounds nice and peaceful. What a nice way to start your day!

I am a little sore from walking 3+ miles on both Sun & Mon. I took a break yesterday and got in 2.3 miles today. I will do the upper body workout with THE FIRM later.

Have a good day!

PostPosted: September 27th, 2007, 2:41 am
by bikipatra
Mickeyz wrote:I am a little sore from walking 3+ miles on both Sun & Mon. I took a break yesterday and got in 2.3 miles today. Have a good day!

I do that too but not because my muscles are sore but because my hip joints are. I must be walking too hard or something.

PostPosted: September 27th, 2007, 6:20 am
by DonnaS
Did not make it to the track this morning. I had a late night and didn't feel like getting up so early. I may not be able to get back out to the track until Saturday morning. I will do my Firm tape tomorrow since I will be bowling this evening. I'm thinking about doing the C25K this next week and will look into it more over the weekend.

PostPosted: September 27th, 2007, 7:09 am
by holberry
good morning Donna,

here's to a great day :buddies: