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PostPosted: July 1st, 2007, 1:52 pm
by Lizabette
Sending good thoughts and prayers your way.
And for your mom's complete recovery.
And a wonderful birthday party for her. (70 ain't that old!)
And for DAYNA's shower...

PostPosted: July 3rd, 2007, 11:28 am
by Mike
Well, mom is better. She is back home and doing better. She is back in sinus rhythm (heart rate is at a stable 60-80, not the 140-180 or more it was). Her bp is 120/80, which is great. The meds are helping alot, with her health and my mind ;)

Di is up in Oregon with Dayna and so last night I spent with my best friend and his wife and kids. Going to go tonight to hang out with my other best friend up in Redding., then a day with my sister and her family in Yuba City.

Keeping busy. It sure is warming up. Supposed to be over 100 here, so Redding should be near 110 or so... oh fun :roll:

PostPosted: July 3rd, 2007, 11:41 am
by HappyHomeMaker
Hi Mike,
I'm glad your mom is doing better!!

I'm glad it's warm's cold here in NY... I can't believe here it is July in NY and the temp this morning was in the high 40's, today was a high of 80. It's suppose to get warmer this week. I'll be 100 degrees this October because of this crazy weather.

Just checking in with you...I'm doing well and i'm on track. I do have one problem, although not a terrible problem.

I don't think i'm getting in enough calories because i'm exercising. I feel great, but there are days that I don't have enough time to get all my supplements in or all I have are supplements and no lean and green. I think it all evens out, because then there will be days where i'm hungry and I'll have all my supplements and my L & G. I'm not sure if this is a problem. Aren't we suppose to listen to our bodies? Eating when we are hungry and learning to say "No" ? Or will I halt my weightloss without all the calories? ACK!! my head hurts just thinking about it...that or i'm hungry..LOL

Have a great 4th of July and Many Blessings to you and Di.

PostPosted: July 3rd, 2007, 1:34 pm
by Mike
If you feel fatigue or anything like that while exercising or after, then have an extra shake. Make sure you get in your 5+1 though for sure.

PostPosted: July 3rd, 2007, 3:58 pm
by KellyC
100 degrees in the NW..! I thought it was always cool green and raining there...

PostPosted: July 3rd, 2007, 4:02 pm
by KellyC
nvm, I'm not sure where I thought Redding was.. but now I realized it's just near Sacramento.

PostPosted: July 3rd, 2007, 8:09 pm
by Mike
Yep... we're in the central part of california. Terry and Nancy are up in the cool area. 8)

PostPosted: July 3rd, 2007, 8:28 pm
by Tawanda
Mike wrote:Yep... we're in the central part of california. Terry and Nancy are up in the cool area. 8)

Forecast for Terry & Nancy's area---tomorrow (4th)--95° and the 5th---97° . Everyone's webbed feet are going to dry up. ;)

PostPosted: July 4th, 2007, 6:46 am
by Serendipity
Aren't we suppose to listen to our bodies? Eating when we are hungry and learning to say "No" ?

Not so with Medifast, Laura. Thankfully, ketosis has the benefit of taking away hunger, so we can't count on feeling hunger to know when it's time to eat. We need to eat ALL of the supplements and the L&G to make sure we don't go into starvation mode. That is especially important if you are exercising.

Sorry for the hijack, Mike :mrgreen:

PostPosted: July 4th, 2007, 9:24 am
by Mike
Serendipity wrote:Sorry for the hijack, Mike :mrgreen:

Well, its Jo, so I can get over it... ;)

PostPosted: July 4th, 2007, 10:20 am
by bikipatra
I would truly recommend reading the Quickstart Guide because some of you answers are contained there.

PostPosted: July 12th, 2007, 11:56 am
by Mike
Hanging out in a booth at the fair gives one much time to contemplate. :roll:
Just reassuring myself of the things that I know are important to me. Health and life. Although I am healthier than I believe I have ever been right now, I am still not optimal. The goal of TSFL is optimal health and I need to not be complacent with that. Just knowing that I am "healthier", doesn't mean that I should just stop here. In a few weeks, or months, or years, that could decline quickly if I don't continue to work on things.
I need to constantly remind myself, as is my struggle, just as stagnant pools of water fill with junk... as is the same with our bodies.
As Di consistently reminds herself, its all about quality of life. Yes, my quality of life is better now than it ever has been, its still not where it can be.
So, note to self.... keep at it, and model the program so that others can see what great results can come.

I've lost 75 lbs on this program (and I've been off and on more times than I can count). I've lost 185 lbs over all (yes, that a good sized man), but I still have over 50 to go before I can contemplate the skin removal (which must occur). So, I gotta stick to my goal and remind myself more often of what I tell others...."what do I really want?"

Okay... next topic...... ;)

PostPosted: July 12th, 2007, 2:13 pm
by Tawanda
Mike, you are most welcome to join many of us in the 100 day challenge! We'd love to have everyone who reads the boards join us---the more the merrier :D and the thinner!

PostPosted: July 12th, 2007, 5:18 pm
by Mickeyz
Hey Mike,

Good to hear from you.

I ditto Tawanda, would love to have you join us. BTW, I'd say losing 75 lbs IS modeling the program! But you still have more great results to come.

doing well

PostPosted: July 17th, 2007, 8:29 pm
by Joy

I am just stopping over to see you. Thank you for your continuing encouragement!

How many ozs of water do you drink a day? I read somewhere (?) that it is suggested you drink half of your body weight in ozs per day, so as you loose weight you can drink less.

I am trying to average between 80-100ozs a day in just water or watery beverages alone.

I hope you visit over the weekend with friend went great.

take care,
sfjoy ;)