Nancy before weight loss on Medifast Diet and Take Shape for life at 258 pounds.
Nancy Before Medifast
258 Lbs

What is Medifast?

With Medifast and the help of her Take Shape for Life Health Advisors, Nancys' weight loss was 128 pounds in 28 weeks!
Nancy At 130 Lbs
28 Weeks Later!



December Newsletter

The Medifast Health Management Program. Lose weight safely.
Complete Support Provided to you by your Take Shape for Life Certified Personal Health Advisors
Terry and Nancy Pettit

Product Pages


Issue 17

MakeMeThinner December Newsletter

December 2004


What's on your wish list?
Come every December, I always think back to my childhood and the simple things our family did to make this time of year festive and fun. The spirit of giving to others less fortunate than us included pouring several bags of coins saved all year from our allowance into the bell ringers’ buckets at the entrance to the shopping center; selecting several toys to be given to the fire station down the street for their Toy ‘n Joy program; raking the last of the fall leaves while smelling smoke wafting from chimneys; coming home from school to the aroma of date-filled cookies baking in my mother’s oven; going for rides as a family to look at Christmas lights and standing in line at the department store to tell Santa what I wanted most of all.

Grown ups have wish lists, too and often included are improved family relationships and better health. Although we can’t make Uncle Wally easier to live with, we can help you to optimize your health.

We're here to stay.
Terry recently ran out of a hair product that he uses to tame his curly locks. After searching the shelf for some time for his favorite hair goop, he came up empty-handed. He asked the proprietor of the shop for some assistance and she showed him a styling product and said it was exactly the same as what he usually used, it was just repackaged. It became apparent the moment he pumped the product into the palm of his hand that there was a lot more than a package change.

It’s always something, isn’t it? Just when you find exactly what you like, the package or the product is changed and not always for the better. After struggling with his hair the last few days, he knows that the product is not the same as what he has used for several years. The new and improved hair product just doesn’t work the same as the original formula and having people refer to him as “The Fonz” doesn’t do much for his ego either!

We frequently meet people who used Medifast or Optifast a number of years ago and were unable to continue to purchase the low calorie, low glycemic shakes once they reached an appropriate weight as their physician or weight loss clinic specialized only in weight loss, not weight management. With MakeMeThinner and our featured Medifast products, you can be sure that the products you love will continue to be available for you and to work just as effectively as ever. The heart of our programs remains to be our nutritiously balanced shakes. We have added several new products this year to assure that taste fatigue will not occur so that once you have reached an appropriate weight, you will be able to optimize your health by selecting from our list of customized shakes.

Coping with the Holidays.
This is the time of year that people are spending more time on clogged roadway systems, staying up later than usual and hanging out at the buffet table. Attending holiday gatherings and parties is not easy for anyone, least of all for people on a weight loss plan but with Medifast, we can make better choices and come through the holidays successfully. We suggest that clients have a shake just before going to their party, follow the “1 Tablespoonful” rule (from Linda Spangle’s Success in a Shaker Jar – select up to three of your favorite foods and eat one tablespoon serving of each one.) Many people experience a 7-10 pound weight creepage from Thanksgiving through the New Year and the Take Shape For Life Holiday Survival Guide that accompanies every Medifast order through the end of the year contains healthy options, recipes and great tips to help you come through the holidays as a loser. (If you didn't get one, email me and I'll send you a PDF file copy.)

Excellent food choices at the buffet table include turkey, lean roast beef or shrimp and of course dip-free veggies. Select small amounts of lean protein, chew it slowly and drink PLENTY of water. By chewing thoroughly, you'll not only enjoy the full flavor and textures of the various foods but you’ll be helping your stomach to easily digest the food and the sense of satisfaction will be easily reached before consuming a higher number of calories.


--->News, Articles and Special Offers

The beauty of Medifast is that the products are all nutritionally balanced with proper ratios of protein to carbs (low Glycemic carbs – there is a difference in the carbs we can ingest) and fats. Medifast is a good choice for hypoglycemics as it stabilizes their blood sugar. The pharmaceutical grade food is designed to be low in calories and when one eats every three hours, they will not be approaching the food trough like a Starvin’ Marvin but with a sense of control and power.

