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PostPosted: August 22nd, 2007, 12:07 pm
by SharonR
Hey Di, I'm glad your feeling better, I hope it continues for you!

PostPosted: August 23rd, 2007, 1:48 am
by katesmom
Hi Diana,
Here is to you and the wonderful support you offer us here...I love all he encouraging words that you have, especially your upbeat attitude !

Have a lovely day !

PostPosted: August 26th, 2007, 10:38 pm
by Diana
I had an epiphany within the last 36 hours, but now that I sit down to record it, the silly thing has slipped off to some dark corner and refuses to come out and play.

I will, therefore, edit this post at a later date.

Had a great evening with SharonR and TonyR. Sharon, Mike and I chatted in the stands with the kids (I got to hold baby Victor -- what a solid and happy little boy!!) and Tony's parents during Tony's baseball game. The weather was beautiful, and the shade was just perfect. Sharon oven-grilled (baked? not really, but kinda) some veggies and also fixed a ceasar salad. Tony grilled flank steak -- holy toledo, was it tender and tasty!! During preparations, Desiree showed off her skills with her stomp rocket. Way too cute! Afterwards, Tony's dad taught us a new cardgame, Canadian Rummy. Very fun! We love playing table games with our friends Tony and Sharon.

Mike mentioned in his journal that I might be changing jobs. OH, I HOPE SO!! I've only taught two half-days and I'm completely wiped out. I have to keep reminding myself I'm fighting a major infection. Therefore, it's ok to need a nap after teaching for 3 hours. I am so grateful for God's grace -- I didn't know I was going to physically NEED a reduced schedule!

And that reminds me -- you who are wandering through and those who have been praying should have an official update...The CT Scan came back with evidence of an "extensive" (that's what the report said) bacterial infection in my sinuses, complete with offending polyp. The infection is in the soft tissue, not the bone (thank you, God) and there are no lesions (evidence of cancer). I'm using flonase to shrink the polyp. If all this mess doesn't clear up all the way, my primary intends to send me to a specialist. I'm still praying confidently that this will be an easy, one-shot fix.

Have a good week, all. Off to sketch out some lesson plans then head to bed.

PostPosted: August 27th, 2007, 3:10 am
by katesmom
Hi Diana,
I am off to my first day "back to school" today ! I am a school psychologist and already have meetings starting at 8:30 a.m....I think the routine of being back on a schedule will help me with my progam...

Glad to hear that your test results are not cancerous...

Have a lovely day !

PostPosted: August 27th, 2007, 4:23 am
by bikipatra
Glad to hear those results about yoiur scan and you made me hungry at 7:30 in the morning for flank steak! Have a great day.

PostPosted: August 27th, 2007, 7:41 am
by holberry
Good Morning Diana,

So glad the tests results are not too bad. Here's to a speedy uncomplicated recovery.

What are you teaching? and what are you hoping to do?

Have good day.

PostPosted: August 27th, 2007, 10:56 am
by Lisa145
Hi Diana!

Just read the comment on my journal. I would LOVE a 10K partner!!! I'm in! Both of us able to do a 10K by May 26, 2008. :mrgreen:

The race you were talking about... the Bay to something...sounds just like the Bolder Boulder. There are many teams running in it, bands playing in the streets, and lots of costumes. Fun, fun fun!!!

PostPosted: August 27th, 2007, 6:46 pm
by nickieluv
Hi Diana;

This is random but I was just taken with the urge to tell you how wonderfully you are doing, and how impressed I am with your hard work. I don't know where this urge came from but I try to trust my gut (when it doesn't involve food) so maybe you or someone else needed this? At any rate, I didn't want to sign off without coming here and saying congratulations - on your new job, the possibility of another new position, your weight loss, your healthy and happy marriage, your blossoming life. Enjoy it all!

Heyy there

PostPosted: September 5th, 2007, 5:07 pm
by Ginabobina1969
Hey there Miss "THang"! I had to look twice at your photo icon and name.!! :shock: You Loook Mahhhhvelous Dahhling!!!

