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PostPosted: April 23rd, 2006, 12:21 pm
by just_julie
FYI - I think this recipe is best when fresh from the oven. I made 2 batches at once. Had one right away - yummy. The other I had later that night - not so yummy. I zapped it for a few seconds, but that didn't help much. It loses the crunch and a little bit of flavor for some reason...

Just my 2 cents.

PostPosted: April 23rd, 2006, 4:34 pm
by Tiolazz
I didn't like these much either, but you know how when you would make c/c cookies the dough was the best part.

I think with this granola, the dough is the best part.

think I will start making my oatmeal this way and eating it raw. LOL

PostPosted: April 24th, 2006, 6:32 am
I found if the "granola" isn't totally dry and hard it will get weird and squishy if it sits around. I have made it a day before and in an airtight container it stayed nice.

I've also eaten this when it was still warm from the oven and not completely hard and dry. I like it that way too.

The raw dough is also yummy. I mix a packet of oatmeal with a chocolate shake packet, then add SF syrup. I split the mixture in half for 2 servings. I just ordered peanut butter syrup and can't wait to try it. I used to make a similar bar on Weight Watchers with oatmeal, shake mix, peanut butter and raisins. You would put it in the fridge or freezer before eating. I used to love it, so I'm trying to recreate it with MF. I'll let you know if I get it close. I like both this and the "granola" because of the portability. I have the RTD shakes but I prefer something I can sink my teeth into.