Terry and I eat nutrient dense foods - we get a lot of nutritional bang for not much caloric buck. We eat less processed food than ever before. We don't usually eat chips and crackers - we DO eat Medifast Multigrain crackers or we choose Wasa™ or Ak Mak™ crackers. We do not eat white bread nor do we purchase bagged balloon bread at the grocery store but rather whole grain non fat bakery bread. We have a lovely bakery near us that bakes 6 days a week. I buy bread only if we are going to have company so there are very few leftovers, and then send the leftovers home with our company, or I will eat it…

When a person is on maintenance and still using some Medifast food items, it is best to also have another real food item with a Medifast product since we are no longer in the mild state of ketosis. The mild state of ketosis (the fat-burning state our bodies experience while on a Very Low Calorie Diet program) is a narrow playing area - a small sandbox, if you will, and if people step outside the boundaries of it while on the weight loss program - like having a handful of chips and a brownie, the body is confused and slips out of ketosis. Hunger (cravings) returns and then people overeat and get out of control. So it is a balancing game for us once we get to maintenance – continue to eat every three hours, choose fresh vegetables and fruits, foods that are low fat and low in sugar, avoid processed foods, balance meals properly, and when you cannot eat healthy, use some Medifast along the way . Hence, continue to use 2 to 4 Medifast products per day and now with the Autoship discount, you can save up to 12% monthly after six months on the Autoship program – if you’re not sure as to how the Autoship program works, send us an email and we’ll explain the benefits of signing up for it. This is the secret to maintaining your optimal weight and health after achieving your weight loss goals – using 2-4 Medifast products every 3-4 hours instead of going back to your old eating habits that originally put that poundage on your hips in the first place.

Often I will have a shake midmorning and some vegetables, too. If I am strapped for something quick, I'll have a bar and a shake or Medifast soup and a small salad. In place of hormone replacement therapy, I prefer to approach menopausal symptoms nutritionally and use the Medifast Plus Women's Health shakes and my brother-in-law Tim uses two Medifast Plus Joint Health shakes a day to increase his mobility and minimize joint pain, the result of injury and occupational wear.

When a person has been Medifasting - in particular utilizing the complete program, it can take a while for the body's metabolism to return to a normal state. That's why exercise is important during transition and maintenance.

Weight loss and maintenance is one of the hardest things I have ever done for myself, but it is the very best thing that has happened to me. This is really the first time in my life where I put my needs before the needs of other people's. This is foreign territory for me. It's weird that I am such a perfectionist in many areas of my life and yet was such a mess in taking care of my own health. I have learned so much through Medifasting. I love my new Medilife and I know that others do, too!

We recently attended a corporate conference in Baltimore, Maryland, “Training the Trainers” to learn more about the Blueprint for Success. Dr. Andersen reminded us that Medifast is a non-surgical and non-pharmaceutical approach to deal with the nutritional pollution Americans currently face. We have a world class product available in each little packet of Medifast.

A meeting with Chairman and CEO of Medifast’s Brad McDonald with the Take Shape For Life’s business development council emphasized the importance of using Medifast in improving the health of America by means of disease prevention and health management. He was in the audience when Newt Gingrich advised the pharmaceutical companies that they are on notice, that their heyday is over; no more will pills and disease management be the norm but the focus shall be on HEALTH management. Out with dangerous products such as Vioxx and in with nutritional products that our bodies crave and immediately respond to. Nearly 45% of Americans take prescription drugs and they are faced with escalating prices and fighting the nasty and dangerous side effects that bring nothing but dis-benefit to them.

