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PostPosted: October 26th, 2004, 4:21 pm
by DutchChoc
Thanks for my 100 day Medifasticelebration, Nancy. Can I throw in a little "self-doubting" on my list, lol? You KNOW I have been that, too. :D And I thank you and all others for sometimes tickling me out of that decrepit place, which might be the dark hole of fat-returns.

Yes, Berkshiregrl, there really is a SO who would rather switch than fight, i.e. who would rather not pay for another pair of Target pants in case these size 4s get big -- which I have a feeling isn't going to be any threat -- in order to save a little $$. Mixing analogies, of course, Virginia/Santa Clause with that old Tarreyton cigarette commercial. He isn't bipolar, he's bi-pocket. Does not want a cash leak. Still, it's annoying to get feedback like that about money. He maintains that I could've done "the same thing" drinking just fruit juices and saved that money, too -- as if THAT would ever happen OR I'd have survived it feeling so well/healthy.

All things considered, I really have learned to consider the source most of the time, like fedup said about separating the person and the behavior. I could be wrong, but it just seems like some people do not make/enact the same behavioral equations in the communications between their heads/mouth that I was taught to consider, and sometimes I think they also aren't inclined to be introspective or empathetic. Things will work out OK. I am a kind of piece of work myself -- always in training.

PostPosted: October 26th, 2004, 6:51 pm
by BerkshireGrl
DutchChoc wrote:I could be wrong, but it just seems like some people do not make/enact the same behavioral equations in the communications between their heads/mouth that I was taught to consider, and sometimes I think they also aren't inclined to be introspective or empathetic.

That's a mouthful! :lol: I agree...

We are all "in training" up till the big day we stop breathing ;) Some might just need a few reincarnations to get the job done :twisted:

PostPosted: October 26th, 2004, 6:54 pm
by fedup
..."He isn't bipolar, he's bipocket..." I LOVE IT! :lol:

PostPosted: October 27th, 2004, 4:59 pm
by DutchChoc
Thanks, guys. I enjoy thinking & playing with words, as you can see. I'm much better at it in written communications than in verbal ones. I'd just sit like a girl with a sock in her mouth if we were in the same room, lol. I kind of hate to move my mouth when I talk, which really cuts down on how much I can say, isn't that hilarious?? I think it's from having had braces. :x That little laugh made me feel much better! Take care, and you're right, Berkshiregrl, we ARE in training forever and isn't it grand that that's the case? I need lots more practice. Maybe food/foodiness kept me too busy over the years as a hobby/diversion.