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PostPosted: July 9th, 2006, 7:40 pm
by Nova
We saw The Lion King today. Wow, what an amazing show. I'd heard the costumes were great, but they were absolutely fabulous! In the opening number, it just kept getting better and better. The cheetah walked out and there were some ooohs. Then the giraffes walked out and the clapping started. The gazelles came out, then the zebras, and even a huge elephant that had 4 people in the costume, followed by a baby elephant worn by a kid. They had birds flying, birds as costumes, and of course the lions. The opening number alone garnered huge applause when it was over. I thought it was a great adaptation of the movie, and I wish I could see it again and again, like I did the movie. Afterward, I got a tshirt, and I got it in a large. Ooh, no more XLs for me. :)

The only bad part was the guy sitting next to me. Unfortunately, he was so big, he spilled into my seat. I had a few uncharitable thoughts, I will admit, but it also made me happy that I was taking up so much less of my seat that I was before.

I'm so tired today for some reason. I don't know if it's allergies, or the medicine I've been taking for the past couple days. I stoped taking the OTC allergy pills, because they seem to really knock me for a loop. Been hungry all day today, too. Can hardly wait for my next meal. Hopefully it's a sign my weight loss is kicking up again. I did exercise hard on Friday, but that's been 2 days ago. Yesterday, I did a lot of walking, and today, I didn't do any exercise. I'm not sure what's going on.

PostPosted: July 9th, 2006, 7:45 pm
by DogMa
I LOVE that show!! I have a sweat shirt from it, but it's way too big for me now. Not that I've gotten rid of it.

Bummer about the big guy next to you, but think how much more uncomfortable you would have been if you were still bigger, too.

And I taught my little cousin that about sizes a few years ago. She's 12 and a tiny little thing, but she learned that lesson on our first solo shopping outing a few years ago when she was soooo upset because she fell in love with a sweater and couldn't find it in her size.

PostPosted: July 11th, 2006, 8:16 pm
by Nova
Would you know it? the day after I'm moaning and complaining about being hungry, today, I haven't been hungry much at all. I thought I'd be ravenous because I had to fast for 12 hours for my physical this morning. But as soon as I gave blood and peed in the cup, I had my morning shake. I decided to add some shakes to my day, and I ate every 2-2.5 hours instead of waiting 3 hours. I also skipped the soy crisps and bar today, but I'm having my pudding tonight. Can't go without my chocolate pudding. I also made sure to do the elliptical for 20 minutes tonight, doing HIIT during the commercial of the Tour de France. I'm also going to commit to being more active around the house and do more housework.

I had the first part of my physical today at work, and they were very thorough. Besides the bloodwork, height and weight (I wish I had been under 200, grrr), I had a vision test, hearing test, EKG and spirometry. Apparently, I'm Wonder Woman. :) My hearing is as good or better than a 20 year olds, and my lung capacity is 150% of normal. I have to wait until Aug 1 to find out the results of my bloodwork though.

PostPosted: July 14th, 2006, 9:07 pm
by Nova
Today was a very nice day. I took the day off from work and hubby and I went to do a little sightseeing this morning. Then at lunch, we went to the Intergem show. i didn't know exactly what it was, and i was hoping they had more rough than they did. I bought some interesting beads, but my best find was a guy selling Australian opal rough. I dropped a good bit of my weekly allowance on it, but I think when I get it cut and polished, I'll have a few hundred dollars worth of opal gems. Here's hoping. I have a few smaller pieces to practice on before I start on the really nice ones. And the dealer gave me lots of advice.

Well, tonight I'm sitting here typing on hubby's laptop because my desktop has apparently decided to quit working. Or rather, it's having fits. About every 15 minutes to 2 hours, it just locks up. Seems like a motherboard problem, so I may be buying a new computer this weekend. On the one hand, cool, a new computer. On the other hand, there goes several hundred dollars. Think i can sell opal gems to cover the cost?

Didn't exercise today, but I did spend a lot of time walking at the show and a lot of time cleaning the house today. Had 2 shakes today, and my hunger seemed much more managable. Made sure to eat every 2-2.5 hours in the morning since that seems to be when I'm hungriest.

Still stuck on that 200 pound plateau though. Bleah. weighed myself this evening, even though I know I'm heavier in the evening. I'm up 5 pounds from my lightest yesterdy. My body really doesn't want to leave this weight, even though I'm being super compliant with the diet. No snack, except for 1-2 pickle spears. No pudding, oatmeal once a day and 2 shakes. Have to have my bars though.

PostPosted: July 14th, 2006, 9:45 pm
by DogMa
Patience, grasshopper. It'll come off when it's ready.

And congrats on the opals but sorry about the computer!

PostPosted: July 15th, 2006, 6:39 am
by Arklahoma
Enjoying reading your posts.
BTW, what's a source board???

PostPosted: July 15th, 2006, 5:47 pm
by Nova
Arklahoma wrote:Enjoying reading your posts.
BTW, what's a source board???

