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July 13, 2006

PostPosted: July 13th, 2006, 9:38 am
by DogMa
Thanks. It just GOT better. 133.2, plus a small NSV.

About 12 or 14 years ago, I bought a dress for a friend's wedding even though it didn't quite fit. It was after I'd gained a bit from switching from Atkins to low-fat, and I had started losing again, so I thought it would fit by the time I needed it (plus it was on clearance for a really low price and I LOVED it). So anyway, it's never fit but I've kept it in my closet all this time because I just loved the colors so much, even though the style's kind of out of date. It's marked 11-12, but that was my size at the time, so it's either sized small or mis-sized.

So this morning I decided to try it on. And of course it fits and looks pretty darn good, not that I have anywhere to wear it.

Just a small NSV, since there's really no reason it shouldn't fit at this point. I just hadn't even thought to try it since a few months ago.

PostPosted: July 13th, 2006, 9:45 am
by JeepGirl
WooHoo Robin!! What an awesome NVS for ya!!

PostPosted: July 13th, 2006, 9:49 am
by Arklahoma
That sounds great. Looks like you're going to have to create an occasion or a place to wear it ~ How fun is that?

PostPosted: July 13th, 2006, 2:11 pm
by DogMa
Well, it's all dark jewel tones and kind of a winter dress. So I'm actually hoping it'll be too big by then. I'm close to my goal weight, but I still want to really work on reducing my body fat, so I'm hoping to shrink a bunch more in the next couple of months.

July 14, 2--6

PostPosted: July 14th, 2006, 10:49 am
by DogMa
133.4. I'm getting awfully itchy to get into the 132's. I haven't changed anything I'm doing, though, so I guess I'll just wait. Although I have had two RTDs each day the past few days, instead of just one. Having more shakes doesn't seem to work for me the way it does for other people.

PostPosted: July 14th, 2006, 2:20 pm
by DogMa
Well, heck, I realize this is a crazy thing to complain about. But jean sizes are making me crazy. My size-8 Lees all fit and are a little loose - except one pair that I can get into but it's a squeeze. Then I tried the new ones I got a few weeks ago - and it turns out I got size 6 RELAXED instead of regular, and they're too darn big!! Which is great except I still have no decent jeans to wear. And I don't think the non-relaxed 6's will fit yet because I really need to reduce my waist size.

My hip-waist ratio has gotten SO much worse since I started. I'm happy with the weight loss, but with all the family history of heart disease, I'm really concerned about this. I know spot-reducing doesn't work, but I need to do SOMEthing to get my waist size down.

PostPosted: July 14th, 2006, 8:48 pm
by Jan
Do we all feel sorry for Robin because her relaxed 6's are tooooo big ???? :mrgreen: Let me just say I'm not sitting next to her.... :D You have done and are doing sooo great Robin... good for you.
:D jan

PostPosted: July 14th, 2006, 9:01 pm
by DogMa
Told you it was a stupid thing to complain about. On the other hand, the waist problem really isn't. I'm waiting for those Turbo Jam DVDs to come, but if those don't work and my current workout doesn't work, I think I'm going to need to consult a personal trainer. Because I NEED to get that waist size down. I didn't drop all this weight so I could get heart disease from carrying excess fat around the middle.

PostPosted: July 14th, 2006, 9:06 pm
by Jan
Hi Robin,
You are soooo right. That fat around the middle spells trouble for all of us. It has to do with the content of white blood cells ( if I remember right) We all need to part with it -- me included -- so I'm working on it too.
Couldn't resist giving you a bad time about that size 6..... hmmmm maybe if my foot would shrink a bit I could wear a size 6 too :mrgreen:

PostPosted: July 14th, 2006, 9:23 pm
by supermom
Okay--this is the THIRD time to type this message. I keep getting kicked off! Anyway, I bought a bun and thigh roller. It is really neat. When I use the upper body attachment I can really tell that it is working on my "love handles" and my pooch from pregnancies. The upper attachment is advertised to work your arms and chest, but it is working on my midsection as well. I, too, have trouble with my back and neck, but have had no issues with this machine whatsoever. You are on the floor, but in a seated position. Then, you use your legs to gently rock back. It does stretch the back somewhat, but not in an umcomfortable way. I can feel it stretching ALL my muscles in my legs, hips, and buns. I don't recommend the DVD. It was 10 bucks wasted. Just watch the video on the web page. It was not very high, either. I think around 50 bucks. The address is bunthigh dot com. You might really like it!

PostPosted: July 14th, 2006, 9:41 pm
by DogMa
I'll have to check it out (too bad you're all the way in Amarillo, though!). I have some sort of ab roller from way back when, but it never did much for me.

I do seem to be getting stronger abs - I'm just not losing the fat there. Maybe the cardio will help, too.

It's just so irritating to be in such small sizes - and still have those darn muffin tops no matter what I do. I used to have SUCH a small waist. Total hourglass figure. Now even at this size, it's more blobby.

PostPosted: July 15th, 2006, 8:13 am
by electra000
Hey Supermom, just looked at the bun thigh roller video and I am considering buying it. Looks really neat and looks like it wouldn't be a lot of work ! lol Thanks for the info ! :D

July 15, 2006

PostPosted: July 15th, 2006, 11:23 am
by DogMa
Sigh. Clearly, I'm bloated or something. 134.8! Kind of odd, too, since last night I had my first regular, non-RTD shake in ages. But I did change my workout yesterday to do something a little different, so maybe I wound up working some new muscles. I definitely felt this one more - it was my ancient 8-minute legs and 8-minute buns DVD (if I don't get to the gym today - which, well ... - then I'll probably do the abs and arms DVDs. Or at least try to, on the abs one.

The reviews were pretty mixed on that roller thing, so I think I'm going to hold off for now. Although apparently they sell it at Target for a better price. But since I already have my stronger resistance bands coming AND the Turbo Jam DVDs with the abs workout, I think I'll give those a chance first.

July 16, 2006

PostPosted: July 16th, 2006, 10:16 am
by DogMa
Back to 133.4, but I increased the strength training a couple of days ago, so I guess that's pretty good. I'm going to give it a couple more days, and then I may try adding yet another meal. I've been getting more tired lately, and I'm wondering if I need more calories again.

July 17, 2006

PostPosted: July 17th, 2006, 10:51 am
by DogMa
Hmmm. Yesterday I added one more meal to my day, for a total of eight, because I've been feeling so puny lately. So today I'm up a bit, to 134.2. Don't know if it's the meal or the heat, but I DID wake up a bit earlier and I had the energy to do a cardio workout (no Turbo Jam yet, so I did Leslie Sansone's Walk and Kick).

So I think I'll try the eight meals one day at a time and see how it goes. If I keep gaining, forget it. But it sure felt good to have some energy again.