Between 48,000 and 98,000 patients die every year because of medical error and many others needlessly die from diseases that are related to overweight and obesity but Medifast, nutritional intervention, education and the tools we provide can turn around the health of many Americans. We desperately need an army of Health Advisors to proclaim and take this healthy Medifast solution to America. This is an exciting vocation and we invite anyone who is tired of their 9-5 job to contact us and see if Take Shape For Life is a business you may excel in and help us to get people healthy along the way.

Our Fearless leader.
Dr. Andersen reminded us of how we can meet his challenge to get a million people healthy using the free services of Take Shape For Life and our featured Medifast products. His easy plan is an acronym: Be Slim.

B = Breakfast - Fully 1/3 of Americans don’t eat breakfast. Successful losers and weight managers eat within an hour of awakening to fire up their metabolism and get their brain and body functioning on good nutrition .

E = Exercise - Develop a progressive approach to activity beginning the fourth week of your Medifast program. Include walking and weight resistance.

S = Support - We are here to help you to lose weight, to reach an optimal weight and to manage your weight for a lifetime. Engage your family and MakeMeThinner Forum of Friends to hold you accountable. Check with your health care provider several times a year for weight and blood pressure monitoring.

L = Low fat, low calorie five-six meals a day.
According to the National Weight Loss Registry, the average American diet consists of approximately 38% fat, the average Asian diet is less than 10% fat. Fat is important for proper growth and development for infants and children and beneficial when eaten in moderation for maintenance of good health. Both plant-derived and animal-derived food products contain fat and while unsaturated fats (mono-unsaturated and poly-unsaturated fats) eaten in moderation are beneficial, saturated and trans fats are not. Trans fats , present in ALL processed foods and saturated fats raise the LDL levels in the blood. Cholesterol contributes to heart disease.

According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute of the National Institutes of Health, more than 12.5 million Americans have Coronary Heart Disease, and more than 500,000 die each year. That makes Coronary Heart Disease one of the leading causes of death in the United States.
While we all know how fat makes foods taste good and helps to make you feel full, it is advisable to choose foods low in saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol as part of a healthful diet.
A small amount of trans fat is found naturally, primarily in dairy products, some in meat, and other animal-based foods.

Unlike other fats, the majority of trans fat is formed when food manufacturers turn liquid oils into solid fats like shortening and hard margarine. It is made when manufacturers add hydrogen to vegetable oil--a process called hydrogenation. Hydrogenation increases the shelf life and flavor stability of foods containing these fats. Trans fat can be found in vegetable shortenings, some margarines, crackers, cookies, snack foods, and other foods fried in or made with partially hydrogenated oils (essentially in ALL processed foods).

Since 1993 the Food and Drug Administration has required that saturated fat and dietary cholesterol be listed on food labels and beginning January 1st, 2006, the listing of trans fat will be required as well. With trans fat added to the Nutrition Facts panel on the food label, you will know for the first time how much of all three (saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol) are in the food and it will help you to make wise food choices that help reduce the risk of Coronary Heart Disease.

I = Individual Plan - To combat the hostile food environment in which we live, successful weight managers need a plan. Medifast products are portable calories. During weight loss and transition, we learn how often to eat and how much to eat. Our portion controlled meals help us to maintain our weight and health because when we are unable to prepare and eat healthily, we have the convenience of eating an ever-ready Medifast meal. Our new Preferred Customer Club – Autoship makes it possible to never run out of Medifood AND to save 5-12% on our products.

M = Monitor your weight - Weight maintenance is easier than ever before. Monitor your weight by weighing weekly or by periodically checking the fit of a body-hugging pair of jeans. Transient weight fluctuations can occur when processed foods are eaten as they contain too much sodium and not enough nutrients and antioxidants. When things get snug, incorporate a few more Medifast products. To maintain a healthy weight for a lifetime, we must make healthy food choices nearly every time we eat.

Remember, Nothing tastes as good as thin feels.

In our meetings we also learned about the advantages of the research, product development and the health network that is ours through Take Shape For Life. It is a thrilling environment to meet with Dr. Andersen, the Medical Director of TSFL and the other leaders in our industry.

We want to met YOU!
For us, on-going training is one element within a larger purpose. The greatest moments are when we open our hotel door to meet with some of our MakeMeThinner clients.

It was a magical moment to meet and to talk with Kat who has lost 59 pounds. The night before a crew was scheduled to re-carpet her home, she took time out from moving furniture to come by our hotel for a first-time visit. Kat’s face lit up as she recounted comments received from coworkers about her weight loss. Shortly afterwards, a brand new Health Advisor, her husband and several others interested in losing weight arrived to our hotel room and later that night, Carol, another successful loser arrived after driving in from North Carolina. We talked until nearly midnight. Imagine our joy to see first-hand a radiant Kat and then to meet Carol, just a matter of a few days away from reaching the 100 pound weight loss mark.

Next month the MakeMeThinner gang is happily going to Las Vegas to meet Gerald and Mike, two more of our superb and dedicated hundred pound losers. We are blessed nearly every day with stimulating conversations with you our clients and we appreciate the opportunities that are ours. This is an invigorating environment in which to work and we encourage you to visit our web site or to meet with us in person. Feel free to email me at any time and to interact via our MakeMeThinner Forum.

This is a moment of great opportunity. We have an excellent product that is designed to help you reach optimal health – determine to seize it and to be transformed.

Are you regular?
I get phone calls and inquiries from people wondering if it is all right to eat a Medifast meal after 7 PM. While a calorie is a calorie no matter what time of day that you eat it, the important thing is to eat meals every three–four hours.

Presuming that you do not over eat the recommended calories, it is totally acceptable to eat after 7 PM. There is not a magic time after which the metabolism stops working. When we are sleeping, our heart continues to beat, to circulate blood and our lungs and brains continue to function and calories are burned. Medifast meals consumed just prior to hopping into the snore sack do not have more calories than those consumed earlier in the day. Over the course of days, weeks and months, the total amount of calories consumed in relationship to the amount of energy expended determines whether or not weight is lost, maintained or gained.

Most people become calorically challenged when they skip meals during the day, come home and ravenously raid the refer for high-fat left-over pizza, grab a bag of chips, a can of squirt cheese or a carton of ice cream and a package of high sugar cookies. When a person is eating out of a container or a bag, it is difficult to keep portion sizes within reasonable amounts, making it easier to overeat.

Medifast Chocolate Pudding or the new Banana Cream Pudding is a creamy and ‘legal’ delicious meal replacement that's ideal for an evening snack to replace one of your Medifast meal replacements. Forgedda ‘bout counting the calories – it is low in fat, cholesterol free and nutritiously balanced with proper ratios of protein to low-glycemic carbs. Enjoy a late night snack and get the vitamins your body needs.

Remember, success = plan (Medifast meal replacements) + action
Medifast is a successful product; we have the successful plan for your success.
Your success will result from the action that you take (eating every 3 hours and drinking a minimum of 64 oz of water daily); from the way you live your life, moment to moment, day to day.
You can choose to make excuses for your failures, or you can choose instead to set them aside, to put forth the real effort that brings about success.

Make your choice, stick with it, and life will be whatever you choose.

The real deal
There are many weight loss programs standing by to offer you empty promises, to entice you with effortless endeavors that take your money and leave you pound foolish. Medifast has a proven track record with over 15,000 physicians across the nation and premier medical/research institutions choosing to use our products for weight loss, weight management and nutrition. Our weight loss statistics of 2-5 pounds per week are consistent and substantiated by clinical studies for over twenty years. Just last month Camille reached her goal of 70 pounds and Sylvia reached her goal of minus 74 pounds.
You have but one last opportunity to help your friends and relatives begin their last New Year ' s weight loss resolution ever by taking advantage our 4 weeks for the price of three Starter Packs. But hurry and call us because this offer expires at the end of December. The company will be closed New Year's Eve.