The source board is the bane of all Federal civil servants. It's the group of people who write the Statement of Work (SOW) for contracts for work the government wants done. Many SOWs are small (a few thousand to a few hundred thousand dollars). The ones we're getting ready to work on are for the Center Operations Support Services, so we're talking about a billion or so over 5 contracts over 5 years. Needless to say, that's a lot of money on the line, and the SOW has to spell out exactly what we want the contractor to do over the next 5 years. it means reading the crystal ball, figuring out what was wrong on the last contract (lots), and finding ways to fix it on the next contract. All of this work has to be done in secret, so we have to leave our office and go to a special building with computers that aren't on the network, and you can't bring your cell phones in. I've been told that we'll probably be spending the next 2 months there straight, and we'll be working on writing the SOW, then reviewing the contracts until next April to August sometime. So....yeah, it's gonna be a pain. And we still have to get our regular work done too.

PostPosted: July 15th, 2006, 6:31 pm
by Nova
Ugh, what a day. I'm either cursed or building up karma at an accelerated rate. My computer finally gave up the ghost today. It would work for about 10 minutes, then freeze up. So off we went to Frys to price new systems. We looked at getting a prebuilt and the adding in some extra memory and a better video card. But prebuilts tend to have things I don't want, and not have the premium parts I do. So we looked at gettting the parts to build a system. 2 hours and several hundred dollars later, we left Frys with everything I needed.

Two more hours later, we discovered that something was wrong with one of the parts I'd bought an open box processer, not usually a problem. But my motherboard (mobo) was billed as new, and when i opened it, it had very obivously been opened before. Okay, not good. I didn't know if it was the CPU or the mobo. Had a bar to fortify me, and we carted every single part back to Frys.

I was really worried they'd give me a hard time because I couldn't prove the mobo had already been opened, and I'd already put the parts together. Happily, they were very easy to work with. They tested the parts and after going through 2 more mobos and another CPU, they let me refund everything. Then the tech guy walked me through the store and helped me pick out brand new parts that were better than what I had picked up this morning. I told him I wasn't leaving unti he'd tested everything though, and he agreed.

Good grief. We went through 3 mobos, 2 CPUs and 2 more sticks of RAM. They were -all- bad. The good thing is that they gave me an upgraded CPU for the same price since they were out of what I'd bought. The bad part was that he accidently refunded me something he shouldn't have, so I had to go through the line and pay for stuff a THIRD time. But the tech guy put the mobo, memory and CPU together for me, which was nice. Now I'm in the multi-hour process of reinstalling Windows and all my programs and data.

oh, and when I got home, the curse continued. The batteries died in the tv remote and the wireless mouse at the same time. I'm almost scared to do any more computer work. What if i fry something?

PostPosted: July 16th, 2006, 7:20 am
by Arklahoma
Thanks for shedding some light on the source board. Sounds like a real pain to have to deal with. I guess something's in the water supply b/c our remote went out last night. Tried to replace the batteries and no go. It's a real pain b/c this thing controls the tv, dvr, tuner, surround sound, etc. Hope the hubby can figure it out.

PostPosted: July 17th, 2006, 8:57 pm
by Nova
My computer curse continues. I had to go to a new building today and set up my network passwords and email and all that. It took me over an hour to set up my email permissions, and in the process, I somehow crashed one of the two computers such that Outlook wouldn't even load in safe mode, even after 2 reboots.

I think (I hope) I'm finally ovey my plateau. Yes, I know they're a fact of life and dieting, and I know they happen to everyone, and I know they'll pass. But it's sure nice when they finally do. I'm half a pound away from 50 pounds lost this morning! Woo. I'm trying to figure out if exercise slows my weightloss. I looked back over my log and daily weight record, but I couldn't really puzzle out a conclusive link between the two. I think in the future, when I do exercise for 30 minutes or more, I'm going to add a sixth supplement.

Today was a long day. 6 hours working on source board, but I think I have my first cut of my section done. Still have a lot to do though.

PostPosted: July 18th, 2006, 5:57 pm
by Nova
Today was a total waste of time at work. Meetings most of the morning, and for 3 hours this afternoon. Didn't get anything productive one. I refused to stay late to work on contracts; I'll work on it tomorrow. Instead, I left on time (wanted to leave early) so I could play with our new Xbox 360, transfer my computer files, get dinner and watch the Tour de France. Tonight is Alp d'Huez!

I had some good moments today though. One of the guys at work complimented me for looking good and losing weight, and this morning, I've lost 50.5 pounds! Yay!

PostPosted: July 18th, 2006, 6:14 pm
by DogMa
Congrats on the new club!!!!

PostPosted: July 18th, 2006, 7:41 pm
by Serendipity
Nova wrote: Tonight is Alp d'Huez!

Nova, Did you watch it? Great finish! My thighs get sore just watching, lol.

PostPosted: July 19th, 2006, 8:16 am
by Nova
Yep, I watched every bit of it. It's absolutely amazing the way they fly up the mountain. I'm not even sure I could -walk- up that mountain easily. I was rooting for Floyd Landis the whole way, but earlier in the day, I'd caught a part of some news commentary on the Tour. I turned it off because I didn't want to get spoiled, but something I heard made me think Floyd had a problem or didn't finish. So it was actually a real nail biter for me. :)

PostPosted: July 19th, 2006, 9:46 pm
by Nova
Aw, what a sad day for Floyd Landis. I was rooting for him so much, and today he just cracked and lost 8 minutes. I hope he makes some of it up tomorrow and in the time trial.