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PostPosted: February 25th, 2008, 7:04 pm
by aquarianskye
Hello ladies and gents. I made it through another day. Did not have the best weekend here (not food related). Picked up two extra cookie booths to get oldest daughter to her quota. Four extra hours of standing on cement and sunshine do not make this a happy mom. But she did hit her goal. In between booths yesterday I found out my brother has to go to Iraq. it looks real this time--he's supposed to have gone twice already but had order changes at the last minute.

My sister was nice enough to text me during my last booth that she's prego. That's not a good thing for so many reasons. She's been divorced for just over a year. She's already got two kids that she can barely take care of (my p's have started talking about having them). She's got a dead beat boyfriend who has held one job for just over three weeks in the entire last year. I know that there isn't a lot I can do. Actually nothing I can do but pray that she gets her act together.

Weight wise things finally moved (see previous posts). Today was 207.2. I'm loving how much easier this is getting. I really want to win the 'biggest loser' prize from the 100 days contest. I'm down just over 15#'s since 2/4. I haven't taken measurements yet to compare w/ my starting stats. I will do it next Monday at my four week mark.

Okay, off to read some journals.

PostPosted: February 26th, 2008, 10:00 am
by rodeomom
You may be ahead of me on pounds lost, but I think I've got you on inches. Hey, we should form and aliance (sp) and work to kick the others' butts? Wait a minute - what am I thinkin? I want all the money I tell you I want it ALLLL!

Glad to hear you are OP and doing well. I know your relationship with your sister is kinda rocky right now, sorry to hear about her current situation. I will pray for your brother - thank him for me for being willing to fight for me and our country. So great to hear you are finally done with cookie sales -- UGH!

14 more days!! Wooo hooo

PostPosted: February 28th, 2008, 10:09 am
by aquarianskye
Good day all! I think I might be on a high right now. I finally went shopping yesterday. You know, for clothes that actually fit me. I went to the mall and got two new bras, a pair of capris, a tank top, and another new shirt. Wanna hear the good news? Bottoms were size 16 and I'm actually wearing them out today. The two tops 14/16. And I have one of them on right now also. They fit well enough that I'm actually going to go to walmart later and will wear the clothes that I have on. I need to get some new pictures up in the studio. Maybe I can get hub to take some pics when he gets home. I am so stoked right now. I love it!

PostPosted: February 28th, 2008, 10:39 am
by rodeomom
Now, I know that when women spend a lot of time together or live together their umm...cycles tend to coinside - but weight loss and sizing, some 2000 miles apart. That is just weird.

I bet you are just feeling as light as a feather and walking on air right now. I knew you could do it sis!

Just don't let all of that go to your head though cuz we all know that I am gonna win that money!

PostPosted: February 29th, 2008, 2:20 pm
by Sojourner
Hi Skye!!
How's my fellow smart-aleck doing?
Omigosh, never mind...I see exactly
how you're doing! The 70# club??
Guh-DANG girl!! You're just melting
away!! Major congrats to you! Wow,
and you're knocking on the door to
Onederland, too! :shades: WooHoo!!

Now get back to those carpets, :whip:
that Brenda chick seems like the picky
demanding guest type. :twisted:


PostPosted: February 29th, 2008, 2:57 pm
by rodeomom
Sojourner wrote:Hi Skye!!

Now get back to those carpets, :whip:
that Brenda chick seems like the picky
demanding guest type. :twisted:


Hey there! I said there was no need to clean on my part. I am going out to visit her not her carpets. :lol: She should get in that extra workout so she can try to catch up with me on the contest. She needs it since I am gonna win!

PostPosted: February 29th, 2008, 2:57 pm
by rodeomom
Double Post

PostPosted: February 29th, 2008, 2:57 pm
by rodeomom
Sojourner wrote:Hi Skye!!

Now get back to those carpets, :whip:
that Brenda chick seems like the picky
demanding guest type. :twisted:


Stupid computer

PostPosted: February 29th, 2008, 3:07 pm
by lifelovinaries
hey skye, brenda posted it three times so i think she's tellin' you that you DON'T have to clean your carpets! :roflmao:

PostPosted: February 29th, 2008, 3:09 pm
by rodeomom
Yea - what Erica said! :D

PostPosted: February 29th, 2008, 3:09 pm
by Sojourner
lifelovinaries wrote:hey skye, brenda posted it three times so i think she's tellin' you that you DON'T have to clean your carpets! :roflmao:'s an odd number,
so it's negative - meaning it's
the opposite of what it says!
Better get crackin', Skye!!


PostPosted: March 2nd, 2008, 10:20 am
by aquarianskye
OK--downstairs carpets cleaned and prettified. I've been away from the computer for a few days. Not only is Brenda coming for a visit in a few days my college roommate was in town for this weekend and she came over with her family last night. I had to get things done.

I was out running around most of the day Friday. Um, shopping and all that fun girlie stuff. I bought a size LARGE tank top--wouldn't wear it out in public alone but underneath other shirts it works just fine.

Well, i have about a zillion things to get done while the baby is napping.

PostPosted: March 2nd, 2008, 11:20 am
by rodeomom
You really are rockin little lady! Isn't it sooo cool to be able to go shopping in the Misses department and not in the plus sizes anymore!!

Hey guess what... only 7 more days!

PostPosted: March 3rd, 2008, 8:34 am
by aquarianskye
Well today is four weeks totally compliant and here are my stats, On 2/4 (Mon) wgt was 223.0 measurements now

neck 14 1/2 -1/4
bicepts 14 -1/2
girls 43 1/2 -2
underneathem 40 1/2 -1/4
true waist 39 -2
belly button 41 1/2 -2 1/2
hips 46 1/2 -2 1/4
top of thigh 26 1/2 -1
above knee 22 -1/2
calf 17 -3/4

total down 12 inches. Weight today was 207.8, down 15.2# Not too bad. I've been sorta stuck at 207 for awhile. I guess that I'm still doing ok.

PostPosted: March 3rd, 2008, 10:05 am
by rodeomom
Hey there, great job! Keep it up and maybe you won't be so far behind me when I win that contest :-P !