Refer a friend
We've all seen what happens when someone has success on the Take Shape For Life programs -- everyone else wants to know how they did it. Well, now you can earn credit toward your future food purchases simply by referring your friends to the TSFL program. When you refer a customer to us and they mention your name, TSFL will apply $10 credit to your customer account and MakeMeThinner will also give you a $25 credit when they place an order of $200 or more. Referrals must be mentioned at the time of the order and are valid only through our call center. TSFL will not be able to retroactively apply credits for referrals, nor will they be able to honor referrals sent in via e-mail or fax.

Maybe you are like the formerly flabulous me – overwhelmed by the number on the scale. I’ve had many people ask me how I allowed myself to become obese, to be out of control with my fork. In many ways, I believe it was similar to the idea behind the Frog In the Kettle; the trouble began to occur so gradually that I didn’t notice it until it was out of control. Place a frog into boiling water and it will jump out immediately because it can tell it is in a hostile environment but place a frog into a kettle of room-temperature water and it will stay there, content with its surroundings. Slowly, ever so slowly gradually increase the temperature of the water and the frog remains, unaware that the environment is changing. As the water approaches the boiling point, so is the poor old frog.

We are faced with the very real possibility of dying from weight-related diseases. We are being undermined by the encroachment of non-nutritious calorie dense food. When you let yourself become immobilized by the feeling of being overwhelmed, what happens? You end up becoming even more overwhelmed. The way to break the cycle is to step forward and take action. Even when the task is enormous, you're much better off moving forward than standing still.

Take the challenge
Dr. Andersen challenged us to become the masters of making people healthy by developing a team to change the health of millions of people – we are a movement to go! On our return flight I met and earnestly spoke with two men about improving the trilogy of their lives – their physical health, their mind and their finances - one shake at a time, it’s totally possible.
I like the byline of Mike, AKA “Explorthis” a member of the 100+ pound club and frequent poster on the MakeMeThinner Forum: “you CAN have it all, you just cannot have ALL of it.”

Each day is an opportunity to make a positive difference – don’t face it with resignation or resentment, but eagerly anticipate your success - in an instant you can go from feeling overwhelmed to being positively in control with Medifast products and the support of MakeMeThinner. Get busy, and get life going your way. Live life to its fullest!

For people on Weight Maintenance
Now that many of you have reached your optimal weight and are on maintenance, I’d like to suggest an excellent tool for your maintenance arsenal, a booklet entitled, My Daily Journal.

The booklet contains checklists to record daily calorie and fat totals, water and meal replacement products ingested, exercise plus space to record personal thoughts, feelings and notes to self regarding eating triggers.
My Daily Journal can be used for people on the weight loss phases as well as for maintenance. The two week journal contains food exchanges adapted from the American Diabetic Association and is small enough to fit inside most people’s briefcase or purse. It sells for $2.95 each.

The Shopping Cart
I want to let you know about the December 2004 product sale prices. While supplies last…

Just in time for the cold winter weather - Hot Cocoa with Marshmallows $9.99 (Regularly $12.65) It is really creamy and makes a good afternoon snack to calm your nerves before you hit the highways for the cwazy commute home. Stir a packet of Medifast Hot Cocoa into cool water until it is smooth and then nuke for a minute, give it a little stir and then nuke again for 30 sec – 1 minutes. The marshmallows get all melty. It’s good with a bit of cinnamon an nutmeg, too. Sometimes I add a teensy little drop of peppermint or spearmint extract or a dash of Irish Cream Torani sugar-free syrup – it is great! It’s hard to believe this is permitted on a weight loss plan! 110 calories & 14 grams of soy protein. Use it in place of any of the MF shakes. You may have 1 or 2 servings a day.

Instant Cappuccino $9.99 (Regularly priced at $12.65) Folks, this is really good! It is soy-free and caffeine-free so you may have it as a nightcap and still be able to doze off to Slumber land and dream of skinny days ahead! It has 100 calories and 14 grams of protein. It mixes easily with cold water and has a frothy head – just like the cappuccino they make at the green front coffee shops on every corner. It’s great heated in the nuclear box, too!