Keep up the excellent work Diana!!!



PostPosted: September 5th, 2007, 5:52 pm
by dede4wd
Hi Di,
I'm so glad the test results were non cancerous and have the potential of a one-shot fix!

I'm just catching up and wanted to drop by and say hi!

PostPosted: September 9th, 2007, 7:42 pm
by Joy
I gave a quick thanks to Mike in his journal for his time and the trade.

regards and wishes for a lovely week,

PostPosted: September 23rd, 2007, 8:45 pm
by Joy
Hello -

I just popped over to Mike's journal to say "hi" and hope you are doing well?


PostPosted: October 1st, 2007, 5:34 pm
by Diana
Wow, so much to catch up on!! Thanks, Medibuds, for checking in, well wishes, hi's, etc!

I haven't read Mike's journal, so I don't know what he's reported on, but this is, after all, MY journal in which I can ruminate freely. :mrgreen:

Celebrations this last month:

:mrgreen: Dayna and Roger's new daughter, my niece

:mrgreen: I've been hired for a new position at the district level. I'll be overseeing the implementation of the English Language Development curriculum at the 4 middle schools in Vallejo. It's still 60% (even though they really want me to consider at least 80%), and instead of working every day, I'll work full days on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays leaving Mondays and Fridays completely free. At one point, one plan had me working both jobs. That plan has been solidly abandoned.

:mrgreen: Started back walking today with Mike. I think it was only about a mile (I had planned to do at least 2), but there were some monster hills, so we called it good.

:mrgreen: 120# club

:mrgreen: learning to take care of my self, my boundaries, my physical and emotional health

:mrgreen: Discovered Subway Salads for a L&G are pretty good and right on (no olives, no dressing but yes to the vinegar, no cheese but double meat -- tasty and about right in the proportions!)

:mrgreen: MAJOR NSV ALERT! When I was in my early teens, I fell in love with a burgundy London Fog coat at Macy's -- size 16 1/2. Every time we went, I tried it on. I wasn't one of those kinds of kids who wanted stuff (which, I found out later, drove my mom nuts around Christmas and my birthday -- luckily, those events are only 5 days apart, so that particular nuttiness came but once a year). I also never really asked for anything, especially anything pricy (at the time, anything over $5 was pricy) -- I was pretty happy with what I had. Mom noted that I kept trying on the same coat, though -- playing with the zippers, running my fingers through the fake fur trim, tracing the shimmers in the satiny lining.

That year, at Christmas and 5 days before my 16th birthday, Santa showed up on at the door (remember, Dayna would have been 5 at the time -- hence the Santa visit). Santa presented Dayna with whatever she got that year (one nice present from Santa, smaller and more necessity driven stuff from parents, etc), and then brought in this box for me. There was the coat. And I wore it the rest of the night.

By the time I was in college, I was too large for the coat, so it hung in the closet for years. Eventually, Mom took the coat to Dayna since she was living in snow country and would fit into it even with sweaters, etc, underneath. Last August, Dayna gave the coat back to me. And, again, it hung in the closet -- a little too tight and, duh, summer time.

Mike and I went to an outdoor concert about 2 weeks ago and I needed something warm. With much skepticism, I got the coat out. Mind you, it's been almost 27 years since I'd gotten it.

AND IT FITS!!! I'll post pics when we've got a moment to take them.

PostPosted: October 1st, 2007, 6:29 pm
by nickieluv
Diana, that's a really great story and a moving NSV. And I like how you snuck in the 120# club bit! Where's your husband when he should be changing your info online? :lol: I hope you enjoy the new job - and the 60%! Between your 60 and Mike's 120... :mrgreen:

PostPosted: October 1st, 2007, 7:33 pm
by Mike
nickieluv wrote:Where's your husband when he should be changing your info online? :lol:

Well, if you recall, he's the guy who is teaching 120% ;)

Its fixed now.... :mrgreen: