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PostPosted: September 24th, 2006, 6:51 pm
by JeepGirl
Girl I was catching up with your journal and must say WOOHOOO YOU!!!

I am glad your Dad was tickled with your weightloss--what a fabulous surprise!!

WTG on all your NSVs lately..the stairs, the new jeans, the duster etc etc etc ;) You are doing great and it is def showing.

YAY at liking what you see in your photos more and more--that is a huge step! However I for one would love to see a pic of ya! Consider it harassement but helloooo you have lost over 70 lbs!!

PostPosted: September 24th, 2006, 7:00 pm
by Sojourner
JeepGirl wrote:However I for one would love to see a pic of ya! Consider it harassement but helloooo you have lost over 70 lbs!!

:exercise: Standing in the "harrassing-Nova-for-a-picture-line" behind Reginia...

PostPosted: September 25th, 2006, 10:30 am
by Nova
I was looking through my weight loss pics last night and realized I haven't taken a status picture in probably 2 months. So I need to do that. Plus, my mom called last night to say that we're having a family picture (my first ever!) when I go to visit in a couple weeks. Wow, am I ever glad I've been doing Medifast for a while now. :)

So since it looks like pictures are in my future, I'll do the best I can to find something and put up here. Although, fair warning, I'm only 2% away from completing Legos Star Wars II, so that comes first. ;)

Last night I had the munchies really bad. I thought it was just a salt craving, but I had some salt (yeah, I'm wierd that way), and it didn't go away. I wanted something crunchy, so I had some soy crisps. Normally I wouldn't sweat it, but I try to eat the crisps only when I'm genuinely hungry and it's not time for another meal. This time, it was almost time for my evening pudding, but I -wanted- the salty, crunchy soy crisps. So I had a bag, and then I had my pudding. I felt kinda bad, like my cravings had gotten the better of me for the first time in a very, very, very long time. At least I kept it to a Medifast food, and it was actually on plan, but it didn't feel like it mentally.

Hurray, fall is finally here. I was actually cold when I stepped out of the house this morning. I think it was 64 degrees. Maybe 67, not sure.

Oh, and I did something fun at the gym today at lunch. After I did my workout, I walked over to the free weights and picked up 2 35-lb dumbells to see what it felt like. Wow, it's hard to believe I was carrying that around. The weight distribution wasn't right since all the weight was in my hands, but it gave me a decent feeling for how much I used to carry around. I'm gonna try to put 70 pounds in a backpack sometime soon and go for a walk around the neighborhood.

PostPosted: September 29th, 2006, 6:59 pm
by Nova
Wow, I can't believe it's been a week since I posted. Life's been crazy! I finished Legos Star Wars II. :lightsword: Hurray! The reward for getting 100% was pretty lame, though.

I never got back to the gym this week since Monday, even though I had my exercise clothes every day. We ended up working through lunch every day and staying until 6. At least we don't have to work this weekend. Just wasn't able to get up the gumption to go work out. I need to, because I can feel my muscles shrinking, along with the fat, and I don't like that part.

My goal says just 20 pounds, but I'm thinking I may have to revise that downward. Or else exercise more and get more muscle back. I just feel like I have a lot more than 20 extra pounds on me.

PostPosted: September 29th, 2006, 7:21 pm
by Nova
Decided to check my measurements and I'm pretty pleased.

Neck ................16" ...............13.5"
Upper arm.........16 ................ 13.5
Mid thigh...........28..................24
Bust.................47 .................42
Chest .............39.5................36.5
Calf ................19 ..................16
Waist ....................................33.75
Bodyfat %........40..................34

The body fat calculator I used said my ideal weight was 139. Urk. That's 16 less than my goal, and I can't imagine being 155, let alone 139. Of course, just above this post, I wrote that I think I need to lower my goal weight.

PostPosted: September 29th, 2006, 8:27 pm
by Nova
Ta da! There, I posted pics in the studio.

PostPosted: September 30th, 2006, 11:16 pm
by Nova
Holy cow. Something I ate tonight seriously disagreed with me. Let's see, for my L&G, I had grilled chicken breast with 1 T Walden Farms SF/ FF BBQ sauce, 1.5 cups baked turnip chips with too much salt and some chili powder, plus I had some homemade SF lime pickles earlier this afternoon. And I had about 5 SF Lifesavers sour candies/mints.