It’s legal. It’s Chocolaty. It’s cholesterol free. It’s low fat. It’s rich tasting and it’s on sale for $9.99. (Regularly priced $12.75) Chocolate Pudding is a great dessert for the holidays. When others are placquing out their arteries, spreading their hips, and enlarging their bellies by scarfing high fat, calorie-dense and transfatty acid-laced grub, you’ll be daintily enjoying a crystal goblet with Medifast Chocolate Pudding and a teensy dollop of Fat Free Cool Whip, and viewing your tiny hiney in the wall mirror…because you can! You may add a snort of almond or peppermint extract to enhance the flavor of this wonderful chocolatized puddin’. Pinkies up!

Leopard Woman is in a crazed state! Her favorite food is on sale! French Vanilla Berry Oatmeal is on sale for $10.25! (Usually $13.95). I’m having Terry order a case to go – hey, you DO know that all Medifood ordered by the case receives an additional 10% off, don’t you? LW loves French Vanilla Berry Oatmeal and has it at least twice a day. We signed up for the Preferred Customer Club and have this flave on Autoship. If you are counting your shekels please consider signing up – you’ll save 5% for the first three months; 8% for the next three months and save 12% from then on. LW likes this idea – it means more shoppage $ for skinny clothes…

Welcome to the Medifast Discount Hardware Store!
Hey, there are GREAT sale prices on health maintenance items. Add to your arsenal to get healthy and stay there with these great Take Shape tools:

Before I started Medifasting, our bathroom scale was outta sight but not outta mind. I lived in fear of what it would report about the state of my health. Once I began my weight loss journey I leaped on the old Health-o-meter every time I went to the BR but it was frustrating because the needle fluctuated so much and I couldn’t read it easily. The Take Shape Electronic scale is digital and indicates those very important tenths of a pound loss. Now on sale for $49.99 (regularly priced at $73.00). An accurate scale is a must for weight maintenance, as well as weight loss. Write this on your CHRISTmas gift wish list…

Got high blood pressure, Bunky? Not for long! As you Medifast away your flabbage, most likely your blood pressure medications will be significantly reduced or totally eliminated. Our Take Shape Blood Pressure Monitor is on sale for half price at $34.99 (regularly priced at $69.00). Be still my beating heart – it measures your pulse rate, too. What a great deal!

When you’re standing around at a holiday cocktail party, avoiding the Hors’ Douvres, you can enliven the small talk conversations by coyly mentioning your declining body fat. The Take Shape Body Composition Analyzer measures body fat in 5 seconds flat. This would make a great stocking stuffer, half-priced at $19.99 (regularly priced at $39.00).

The old MakeMeThinner Cottage is gettin’ modernized. We’re recycling our 35 year old toxic mercury-filled glass thermometer and replacing it with the Take Shape Digital Ear Thermometer. Sale priced at $24.99, regularly $49.00. We just found out that Leopard Woman is going to be a Grammy this summer so she and Papa Terry are putting a digital ear thermometer in our daughter’s CHRISTmas stocking. Shh…don’t tell!

For those of you who may want a simple way to take your temperature, the Take Shape Digital Thermometer is also sale priced for just $2.99 (Regularly priced at $5.95).

Often the holidays are a time to reflect on the year’s blessings and MakeMeThinner truly has been blessed. Most of all, we are grateful to have you as our Customer.

My husband Terry and I have enormously enjoyed the opportunity to meet many of you and to express our pleasure in seeing first hand your weight loss success. It reaffirms my conviction that Medifast is a wonderful product with a truly great future ahead.


Medifast/Take Shape for Life are registered trade marks of Jason Enterprises, Inc.
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         Medifast/Take Shape for Life are registered trade marks of Jason Enterprises, Inc.

Copyright 2003 Terry Pettit 
Certified Health Advisor No. 9232

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Medifast low calorie diets require physician monitoring to minimize the potential for health risks.
A regular or certified Health Advisor is not a substitute for a physician or a qualified medical practitioner for monitoring patients using Medifast low calorie products


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