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PostPosted: September 14th, 2004, 5:51 am
by Carrie
I'm home - got home at 3am last night, and had to be to work at 8am. Sooo, needless to say I'm dragging.

We were fortunately missed by Ivan - another close call for us here - but not looking so good for the panhandle.

It's going to take me several days to get things unpacked and rearranged - but feeling very blessed just the same.

Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers - THEY WORKED!

And Jeanette - I've got Georges (1998) for a hurricane story - I DO NOT need another one!


PostPosted: September 14th, 2004, 9:26 am
by TamiL
Glad to hear your back home safe and sound!! youll get back into the swing of things in the next few days....GOOD for you for sticking to Medifast during all this...even if you didnt get enuf water or shakes did the best you could given the circumstances!! Im doing okay myself..I think its amazing how much clearer my head becomes when I am "clean" of sugar and junk food...its as if MY weight is not the first thing that pops into my head when I awake...its LIFE things that come to me first...rather than thinking about what I ate the night before and how awful I feel about it!! I really am going to pay close attention this time around to the things that happen or feelings that arise that make me want to go off program....that make me want to eat junk, maybe I can get a grip on what trips me..or how my mind pays tricks on me, and that little devil voice that comes to me to lie and tell me that I can have a dip of that and a peice of this..then before i know it, im eating everything I if food will dissappear tommorrow!! lol!!
anyhoo...Im back on track, and its great to feel FREE of the thoughts that keep me isolated and keep me from LIVING life!! its AMAZING to me how much FOOD affects me, my moods, my thoughts...IT REALLY AND TRULY DOES affect me Physically and Mentally...more mental I think at times, when Im eating Junk, everything just seems hopeless and I feel as if Im not worthy of much...when I FIGHT THE URGE to eat, and I stay faithful...its a whole new that I like so much more and one that I PRAY I can remain in!!!

:) Glad your home safe and sound!! hopefully thats it for hurricanes for you all this year!! ;)

PostPosted: September 14th, 2004, 9:38 am
by Jeanette
Carrie!! Glad to hear you are safe and sound!

And ya know, I could go for the rest of my life without another hurricane story!!

PostPosted: September 14th, 2004, 9:43 am
by Sylvia

Thought of you yesterday when I say Ivan had changed course. Let's hope this will be the last FL hears of hurricanes this season! Stress and exhaustion can both cause you to retain water. I'll bet as life gets back to normal, those pounds will drop right off.

And Jeanette - Congrats! Noticed you've revised your stats downward. Looks like you were a big loser this week.


PostPosted: September 14th, 2004, 9:45 am
by Jeanette
A big loser in ONE DAY!! My first day back on the plan was yesterday. I weighed in at 294. Then this AM, I was down to 287.5!!

This stuff is A-MAZ-ING!!!

PostPosted: September 14th, 2004, 10:07 am
by Sylvia
All I can say is WOW! Now that is motivating!

PostPosted: September 14th, 2004, 10:08 am
by shineface
Hi Gang----

Carrie I am so glad you are safe and home - all of you FL dwellers have been through enough!!!!

OK guys --- I have been reading like a maniac - the posts the encouragement and the advice - duh, :idea: during my early MF days this is what sustained me - I've been "maintaining" since the cruise BUT I NEED TO LOSE ANOTHER 75 POUNDS!!!!! :weightlift: My thinking isn't as clear - I don't have as much energy, :boing: I am not as focused in general! I was going to restart on 9/24 (Nancy had suggested "pick a date" and then do it) --- I've had enough and it means giving up a lot of my socialization :buddies: (those are not shakes) which it seemed so much easier to do in the dead of winter with a hot mug of soup and my scale to keep me warm and tingly!!!! Got up this morning and started today. LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!! :cleader: AND ONCE again I will reiterate my message to all that have a strong momentum going on Program - don't stop :twisted: for any reason (not even a cruise) until you reach your goal ---------IT IS SO HARD TO GET THE DISCIPLINE BACK!!! I don't know why - BUT TRUST ME - IT IS!!!!!!!!!
Glad to still see familar faces :roll: and posts, Mike, Jeannette, Tami, Carrie, Nellie, Susan, Raven and I look forward to getting to know the new champions of the board - because we really all are champions - :yes: everytime we come back to home base we are making a decision to be a winner - LOSER - you all know what I mean - I may start a new thread that's called "JUST ME" - a place that I will be commited to checking into each and every day - I love :heart: all of the support and challenges that is/are going on - you are all awesome and I miss THIS!!!!


PostPosted: September 14th, 2004, 11:11 am
by hawaiiwhatnot
Pam - maintaining is an accomplishment! You can do the remaining 75 pounds - I KNOW it!

As Jeanette says, this stuff is AMAZING. How I too look forward to that big drop in the scale one day soon Jeanette. Thanks for your motivation today.

Carrie, Yes, you and the bird just take it easy. You guys must seem like a bunch of fugitives on the run. THANK GOD it changed direction and let's keep up those prayers that it will dissapate altogether.

TamiL, that's a great word 'CLEAN'. I've been 'clean' now for over a 100 days. What a great feeling coming from a fellow junk food junkie. Let's keep up the program!

Camille :stroll:

PostPosted: September 14th, 2004, 12:56 pm
by Jeanette
I must agree with Pam--a break, hiatus, pause, what EVER you call it, can be deadly to your loss. I know I lost my momentum back in the spring, and it has been awful to try and get it back.

All we can do is KEEP TRYING...

And Pam--don't EVER think of it as JUST maintaing....most people would kill just to be able to do that! I was glad I started back before I saw a 3 in the beginning of my weight again...I swore I would never do that again and I mean it!

PostPosted: September 15th, 2004, 5:29 am
by Carrie
Jeanette - glad to see you back - I was so worried about you when Frances was approaching. Way to welcome you to our state huh? Congrats on getting started again hon - we're all gonna do this together!

PAM - !!!! I have been wondering you were and hoping things were well with you - good to see you and back on the program too.

Tami, glad you're doing well - stick to it kiddo!

Camille - I swear it's easier on Maggie than the rest of us, she loves to travel, so she doesn't seem to mind if we're in the car for 24 hours. I did catch her napping through most of yesterday but she was raring to go this morning.

Thanks Sylvia, we're home - thankfully. I'm still feeling like a wrung out dishrag, but there really isn't anything I can do about it but try to rest. The house looks like a tornado went through.

Thanks for the thoughts and prayers everyone, they're appreciated more than you can know. I'm back on a regular MF schedule, and hoping those few pounds fall off - they definitely feel like water weight. From Friday to Tuesday it was just chaos and I'm sure my body was thrown into a state of distress. We drove through the night Friday (arriving in Orlando at 7:30am) and I wasn't sure what to do under those circumstances, so I had extra MF meals. Sun was semi-normal, but then we left at 6pm Monday night and drove home - got home at 3am and had to unpack the car (everything BACK UP 2 flights of stairs) I didn't drink much during the road trips because we simply could not stop every half hour for me to pee - so I know my water intake was compromised.

But I have to focus on the positive and just be thankful that we didn't get hit. Whew - what a way to spend a weekend!


PostPosted: September 15th, 2004, 9:48 am
by Simmshe
Hey you--welcome back :)! Glad that this dramatic ordeal is over and that you can get back to some semblance of normalcy!

It sounds like your being off plan a bit could have been MUCH worse--you did the best that you could under the circumstances. Looking forward to hearing about your success with getting back into the groove with your plan and weight loss, and you getting closer to having a great birthday gift for yourself in November ;)!