Ugh, my gut has been unpleasantly rumbling for 4 hours. I choked down a glass of fiber supplement and resorted to taking an Immodium pill. I really don't know what it could be. There's nothing new there, and I really doubt it's from the dinner we ate out last night, which was shrimp and salmon for me. The thing I'm most worried about is the lime pickles, because I made them at home. I followed the canning directions to the letter, and I had some of the leftovers right when I made them. These have been sitting in the jars for all of 2 weeks in a vinegar bath. I'm pretty sure if they'd gone bad or had butulism, I'd be in a lot worse shape right now. I don't like being sick. [whine] :eck: Could the sorbitol in the SF mints give you diarhea?

PostPosted: October 1st, 2006, 9:10 am
by Unca_Tim
Nova wrote:Could the sorbitol in the SF mints give you diarhea?

That'd be my guess....

Do a search on sorbitol here, and you'll see you're not alone.

PostPosted: October 1st, 2006, 9:22 am
by Serendipity
I sometimes get the runs from salmon/crab/lobster. But I love them so I don't care, lol.

PostPosted: October 1st, 2006, 9:42 am
by alpha femme
sorbitol is well-known for that.

my diabetic friend fears them after an incident with sugar-free licorice.

she calls it sore-butt-all now....

PostPosted: October 1st, 2006, 7:28 pm
by Nova
alpha femme wrote:sorbitol is well-known for that.

my diabetic friend fears them after an incident with sugar-free licorice.

she calls it sore-butt-all now....

Hee hee hee. I'll remember that. I'm feeling better, but puny today. We went to the mall to pick up a couple things, and I was so tired I felt like I was just plodding along. I guess I'm feeling okay though, since tonight I was craving fried chicken with honey, and BBQ brisket. Instead, I had a nice MF peppermint mocha chocolate shake. I feel like I can finally accept my cravings, know them for what they are, and move on with a healthy food choice that I enjoy eating. I don't feel deprived because I didn't get fried chicken. I still remember what it tastes like, and eventually, I'm sure I'll eat it again. But it will be because I choose to, not because I have a craving for KFC and I have to have it right now.

PostPosted: October 2nd, 2006, 6:28 pm
by Nova
I'm proud of myself today. It was (again) incredibly hectic at work. I was running from 7:30 am to 6:00 pm, running between 2 source boards, writing presentations for our director, looking up technical specs and trying to call people on the phone. Of course, since I'm not at my office, they can't call me back. Makes things rough sometimes.

I meant to exercise at lunch today and packed my gym bag. Then I was so concerned with getting my food and coffee out the door along with my papers for the day, I forgot my bag. So instead of slacking off, or working through lunch, I called hubby and asked him to drop my gym bag off at the gym parking lot. He's such a sweetie.

So I got in my 30 minutes of cardio and my pullups. I'm aiming for those 3 times a week to building up my arms and upper back. I don't have the time to commit to a regular weight routine right now, and I don't feel like dealing with the soreness you get if you don't keep it up on a regular basis. So cardio and pullups for me for another month or two.

Afterward, though, I was shaky. Shaky like after I'd done a full-on powerlifting max effort day instead of 3 sets of pull ups. I like the weight loss results, but unlike others, I'm not able to exercise much at all on this program. I was dying to get cleaned up and back to the office so I could have another shake. Very annoying, and I'll be glad to get onto transition and back to power lifting. And maybe back into martial arts. I have a feeling it'll be a whole lot more fun when I'm not trying to speedily move 100 pounds of fat across the floor to avoid my opponents' kicks. ;)

PostPosted: October 3rd, 2006, 7:44 am
by kmr
WOW are so close to goal! Keep up the great work! :thumbig:

PostPosted: October 13th, 2006, 11:20 pm
by Nova
Just got back from a week with my parents. It's late, so I'll stick to a few quick thoughts.

My parents, family and friends were surprised and thrilled at my weight loss, and I was tickled pink at their reactions.

I went rock scrambling and let my hubby boost me up on some rocks, something I'd never have let him do 70 pounds ago.

I love having my picture taken at all the cool places we visited, like Garden of the Gods and my alma mater.

Geo caching is fun, but the poison ivy isn't.

My parents' new Jeep totally rocks, and I had a blast driving it around.

I loved visiting my parents and getting a break from work, but it was really hard to stay compliant with all the old food triggers around - potato chips, Little Debbie snack cakes, my mom's baking. The hardest was passing up on the hot yeast rolls at the Texas Roadhouse.

I miss fall and fall colors, but I don't miss the cold weather. It was nice to get back to Houston where it was nice and warm. Today we went to the Strand in Galveston and looked around, did some window shopping. Got in 15,000 steps.

PostPosted: October 14th, 2006, 5:05 am
by Serendipity
Do we get to see some o' those pics?